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Kick-off Meeting Agenda

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Presentation on theme: "Kick-off Meeting Agenda"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kick-off Meeting Agenda
Welcome to UC Kuali Kick-off Meeting Agenda Roll call and introductions (Neil) Goals and mission of the meeting (Carmen) Introduce our tools (Jason) Campus updates (campus representatives) Future meetings – frequency, durations (Carmen)

2 Introductions All are welcome – functional, technical, interested parties Roll call and introductions

3 Goals and mission Goals and mission of the meeting:
To facilitate campus Kuali participation To share information, statuses, interest at each of the campuses To provide a central place for collaboration Kuali is the name given to the modular financial accounting system that is being developed using tghe community source development model. Designed for and by colleges and universities A community source application (coordinating work within a community re: roles/resp are defined, and funded commitments by the community memebers open source - refers to programs for which the licenses allow users to freely access, install, and the the software KFS w/b a conversion of the IU FIS system to the WEB w/enhancements id'd by development partners. kuali is a malayhsian term for wok, an indispensable kitchen utensil in the Asian culture.

4 Tools The following tools are available for UC Kuali communities:
lists – sign up on UC Kuali lists (i.e. KC, Kuali Rice hosted at UCSD) UC Kuali web site – public facing web site describing information on UC Kuali projects and contacts (hosted at UCSD) UC Kuali wiki space (hosted at UCLA) The Kuali Foundation is a collaborative effort to develop financial, research, endowment, and student administrative computing systems. UC joined Kuali in July 2006 3 campuses, 2 medical centers & UCOP are currently engaged Irvine, Davis, Santa Barbara UC member on Kuali Board, functional council, tech board,and UC has contributeed development resources

5 Campus reports Overview of the implementation status document

6 Future meetings Do people want to meet again?
Frequency of meetings, dates? Duration of meetings?

7 Future topics See 2/17/2010 meeting agenda for future topics

8 Questions/Comments?

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