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Jacobins Party of the Revolution

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1 Jacobins Party of the Revolution
Originally a club for the French elite Initially moderate reformers, became violent to anyone who opposed them Formed Committee of Public Safety Enforced conservative views by using the guillotine

2 Jean Paul Marat Jacobin journalist who wrote in his paper, names of Girondists to be killed Wanted any opponent of radicalism to be killed Skin condition (from living in sewers) caused him to soak in tub most hours of the day Murdered by Charlotte Corday

3 Girondins Moderate Republicans who were educated, middle class
Wanted war with Austria Became opponents of Robespierre Faction dissolved after they were unable to prevent trial and execution of the king Target of persecutions by Jacobins, specifically Mountain

4 Sans Culottes Working class, refused to wear the ‘breeches’ of the wealthy thus, the name (which literally means ‘no pants’) Anti-rich, therefore, anti-king Radical republicans who wanted direct democracy Considered savages by

5 Bourgeoisie Wealthy, educated members of the 3rd estate (thus they paid all the taxes) King had denied them nobility status (which would have exempted them from taxes) Demanded a written constitution, and formed a national guard Participated in revolution for themselves, not the masses

6 Fueillant Politically moderate branch of the Jacobins
Supported the King and wanted a Constitutional Monarchy Included 264 ex-Jacobin members

7 Mountain radical Jacobins Noted for their democratic outlook
Montagnards controlled the government during the climax of the Revolution in 1793–94 sat on the higher benches of the assembly Against the King, imposed policy of terror Ultimately led Robespierre to his downfall and execution

8 Robespierre Originally, wanted democracy and found for the poor
Helped write Dec of Rights of Man Rose to power by killing his enemies Led the Reign of Terror, killing 40,000 people in 15 months Eventually executed

9 September Massacres King was married to the Austrian princess Marie Antionette Prussian (Austrian) army was marching into France to restore Louis to the throne Opponents of the Revolution had been thrown in jail Jacobins did NOT want them released, so they broke into the jails and killed them all 3 day wave of chaos and mob violence Then moved on to killing Girondins and over 200 priests (they also supported king) Also sent message to Prussians “don’t mess with us, we’re crazy”

10 Charlotte Corday Girondin who supported the King
Was distraught over the September Massacres and Reign of Terror Saw Marat as the source of evil and discord in France Felt he was responsible for the deaths of thousands Believed killing Marat would end the Terror and preserve the Revolution Stabbed him in his tub She was tried, convicted and guillotined in 4 days

11 Phrygian Cap Represented freedom and patriotism
Radical Revolutionaries (jacobins) began wearing them after the Storming of the Bastille

12 Tri-Colore Revolutionary flag of France Three colors represent
Liberty Equality Fraternity (brotherhood) Used following the Storming of the Bastille


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