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Constitution Day!!! Sweet!!!.

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Presentation on theme: "Constitution Day!!! Sweet!!!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Constitution Day!!! Sweet!!!

2 Constitutional Convention

3 The US Constitution The fundamental or organic law of the U.S., framed in 1787 by the Constitutional Convention. It went into effect March 4, 1789. Within a few pages, a government, a nation, and a national identity were born!!

4 The US Constitution is based on basic principles and guidelines
Separation of Powers Popular Rule/ Sovereignty Checks and Balances Federalism Mixed Term Lengths Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branch Bill of Rights (rights of the people) and….

5 Amendments!! What is an amendment?

6 Amendment? A constitutional amendment is a change to the constitution of a nation or a state Amendments require a special procedure different from that used for enacting ordinary laws. The framers of the Constitution were aware that changes would be necessary if the Constitution was to endure as the nation grew.

7 The Amendment Process Amendments must be proposed and then they must be ratified Must have a two-thirds majority vote in both houses of Congress. It must also be approved by three-fourths of states ; this is the process of ratification (must be approved by state legislature).

8 Notable Amendments What is the 1st Amendment?

9 1st Amendment Right to freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom of petition. What is the 3rd Amendment?

10 3rd Amendment Prohibits the government from using private homes as quarters for soldiers during peacetime without the consent of the owners. Remember the Quartering Act!!! What is the 7th Amendment?

11 7th Amendment Assures trial by jury. What is the 13th Amendment?

12 13th Amendment Abolishes slavery! What is the 19th Amendment?

13 19th Amendment Prohibits the federal government and the states from forbidding any citizen to vote, gave women the right to vote! What is the 21st Amendment?

14 21st Amendment Repeals Eighteenth Amendment. Permits states to prohibit the importation of alcoholic beverages. (You still must be 21 to drink ) How many Amendments are in the US constitution?

15 Now its your turn!! In your group you will create an Amendment to the Class Constitution. First on a piece of paper write 3 ideas for an amendment you would want in the Constitution. (It can be anything you want as long as it doesn’t violate the school handbook!)

16 Next Then pick your favorite and write 3 to 5 sentences arguing why it should be an Amendment. Start this paragraph with, “We the people of Mr. Davis’ class”. Then list 2 reasons why it would be a good Amendment. And also list 1 reasons why it might be a bad Amendment.

17 We will vote on these Amendments!
The class will vote, your Amendment must have a two-thirds majority vote. And also the signature of Mr. Davis to be passed into law. Group that gets the most votes gets candy!!!

18 You can do it!!!

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