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Cold War Timeline A quick overview of some important moments in the decades-long, (mostly) non-violent conflict between the United States and the Soviet.

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Presentation on theme: "Cold War Timeline A quick overview of some important moments in the decades-long, (mostly) non-violent conflict between the United States and the Soviet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cold War Timeline A quick overview of some important moments in the decades-long, (mostly) non-violent conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union.

2 June – Marshall Plan: The U.S. helps rebuild western Europe. They would spend over $12 billion and it works incredibly well. 1947

3 June 24 – Berlin Blockade: The Soviet Union blocked all the supplies from coming into West Berlin. The allies used the Berlin Airlift to overcome the blockade. 1948

4 U.S. Involvement in Korean War: Helped the South Koreans against the North Koreans. The war ends in a stalemate.

5 1956 June 29 – Interstate Highway and Defense Act: Federal government funds highway construction, American people start to travel by car.

6 October 4 – Sputnik Launched: Americans realize that they are losing the Space Race and that the Soviet Union could launch nuclear weapons. 1957

7 1962 October – Cuban Missile Crisis: USSR sends nukes to Cuba. US and USSR barely avoid nuclear war.

8 US Involvement in the Vietnam War: The United States comes to the aid of South Vietnam against the Communist North Vietnamese. In total 53,000 Americans will be killed and this is the first war that the U.S. has ever lost.

9 1968 October – Richard Nixon Intervenes in Vietnam: Worried that peace in Vietnam would ruin his chance to win the 1968 presidential election, Nixon encourages S. Vietnam to abandon negotiations. A deal to end the fighting was just hours away.

10 July 20 – Moon Landing: Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin land on the moon. They are the first humans to do so, and it illustrates that the U.S. has beaten the Soviet Union in the race to space. 1969

11 1974 August – Resignation of President Nixon: When Nixon is forced to turn over the Oval Office tapes, he realizes his attempt to cover up his involvement in the Watergate scandal has failed. He resigns before he could be impeached.

12 November – Fall of the Berlin Wall: The East German government collapses, and the Wall is (mostly) torn down. It is the symbolic end to the Cold War, and Germany is finally reunited into one country. 1989

13 August – Fall of the Soviet Union, End of Cold War: The USSR breaks up as Communism stops working. It officially ends the Cold War between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. 1991

14 Cold War Vocabulary This will count as the essential vocabulary for the Cold War Unit You will have approx. 25 minutes to work on these definitions in class. Work on getting QUALITY definitions from the textbook.

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