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Volunteer Boards & Elections Process

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2 Volunteer Boards & Elections Process
Valerie Hillow Gates Ohio University Women’s Club of Cleveland

3 “Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they have the heart.”
Quote about volunteers Always a great thing to keep in mind

4 Legacy of Leadership: OUWC
Founded in 1939 – why 79 years of leadership! History of excellence with a clear purpose/mission 41 years of endowment upperclass scholarships given

5 Purpose & History Purpose of the Club is friendly service to the University, provision of a scholarship fund, and promotion of social contacts across the club’s members 44 women make up the Past Presidents “Advisory Council” with 27 still alive and participating!

6 Board of Directors and Roles of Offices
Executive Board Standing Committee Chairs Section Leaders

7 Nominating Process/Timeline
Committee: Past President, Membership Secretary & at least one member-at-large Nominations occur between February and May, with formal Nomination of the Slate presented at May Luncheon and published in Spring Newsletter Terms begin with new fiscal year

8 Officer Election and Installation Ceremony
At our annual Spring Luncheon in May, we present the Slate and do an Officer Installation Ceremony, which is led by a Past President, or OUAA Board/Foundation Board Member from our Club. Per our by-laws, we need at least 20 members present to approve the slate.

9 Roles and Expectations
Board of Directors meets minimum of 3x per year, face to face, with additional phone meetings as needed for specific timely topics, led by President. Minutes are taken and turned into OUAA by Recording Secretary. Standing committees meet a few times per year, as needed for their roles, as well as Section Chairs.

10 Annual Calendar Annual Fall Luncheon & Auction (our largest fundraiser for scholarships) – Nov Annual Spring Luncheon – May Annual Philanthropic Night – Jan Other Fundraising Event – varies Cross promote other events in the area Section Social Events – typically 4 times per year, per section (book club, painting night, garden party, blueberry picking, Indians game, play tickets)

11 Changing with the times…
Annual Board Kickoff Retreat Start/Stop/Keep Doing Activity Engaging across generations Honoring the past, while looking to the future

12 Q & A

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