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BELL QUIZ 1) What war to “stop the spread of communism” was fought in Asia for 23 years? (Page 728) 2)Name two reforms of Mikhail Gorbachev’s “perestroika.”

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Presentation on theme: "BELL QUIZ 1) What war to “stop the spread of communism” was fought in Asia for 23 years? (Page 728) 2)Name two reforms of Mikhail Gorbachev’s “perestroika.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 BELL QUIZ 1) What war to “stop the spread of communism” was fought in Asia for 23 years? (Page 728) 2)Name two reforms of Mikhail Gorbachev’s “perestroika.” (Page 849) 3)In what year was the Cold War officially over? (Page 849) 4)In what year was the Berlin Wall torn down? (Page 850) 5)What was the purpose of the “Alliance for Progress” organization? (Page 680)

2 BELL QUIZ ANSWERS 1) Vietnam War 2) Private enterprise, democratic government, less government control of the economy. 3) 1992 4) 1989 5) Partially to help underdeveloped foreign countries to modernize and partially to keep them from turning to Communism.

3 BELL QUIZ: PAGES 848-49 1)In 1985 who was elected as the new leader of the Soviet Union (General Secretary of the Communist Party)? 2)Why were economic reforms initiated in the Soviet Union? 3)What treaty allowed the Soviet Union and the U.S to inspect each others military installations? 4)Who became the elected President of Russia in 1991? 5)What did the SALT II Treaty accomplish?

4 BELL QUIZ ANSWERS 1)Mikhail Gorbachev 2)The Soviet Union’s economy was struggling and couldn’t keep up with the U.S. in military spending. Better relationships with the U.S. would allow the Soviets to reduce their military spending. 3)INF Treaty (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty). 4)Boris Yelstin 5)Treaty between the U.S. and Russia reducing each nation’s nukes by 2/3.

5 PEACE CORPS An organization of volunteers created by President Kennedy to develop nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. By 1968 there were more than 35,000 volunteers in 60 countries helping in various ways. Why? If we help then maybe their government will not turn to communism…like Cuba.

6 ALLIANCE FOR PROGRESS Another foreign aid program to offer economic and technical assistance to Latin American countries. U.S. invested $12 billion between 1961-1969. Why? Develop and reform Latin American countries and keep them from turning to communism.

7 RACE TO THE MOON 12 years after the Soviets launched Sputnik and 8 years after the soviets put a man into space, the U.S. bettered the soviets by successfully landing on the moon. July 20, 1969 astronaut Neil Armstrong walks on the moon.

8 VIETNAM In 1950 the U.S. begins to help France fight back against the communist in Vietnam by sending $15 million in aide. In 1954 the French are driven out of Vietnam. The U.S. stays to “stop the spread of communism.” Escalation of U.S. troops in 1965. The U.S. leaves in 1973. Vietnam completely falls to communism in March 1975.

9 REALPOLITIK Realpolitik=“political realism” The U.S. began using the idea in terms of how we deal with foreign countries. Evaluate a nations power, not its philosophy or beliefs. If a country was weak then it was more practical to ignore that country, even if it was communist.

10 DETENTE Détente=flexible approach at easing Cold War tensions instead of the use of Brinkmanship.

11 SALT I TREATY In 1972 President Nixon travels to Moscow, the first U.S. president to visit the Soviet capital. Nixon and the Soviets sign the SALT I treaty=5 year agreement limiting the number of ICBM’s and submarine missiles.

12 SALT II TREATY SALT II Treaty dies in 1979 when President Carter refuses to sign it when the Soviets invade Afghanistan. SALT II would have limited the number of nuclear weapons and launchers.

13 SDI: STRATEGIC DEFENSE INITIATIVE Most commonly referred to as “Star Wars.” President Reagan began developing the system in 1983. Reagan spent billions on the project and doubled the Defense Department’s budget. SDI system is still not completely developed.

14 Mikhail Gorbachev Gorbachev came to power in the Soviet Union in 1985. A) Glasnost=“openness” Allows for partial freedom of speech and freedom of the press. B) Perestroika=restructuring soviet society towards democracy and capitalism. *Allows some private businesses and removes government price and production controls.

15 FALL OF THE BERLIN WALL In 1989 Gorbachev tells East Germany they are independent of Soviet rule and he will not stop East Berliners from crossing over into West Berlin. East Germany and West Germany unite and the wall is torn down by the citizens of Germany on November 11, 1989.

16 SOVIET UNION DISSOLVES In 1991 Gorbachev tells all the Soviet satellite countries that they are free to rule as they please. 14 non-Russian republics declare their independence from the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union dissolves.

17 BORIS YELTSIN Yeltsin takes over in late 1991 and continues with Gorbachev’s reforms. In February 1992 he and President Bush declare an official end to the Cold War. SALT II treaty is signed in 1993 reducing the number of nukes on both sides.

18 MORE SOVIET REFORMS In December 1993 Russian voters installed a new parliament and approved a new constitution similar to the U.S. Constitution.

19 COLD WAR THEMES 5 Minute Writing Class Discussion: Write them down on the white board

20 COLD WAR THEMES 1)The U.S. is willing to do whatever it takes to stop the spread of communism. 2)U.S. vs. Soviet Union (competition for supremacy). 3)The world lives in fear by being brought to the edge of a nuclear war. 4)The fear of communism taking over the U.S. resulted in paranoia, violations of civil rights, security changes, and a military arms race.

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