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Presentation on theme: "STATE OF NEW MEXICO STATE PERSONNEL OFFICE (SPO)"— Presentation transcript:

SPO Digitization and Modernization Implementation Request Presented to the DoIT Project Certification Committee 11/8/2018 SPO Digitization and Modernization Project

2 SPO Digitization and Modernization Project
Project Governance Project Name – State Personnel Office Digitization and Modernization Project Project Phase - Implementation Lead Agency –State Personnel Office (SPO) Executive Sponsor – Justin Najaka, SPO Director Agency Head – Nivia Thames, SPO Deputy Director Agency CFO – Stuart R. Hamilton, SPO Chief Financial Officer Project Manager – John Salazar, CSW Enterprises LLC 11/8/2018 SPO Digitization and Modernization Project

3 SPO Digitization and Modernization Project
Project Abstract SPO Human Resource, Leadership, Direction, Guidance and Services: 68 Executive State Agencies 18,000 State Employees Seven Functional Areas: Agency HR Services Career Services Compensation and Classification Training and Development Labor Relations SPO’s Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Project: Digitize personnel records across State of New Mexico executive branch agencies; Modernize by implementing best practices while strategically aligning business and information systems; and Provide HR oversight and uniformity in business practices statewide. 11/8/2018 SPO Digitization and Modernization Project

4 Certification History
Date Amount Funding Source June 25, 2014 Initiation $ 220.0 Laws 2014, Chapter 63, Sec. 7, Item 9 August 18, 2015 Planning $ 230.0 June 22, 2016 Change $ 243.0 Laws of 2015, Chapter 101, Sec. 7, Item 13 September 28, 2016 (This request) $ 557.0 Total $ 1,250.0 Note: Dollars in thousands 11/8/2018 SPO Digitization and Modernization Project

5 Appropriation History
Fiscal Year Amount Funding Source 2015 $ 450.0 Laws 2014, Chapter 63, Sec. 7, Item 9 2016 $ 800.0 Laws of 2015, Chapter 101, Sec. 7, Item 13 Total $ 1,250.0 Note: Dollars in thousands 11/8/2018 SPO Digitization and Modernization Project

6 Major Project Deliverable and Performance Measure
Major Deliverables Major Project Deliverable and Performance Measure Note: Dollars in thousands. Budget Due Date Project Phase Implementation Vendor – Planning Documentation $63.9 10/30/16 Implementation Implementation Vendor – Design Documentation 12/23/16 Implementation Vendor – Software Build 2/17/17 Implementation Vendor – Software Delivery 4/21/17 Implementation Vendor – Solution Support and Transition 5/19/17 Implementation Vendor – Contract Deliverables Summary Report 5/26/17 IV&V Services $63.5 7/1/16 – 6/30/17 Project Management Services $180.0 DoIT Hosting and Utilization Fees $40.0 1/1/17 – 6/30/17 Total $666.9 11/8/2018 SPO Digitization and Modernization Project

7 Budget Staff Internal Hardware Software Operations Other Total
Description FY16 & Prior FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 & After Staff Internal $0.00 Professional Services Project Management $305.07 $180.00 IV&V $63.50 $65.00 Integration Vendor $383.47 $300.00 Document Conversion $200.00 Hardware Servers $160.00 Software Enterprise Content Management $127.75 Operations Hardware and Software Maintenance $51.10 Other Contingency $134.11 DOIT Utilization $40.00 $60.00 Total $432.82 $666.97 $1,150.21 Total Project Note: Dollars in thousands. $2,250.00 11/8/2018 SPO Digitization and Modernization Project

8 Project Accomplishments
ECM Request for Information (RFI) Oral Presentations Professional Services Contracts Professional Project Manager – CSW Enterprises, LLC. Project Management Plan “As-Is” and “To-Be Business Process Workflows ECM Vender – Lexmark installation configuration, testing, training and deployment Independent Verification and Validation (IV& V) - Burger, Carroll & Associates Monthly Steering Committee Meetings Purchased ECM Software Licenses - Lexmark Perceptive Purchased Hardware - Scanners Requirements for Image, Repository and ECM Workflow DoIT PCC Presentations & Informal TARC Review of Software DoIT Hardware and Infrastructure Hosting Discussions (ongoing) TARC approval on September 14, 2016 11/8/2018 SPO Digitization and Modernization Project

9 Technical Architecture
Public Facing Network; Web-Based Platform; Front-End Remote Access; Image and Migrate Documents - Tagged Metadata – Standard Imaging/Search; Indexing and Archiving; Interface with SHARE (and other defined systems); Open Architecture; Scalable for Growth; Authentication – Supports Microsoft Active Directory; Secure User Roles - Log in and security Role Authentication; Extensibility - Add Features in the Future; and User Friendly Workflow – View, Search and Print. 11/8/2018 SPO Digitization and Modernization Project

10 Technical Architecture Diagram
11/8/2018 SPO Digitization and Modernization Project

11 IV&V Status Burger Carroll and Associates is the IV&V vendor on contract for this project. They are actively engaged in the project.

12 IV&V Summary Report Overall Status: “Green”
Despite delays in establishing a viable implementation contract with Lexmark, a negotiated Statement of work, and a change in project managers from CSW Enterprises, LLC, are two factors contributing to a “Green” status rating for this project as IV&V reports on the initial assessment of the SPO Digitization and Modernization Project. Experienced IT project management is especially important in this project as the State Personnel Office does not have its own information technology staff, relying on the Department of Information Technology for desktop and other IT support functionality. Although not critical at the outset, there is a question regarding on-going post implementation application support which is above and beyond what DoIT is to provide by way of server and network access support.

13 Questions/Comments Thank you


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