NM Department of Transportation (NMDOT) Performance Dashboard

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1 NM Department of Transportation (NMDOT) Performance Dashboard
Executive Sponsor: Tom Church, Cabinet Secretary Business Owner: Tamara P. Haas, NMDOT Asset Management & Planning Division Project Closeout September 26, 2018

2 Overview Project Goals: Infrastructure Condition Analytics for Pavement and Bridges at New Mexico Department of Transportation. Business Problem: The existing NMDOT performance dashboard was limited in the service it could provide. Due to the regulations implemented by FHWA, federal transportation funding legislation (FAST Act), ARNOLD and HPMS, the existing system was unable to provide the necessary real-time roadway system condition data (pavement, bridge, safety, freight movement, CMAQ) to either the administration, MPOs or public. The new NMDOT Performance Dashboard addressed the above business problem, and allowed NMDOT to represent additional source system data, such as maintenance data, to provide a more comprehensive visualization solution. Desired Project Outcomes: An Analytics System that supports the Transportation Asset Management Program: Improve service delivery to constituents Improve productivity Achieve cost savings Make data driven decisions

3 Business & Technical Objectives
Results Fully Satisfied? Performance dashboard that provides transparency for NMDOT executive staff on website Website launched and in production Yes Optimize business process, decreasing number of steps and saving time Lower the cost of government by having a more efficient work activity reporting Improve reporting capability to executive management and to FHWA Several previously manual reports are now fully automated within the system, saving significant staff hours per month Ad-hoc data research requests available via intuitive drill-down functions Provide a performance reporting system for tracking asset condition to ensure that current data is utilized in the decision-making process to ensure a State of Good Repair Dashboard associates data not easily accessible across different source systems for easy, intuitive visualization Performance dashboard solution is able to connect to identified source systems Data is refreshed in performance dashboard per BSD reporting frequency Data made available in performance dashboard matches with data in identified source systems data per the KPI logic identified in the BSD documents Production cadence of data refreshes is in place for specified source systems

4 Business & Technical Objectives
Results Fully Satisfied? Improve accuracy and availability of transportation performance management data to comply with federal requirements Relationships and inconsistencies amongst data, within and across systems, easier to identify given visualization capabilities of dashboard Yes Provide an externally hosted, web-based application which provides the capacity for 24/7 access for up to 50 concurrent users Website launched and in production Provide capability to meet business, functional and technical requirements via configurability of key performance indicators Dashboard is fully configurable to incorporate additional source system data and new/modified KPIs Provide capability for role-based secure access to application workflows and data, and meet NMDOT standards for password security System meets all applicable access and security requirements

5 Appropriation History:
FFY 2017 NMDOT Federal State planning and research (SP&R) funds $475,000.00 FFY 2018 $100,000.00 Total Appropriation: $575,000.00 Certification History: Date Certification Phase Amount November 21, 2017 Initiation $390,000.00 February 28, 2018 Planning and Implementation $149,524.87 September 26, 2018 (This Request) Closeout $0 Total Certified: $539,524.87 Total Funding Expended: $510, (under budget, $29,265.31)

6 Total Cost of Ownership:
Description FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 Total Project Management Services Initiation through GoLive $15,252.53 Business Analysis Services Vendor Scoping Session $5,495.40 Implementation Services Design, Configuration, Build out, Testing, Deployment and User Training $79,042.20 Other Services Yearly Hosting $21,312.45 $60,107.78  $201,635.79 IV&V Planning through GoLive $13,825.78 Software Purchase $375,331.20 $56,750.00 $56,750.00  $545,581.20 Total: $510,259.56 $116,857.78  $860,832.90

7 Project Accomplishments/Benefits
Business goals Achieved FHWA Previously required compilation of different sets of data across the organization, taking roughly 2-3 people for 3-4 months costing the agency > $14,000 Many ad-hoc requests for maintenance data are received from NMDOT districts. The dashboard now provides a quick, intuitive way for district analysts to pull this data themselves. Examples of this type of request would be distribution of work across vendors during a given time period, or for a given district. External hosting of the platform allows for more flexibility in access moving forward.

8 NMDOT expects significant savings in:
Staff time for Pavement Management staff In order to compile the FHWA Performance Measures for Interstate Pavements from other data sources. It took over 160 man hours to access each tenth mile of data for cracking, rutting and IRI costing >$4, Staff time for Bridge Management staff Bridge staff is doing manual computations of square footage of deck area. % SQ Ft deck area / All bridge decks = % Poor. Reporting capabilities Expect considerable improvements, especially for report and data communication with FHWA, Legislators and Transportation Commission. Return on investment Project in production we will save $111, year. NMDOT will have paid for the project in 4.5 years.

9 Lessons Learned Project team alias managed by NMDOT ensured all team members including project sponsors were kept informed. This was a highly complex project with many stakeholders and participants. The alias prevented accidental miscommunication. Due to the use of off shore resources the time zone differences produced some difficulties. In future projects with this staffing makeup, NMDOT will require more frequent on-site checkpoints to allow in-depth interaction amongst project team members. Project currently requires a separate hosting agreement, and so requires periodic coordination work to renew. Team noted this is more than made up for, given the business process overhead that has been eliminated.

10 Major Deliverables by Project Phase
Completion Date Project Phase Scoping Session with Vendor (Discovery) 8/15/17 Initiation IV&V 4/30/18 Planning - Closeout Hosting 2/28/17 On-Going Software Acquisition 8/14/17 Planning Planning and Installation 2/28/18 Design Document 11/17/17 Configuration and Building 1/31/18 Implementation Testing 3/2/18 Training 3/15/18 Deployment – Go-Live 6/13/18 Project Management

11 Next Steps Process to refresh the source data on the system currently requires several steps to complete a refresh, and is only able to be partially automated. The teams will look for opportunity in the future to automate further. NMDOT staff will handle training of management and executive staff. ARNOLD All Roads Network of Linear Data is in the process of going live and with that we are able to get our Performance Dashboard public facing for transparency.

12 NMDOT Performance Dashboard

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