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Field day 2018.

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1 Field day 2018

2 Our Olympic Field Days will be Friday, March 23 Fifth Grade from 8:45-11:15 Fourth Grade from 12:00-2:30 Tuesday, March 27 Third Grade from 9:00-11:30 Parents are invited to join the homerooms as they rotate through our events. Siblings are not allowed, due to safety and lack of space. Each Olympic game will be managed by National Junior Honor Society students from Madisonville Junior High.

3 OLYMPIC ATHLETES SHOULD:. arrive thru the cafeteria on time
OLYMPIC ATHLETES SHOULD: *arrive thru the cafeteria on time *wear appropriate tennis shoes for participating in activities *apply sunscreen at home *bring hats and sunglasses *remember to be safe and have fun


5 Let the Games begin!

6 High Dive Students will kneel on the chair holding a clothes pin. The student must drop the clothes pin in the container. The team with the most clothes pins in the container wins.

7 Discus Throw Students will throw disc through the rings on the tetherball pole.

8 Triple Jump The students will run, hop right, hop left, and jump onto the broad jump mat to measure their distance.

9 Basketball Students play Around the World, by dividing into five groups, starting at numbered spots. To advance to the next spot, students must make successful shot. If students miss their shot, they go to the back of the line.

10 Torch Relay Student will carry the torch around the cone and back, handing it off to the next teammate.

11 Javelin Throw Students will throw the noodle into the hula-hoop.

12 Tennis With tennis ball between knees the students will go around the cone, then pass to teammate on chair. No hands allowed.

13 Ping Pong Bouncing ball on paddle while walking around the cone.

14 Power Pull Students will play tug-a-war.

15 Taekwondo Students will kick ball balanced on cone towards the target on the bricks.

16 Sailing Partners will hold sail above their heads running around the cone and back, then giving the sail to the next two people.

17 Equestrian Jumping Using noodle “horses” the students will jump over the hurdles.

18 Adrenaline Rush With socks only the students will race through the obstacle course. Students can only enter when directed.

19 All American Café Hydrate, Rest, Bathroom, & Treat

20 Have Fun!

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