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Farm Animals.

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1 Farm Animals

2 Guess what farm animal I am?
You can get wool from my coat. My babies are called lambs. I begin with the sound ‘sh’.

3 Guess what farm animal I am?
I begin with the sound ‘g’ Males are called Billys, females are called Nannys, and children are called kids. We will eat anything!

4 Guess what farm animal I am?
You can get milk from me? I begin with the sound ‘c’. My babies are called calves.

5 Guess what farm animal I am?
You can get eggs from me. I begin with the sound ‘h’. My babies are called chicks.

6 Guess what farm animal I am?
My babies are called foals. People ride on my back. I begin with the sound ‘h’.

7 Guess what farm animal I am?
I look like a small horse. I begin with the sound ‘d’. You can ride on me when you visit the seaside.

8 Do you know any more animals who live on a farm?

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