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Canada Rebecca Pierce.

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1 Canada Rebecca Pierce

2 Languages spoken in Canada
The most spoken languages in Canada are English and French. The reason these languages are spoken is because in the 1900s Canada was colonized by the British and French.

3 Canada’s government Canada has a federal government system. The type of citizen participation Canada has is parliamentary democracy. This means that the citizens can vote for representatives. Then the reps, pick the prime minister. Having a federal government means it shares power between the national gov’t, ten provinces, and 3 territories.

4 Canada’s economy Canada’s economy is a mixed market economy. This means that the businesses make most of the decisions and the government makes some decisions.

5 Roles of the leaders Head of state Queen Elizabeth ll
Her responsibilities are limited to symbolic ,mostly ceremonial acts Chief of state Justin Trudeau His responsibilities are taking care of the government and most of the important things

6 Natural Resources Timber Iron Fishing Silver Oil

7 Physical map of Canada

8 North American free trade agreement
NAFTA is a free trade agreement between North America, Mexico, and Canada. NAFTA is important for Canada because it provides jobs, and boost economic growth. also it lowers prices for customers.

9 Where most people live Most people live in the south of Canada, near the border of Canada and North America. Some of the reasons why most people live in the south of Canada is because of trade and weather. The weather is warmer in the south than in the north. Also trade is easier because the south is near the border of the U.S which is good, than if you were trading in the north because of the cold weather.

10 Environmental issues in Canada
Acid rain is one environmental issue in Canada. What causes acid rain is factory smoke, and car emissions which causes pollution that mixes in with the water in the clouds. The affects of acid rain cause fish to die, ruined forests, and ruins vegetation. The efforts that are being done are to protect clean areas from degradation, and reduce Sulphur dioxide emissions in eastern Canada and the U.S.

11 Pictures of Canada

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