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Product Information Management (PIM) Americas Implementation Update

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1 Product Information Management (PIM) Americas Implementation Update
Create Enrich Approve Organize/Paginate Publish/Export

2 The Plan Switched direction in May 2016
Working with implementation partner to get initial structure and data upload in place Ensures consistency across business groups Adheres to global structure Reduce initial demand on local resources Accelerated, simultaneous roll-out to DSS Standardize product data across brands Audit 27 brands Standardized data model & Accelerate deployments/Data load Why the direction changed: 1. Lessons learned during the EMSO pilot implantation. 2. VOC feedback show we need standardization of product information. 3. Marketing initiatives like the EAC catalog require standardization of data model and information. 4. The product audit was conducted by a 3rd party to reduce impact on internal resources. 5. The standardized implementation will make configuration, data-load, integration and training a quicker process – faster, simultaneous roll-out. 6. A standardized PIM will be easier to integration with any future Global PIM.

3 Where we are Product Information Audit - COMPLETE
Data Modeling – WORK IN PROGRESS Blueprint Mapping – WORK IN PROGRESS Governance & AMI Configuration Training Data Migration/Import & Data Review Integration (upstream & downstream)/Channel Exports Future Refinement & Customization Product Information Audit will never be a 100%, but we feel we capture 95% of the datamodel needs. We will continue to update as we review with the businesses. Data modeling draft has been completed, but we are currently refining based on initial feedback. Again, this will be work in progress as we review with the business. The blueprint process is essentially the instructions for how our PIM will be configured and set the governance for how it is to be utilized/integrated. While training is shown as the 5th step of the implementation, there will be some basic training which will need to happen as solicit feedback from the businesses. Some integration work has already begun… OneWeb is in process – trying to determine the best integration option to support current and future needs. eCatalog integration is complete, but only with HES data. App design and product info layout is still under review. InDesign integration complete (Creative Cloud) Future Refinement & Customization Integration/ Channel Exports Data Import & Review Training Governance & AMI Configuration Blueprint Mapping Data Modeling Product Information Audit

4 Product Information Audit - COMPLETE
Product information audit of 27 DSS brands Used websites and catalogs for taxonomy and as main source of information And… Price Lists, PRO-TECH, Mobile Apps, Sell-Sheets, Price Books, EAC Templates, Customer Export Requests, Data Mart From these sources, generated master list of product categories, series, models, SKU’s, attributes and choice/options information master list of asset and relationship types first draft of recommendations Feedback and draft data model to be presented to business units Quick notes: 109 product categories, 13 object levels (i.e., group, brand, product category, product line, model, etc.), 140 global attributes (i.e., product name, short description, height, width, etc.), over 800 product classification specific attributes (i.e., handing, material, frame size, function, etc.) This information will also be very helpful when marketing establishes standardized catalog, webpage, and marketing collateral content layouts (i.e., features, benefits, specification, optional features, etc. content blocks).

5 Data Modeling – WORK IN PROGRESS
Vendor will outline: Master taxonomy and product classification identification Object types (brands, categories, user groups, assets, etc.) Product Attributes & Sets, choice lists Status attributes (new, pending, discontinued, approved for publication, etc.) Digital asset types (and relationships) to support data User roles, groups and permissions Basic workflows for reviewing and approving products Data model presented to business units for feedback/modifications The data modeling process will help use determine all the object levels to be created in PIM. The data model will allow for us to standardized the attribute assignments and inheritance. The data model will determine how user groups, roles, permissions and workflows will be created.

6 Blueprint Mapping – WORK IN PROGRESS
Vendor to: Outline best data model for business and standardization of product information Develop migration plan for product information Create high-level integration architecture and process flow Create basic workflow design for information approval Develop enterprise implementation plan for internal and external resources Create project timeline with specific goals and milestones The blueprint process is essentially the instructions for how our PIM will be configured and set the governance for how it is to be utilized/integrated. This blueprint will also contain a proposed timeline, estimated impact on internal & external resources, training plan, system/integration architecture. This will help determine some high-level workflows for initial data load and approval.

7 Governance & AMI Configuration
Setup data model and blueprint plan standard users, roles, groups, permissions basic approval workflows & tasks standardized list structure, product classifications and asset types initial attributes, attribute sets and publishing blocks standard output channels (publication, export, InDesign, etc.) page template views (catalog design, web pages, mobile app) Once the data model and blueprint are approved we will begin configuration of the PIM system and the AMI interface. The goal is to have all the base functionality setup and designed to accommodate 85% of the business needs. Since the blueprint maps out the standardized setup there will be minimal impact on business resources. The vendor and Wayne will be handling most of the configuration. Any business/brand specific customization will be completed after the initial implementation (customized workspaces, channel specific previews, workflows, specialized exports, etc.). Completion of the set up will initiate the training and data load phases.

8 Training Available Training manuals, quick docs and user training schedule Basic and power user AMI user training Basic Pagebuilder template training (Creative Services, Designers) Admin power user training Governance system overview Vendor will develop training process and knowledge transfer. This could include onsite/offsite training or train-the-trainer options. There might be some training in earlier implementation steps. This may be required to insure the proper feedback in order to determine the data model and system configuration. The goal will be to have training documents, vendor online help desk, in-application help links and detail admin specific training documents.

9 Data Migration/Import & Data Review
Where does your product information live? Identify any possible sources of product information (even if just Excel files) Migration of data from other applications (export/import) Possible data import from PRO-TECH database How can it be uploaded? Upload template for mass upload of data (Excel spreadsheets) Direct data entry via AMI workspaces (internal or external resources) Extracted/scraped from websites, InDesign files and/or PDFs Data review and approval Once the system is configured we will be able to create data load templates, identify data source locations and possible automated processes to reduce impact on internal resources. We will also create easy to use AMI workspaces for users to enter data and approve. The goal will be to identify any possible data load or migration efficiencies. We will also identify any possible import data quality assurance/review processes.

10 Integration/Channel Exports
What can be driven by the data initially? OneWeb websites: in process eCatalog: 80% complete Standardized XML exports for customers Create automated and user initiated exports via AMI interface (no dependency on admin or IT) Some integration work has already begun… OneWeb is in process – trying to determine the best integration option to support current and future needs. eCatalog integration is complete, but only with HES data. App design and product info layout is still under review. InDesign integration complete (Creative Cloud). We have also created some customized import and export for XML, JSON and Excel. We have started research onintegrating with WebShop. We will also begin investigating integration with ERP andPRO-TECH.

11 Future Refinement & Customization
Refinement of brand-specific objects/assets attributes Creation of publishing blocks for specific channels/exports basic and advanced InDesign templates role specific workspaces workflows for groups, brands, processes user/group specific tasks and notifications Integration with other applications (i.e. Pro-Tech, Extranet, customer portals) Once the initial implementation is complete we will work with the businesses to add group/brand/product specific workspaces, workflows, integration, custom reporting, continued integration with other systems. This will most likely be completed via an project request/intake process. The goal will be to keep evolving the system to meet the changing business or customer needs.

12 High-level Timeline This is a high-level timeline for the first 3 implementation steps. The rest of the timeline will be dependent on the agreed upon the complexity of the data model and blueprint.

13 Back to… …Voice of the Customer Kris
A uniform, consistent catalog layout across brands ‘makes a lot of sense’ Consistency of nomenclature, definitions & general information across brands is desired Kris …Voice of the Customer

14 Easy transition between brands
A uniform, consistent catalog layout across brands ‘makes a lot of sense’ Easy transition between brands It’s hard to know which brands are yours because there is no consistent look between your catalogs. I can go to Allegion and they all look the same, inside and out. Look how they have a red stripe across the spine to show that they all belong side by side on the shelf. [If ASSA ABLOY made them the same, would it take away their brand identity?] Who cares? I don’t care if you’re Sargent, if you’re this or if you’re that. I want to know if you’re ASSA ABLOY. If I have an issue, I’m going to ASSA, not some underling or subsidiary company. (Northwest Contract Hardware Distributor) [What would you think about a standard format?] I think it would be a plus. Yeah, for people that are creeping up on senility like I am, there would be some relearning to do, but when things are consistent within a product family and the product family for ASSA ABLOY is Arrow and Yale and Corbin Russwin and Sargent and so on, that having consistency in how to find things. (So. Cal University) I think [unifying the look of the catalogs] is a little bit of a double edged sword. There are definitely people that have negative responses to how Sargent does it so they just don’t want to touch it. So if you could bring that one along a little bit, and the format is the same across all these brands, they could make better decisions. Because now for the customer, it’s like, ‘ok, I’ve only got 20 minutes to bid this job so I’m going to use the easy [brands].’ (DSS Northwest) vs. Kris

15 Consistency of nomenclature, definitions & general information across brands is desired
Do it the same! Sargent has always been a nightmare … The Sargent nomenclature is totally different than everybody else’s. A Sargent exit device can have a number that is THIS long with all the prefixes… (Kansas City Wholesale Distributor) [Exits] Which brand we talking about, in general? They all have exits, it’s just inconsistent. With Sargent a 36” is an F, it’s a letter. The nomenclature for the product line just doesn’t make sense. To me Adams Rite is easier then Sargent … Sargent is just… it’s their nomenclature and that’s going to be difficult to change, but when you use a letter instead of a number for size, that doesn’t even make sense in our world… (DSS So. Cal) Exits can get confusing because they have the electrical stuff there at the end and it does make a difference, you have to know what you’re looking for because some of them need different stuff and some of them don’t because you have to change the body. Sargent is real weird about the parts to change stuff, they have different chassis for the different exits and it’s always different. (DSS Mid-Continent) Kris

16 Taking the Next Step: PIM is the Enabler for Consistency
New Task Force Explore Data consistency Features vs. specifications Common templates cross brand Catalogs? Web sites? Collateral Pieces (sell sheets, play books, presentations) Kris

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