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By: Brennan Walker, Mohamad Osman, Rodney Robinson

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1 By: Brennan Walker, Mohamad Osman, Rodney Robinson
Lithosphere By: Brennan Walker, Mohamad Osman, Rodney Robinson

2 Definition The Lithosphere is the rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle

3 The Lithosphere vocab Crust Mantle Upper Mantle Outer core Inner core

4 The Crust It includes both dry land and ocean floor
Layer of earth's outer skin. The crust is three to four miles deep

5 The Mantle Layer of solid, hot rock 25 miles beneath the surface.
The Mantle is divided into 3 parts. The Lithosphere is the uppermost part of the mantle. The Asthenosphere is below the Lithosphere and is the softer part of the Mantle. The final layer of the mantle is the Lower Mantle, which leads to the core of the Earth.

6 Inside The Core The Core is made of iron and nickel.
It has 2 parts inside the earth. Those parts our the Outer Core and Inner Core. The Outer Core covers the Inner Core, and is the layer of molten metal. The Inner Core is surrounded by the molten metal known as the Outer Core and is a dense hot solid metal.

7 Plate Tectonics a theory where the outer rigid layer is broken up into different plates that moves across the earth. When the edges of the plates meet, its called plate boundaries. The 3 types of plate boundaries are Transform Boundary, Convergent Boundary and Divergent Boundary.


9 Transform Boundary Transform Boundaries are plates that slip past each other moving in opposite directions.

10 Divergent Boundary The Divergent Boundaries are plates that split apart, creating a Mid-Ocean Ridge.

11 Convergent Boundary Convergent Boundaries are when 2 plates come into each other creating mountain ranges and one might go under the other and create a ocean trench.

12 Volcano Is a mountain that has a crater which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas that erupts from the earths crust. There are 5 different types of Volcanoes. Dormant Volcano Shield Volcano Extinct Volcano Cinder Cone Volcano Composite Volcano

13 Dormant Volcano 1 that has not erupted recently but predicted to erupt again Ex. Mt St. Helens

14 Shield Volcano A domed volcano with sloping slides, eruption of fluid, basaltic lava. Ex. Mauna Loa

15 Extinct Volcano Not erupted for at least 10,000 years and it’s not expected to erupt again Ex. Yellowstone Caldera

16 Cinder Cone Volcano Steep hill that has glassy volcanic Fragments that collects around from a volcanic vent Ex. Paricutin

17 Composite Volcano Volcano built up by many layers of hardened lava, tephra, pumice, and volcanic ash. Ex. Mount Fuji

18 Earthquakes An earthquake is when the ground shakes and vibrates due to the movement of the earth’s crust.

19 Points of Earthquakes Seismic waves are waves that transport energy of an earthquake away from the focus. Focus- is under the earth surface for when the rock breaks, it causes an earthquake. Epicenter- is right above the focus point.

20 Test Questions What is an example of a dormant volcano Mt St. Helens
Etna Manam Dukono

21 Test Questions What is an example of a dormant volcano Mt St. Helens
Etna Manam Dukono

22 Test Questions 2. What is a convergent boundary.
when 2 plates come into each other creating mountain ranges and one might go under the other and create a ocean trench. When a linear feature that exist between two that are moving away from each other. A type of fault whose relative motion is predominantly horizontal

23 Test Questions 2. What is a convergent boundary.
when 2 plates come into each other creating mountain ranges and one might go under the other and create a ocean trench. When a linear feature that exist between two that are moving away from each other. A type of fault whose relative motion is predominantly horizontal

24 Test Questions 3. True or False is the Mantle the layer of hot solid rock beneath the earth. True False

25 Test Questions 3. True or False is the Mantle the layer of hot solid rock beneath the earth. True False

26 Test Questions 4. What is the name of an extinct volcano
Yellowstone Caldera Mt St. Helens Dukono Manam

27 Test Questions 4. What is the name of an extinct volcano
Yellowstone Caldera Mt St. Helens Dukono Manam

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