Artwork considerations

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Presentation on theme: "Artwork considerations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Artwork considerations
Ray Weiss, SGIA

2 ARTWORK Do you have the right artwork?

3 Do you have the right artwork?
File type - Raster images TIF JPG PNG BMP

4 Do you have the right artwork?
File type - Vector images EPS PS

5 Do you have the right artwork?
PDF Version is from the Best Practices from IDEAlliance Guide to Print Production File type - Combined – Raster and EPS PDF (X-1a:2001 or PDF/X-4:2010) JDF (Job Definition Format) XML (Extensible Markup Language) – encoding docs

6 Definitions PPI – Pixels per Inch LPI – Lines per inch
Newsprint lpi Sheet offset 150 lpi Fine quality art lpi DPI – spec for resolution of output devices

7 File size - Resolution Printhead resolution Horizontal resolution
Typically a function of carriage speed and firing frequency Vertical resolution Dot spacing in direction of media path (dependent on native resolution) Native resolution is the actual number of nozzles within a 1” space. So for most Epson print heads they have 180 nozzles within a 1” print head for a native resolutions of 180 dpi.

8 File size - Resolution Printhead resolution True Resolution
Dots lined up in an inch with no overlap Addressable resolution The capability to place dots with closer spacing and more overlap Print heads have to manage the dots so that the ink dots overlap and white doesn’t show through (until they can jet square dots, this will be the issue).

9 File size - Resolution Viewing Distance 2 ft / .6 m = 300 dpi

10 File size - Resolution File Size / Storage
Resolution, Image Size, Bit Depth and Color Mode Bit Depth (8 bit example) 8 or 16 bits Color Mode (RGB example) (RGB or CMYK) 36” x 36” RGB

11 File size - Resolution File Size / Storage
Resolution, Image Size, Bit Depth and Color Mode Bit Depth (8 bit example) 8 or 16 bits Color Mode (CMYK example) (RGB or CMYK) 36” x 36” CMYK

12 Color Settings Photoshop and Illustrator
Defaults are sRGB and US Web Coated (SWOP) v2 Small gamuts for most digital printers Better settings are: Adobe RGB (1998) Coated GRACol 2006 (ISO :2004) or GRACol2013_CRPC6

13 Color Settings Photoshop and Illustrator
Honor or ignore embedded profiles

14 Color Settings Verification

15 Thank You Ray Weiss, SGIA

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