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Italian Unification The Coliseum Leaning Tower of Pisa Venice Verona

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1 Italian Unification The Coliseum Leaning Tower of Pisa Venice Verona

2 A Brief History of Italy
Last time Italy was united was before the fall of the Roman Empire! For hundred of years Italy was separate states with different governments When Napoleon invaded Italy he tried to unite the country and failed The Congress of Vienna divides Italy again Congress of Vienna creates political boundaries that ignore national/ethnic groups Many Italians are governed by Austria and hate it!


4 Stirrings of Nationalism
Nationalism spread by writing and music Giuseppe Verdi - composes operas Giuseppe Mazzini - leader of Young Italy Verdi Verdi - his operas inspire unification, most famous = “Nabucco”, his operas become a type of national anthem Mazzini - exiled because of nationalistic ideas, famous for smuggling patriotic pamphlets into Italy, many young Italians follow (Young Italy = 1831) Mazzini

5 The Path Toward Unity = many unsuccessful attempts to unify through rebellion Camillo di Cavor - Il Risorgimento Cavor becomes prime minister of independent Kingdom of Sardinia and creates and alliance with France to overthrow Austria

6 Unifying Italy Giuseppe Garibalidi Joins Young Italy 1833
Establishes “Red Shirts” controls southern peninsula total unification Exiled twice and learns guerilla warfare in South America


8 Challenges After Unification
Social and economic problems Poverty+unemployment+ taxes = violent riots Catholic Church does not see Italy as legit nation 1880s - Italians begin to move to America Voting reforms Begin to industrialize Triple Alliance Political unification does not imply other types of unification Most adult males can vote Northern Italy industrializes - limit work hours, child labor laws, improve transportation Triple Alliance - Italy, Germany, Austria-Hungary Important

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