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Skeletal System Chapter 3 key word parts.

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Presentation on theme: "Skeletal System Chapter 3 key word parts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Skeletal System Chapter 3 key word parts

2 Ankyl/o Crooked bent stiff
Remember by thinking your ankle is bent and gets stiff when you exercise too much. But don’t confuse the spelling!

3 Arthr/o Having to do with the joint.
Think arthritis which is inflammation of the joints.

4 Chondr/o Having to do with cartilage

5 Cost/o Having to do with your ribs
What do you think costochondritis is?

6 Crani/o Having to do with the skull As in cranium

7 -desis A surgical fixation of bone or joint, to bind, tie together or stiffen. Different from ankyl/o stiffening in that it is caused by surgery not natural processes. Arthrodesis – is a stiffening of a joint or joining of spinal vertebrae by surgical means.

8 Kyph/o Bent Hump Usually refers to someone who is humpbacked.
The hunchback of Notre Dame, Quasimodo, had kyphosis. (Remember –osis means abnormal condition or disease.)


10 Lord/o Curve Bent Swaybacked


12 -lysis Breakdown Separation Setting free Destruction Loosening Cutting

13 Myel/o Spinal cord Bone marrow

14 Oss/e, oss/i, ost/o, oste/o
Having to do with bone Oste/o is probably the most commonly used

15 -poietic Formation To make
Hematopoietic means something has the ability to make blood cells.

16 Scoli/o Curved Bent Scoliosis – lateral bending of the spine.


18 Spondyl/o Vertebrae Vertebral column Aka backbone

19 -um A singular noun ending
Periosteum – tough fibrous tissue that forms the outermost covering of bone. Peri – surrounding Oste – bone um – noun ending

20 Acro- Brachi/o Burs/o Carp/o Cervic/o Chir/o Lumb/o Pod, ped, ped/i
New Word Parts Acro- Brachi/o Burs/o Carp/o Cervic/o Chir/o Lumb/o Pod, ped, ped/i Sacr/o Synovi/o Tars/o

21 - listhesis -clasis Rachi/o

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