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Presentation on theme: "RELIGIONS AND PHILOSOPHIES IN ASIA"— Presentation transcript:



3 SYMBOL QUIZ Star and Crescent - Islam

4 SYMBOL QUIZ Star and Crescent - Islam

5 SYMBOL QUIZ Star of David - Judaism

6 SYMBOL QUIZ Yin and Yang - Confucianism

7 How does a person’s religion affect his or her choices, actions and his or her environment?

8 What is Religion? Religion pertains to a person’s beliefs that there is a powerful, higher being or force that causes all things and events to happen in the world.

9 Monotheism Polytheism Worship and belief in one God
RELIGION Monotheism Worship and belief in one God Polytheism Worship and belief in many Gods

10 Judaism Christianity Islam Zoroastrianism
West Asia Judaism Christianity Islam Zoroastrianism

11 Their God is called Yahweh.
I. WEST ASIA 1. Judaism Began in Israel Practiced by the Jews or Israelites A monotheistic religion Holy book of the Jews: Torah

12 Their God is called Yahweh.
I. WEST ASIA 1. Judaism Their leaders are called patriarchs. Primary teachings: Ten Commandments


14 I. WEST ASIA 2. Christianity
Their God is called Yahweh. I. WEST ASIA 2. Christianity A monotheistic religion Holy book: Bible Primary teaching: Love God & love others Catholic church – a denomination


16 44 hectares with a population of 842

17 Their God is called Allah.
I. WEST ASIA 3. Islam Second most widespread religion Means “peace” and “surrender” Means the “peace experienced by one who surrender to god – Allah” Founder: Mohammad/Muhammad

18 Mecca where the Kaaba is located

19 City of Medina in present-day Saudi Arabia
Place where Muhammad fled from Mecca 280 miles north of Mecca

20 Shahada – Allah is the only god.
5 PILLARS OF ISLAM Shahada – Allah is the only god. Salat – prayer – 5 times a day – facing Mecca Zakat – ready to lend a helping hand to those in need Sawm – fasting – during Ramadan Hajj – pilgrimage – travel to Mecca Hajji – the person who has gone to Mecca

21 I. WEST ASIA 4. Zoroastrianism
Their God is called Ahura Mazda. I. WEST ASIA 4. Zoroastrianism One of the oldest religions in the world Founder: Zarathustra (600 B.C.) Also known as Zoroaster in Greece Zarathost in India and Persia Considered a prophet

22 I. WEST ASIA 4. Zoroastrianism
Their God is called Ahura Mazda. I. WEST ASIA 4. Zoroastrianism Holy book: Zend Avesta World consists of struggles between good and evil Followers are found in Iran and in India

23 I. WEST ASIA 4. Zoroastrianism
Their God is called Ahura Mazda. I. WEST ASIA 4. Zoroastrianism If you do good, you go to heaven with Ahura Mazda. If you do evil, you go to hell with Angra Mainyu or Ahriman

24 What sets Christianity apart from the other 3 religions?

25 Their god is called Brahman.
II. SOUTH ASIA 1. Hinduism Aryans established Hinduism in 1500 B.C. Polytheistic religion Followers are called Hindus Sacred book: Vedas

26 Their god is called Brahman.
II. SOUTH ASIA 1. Hinduism Trimurti = Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva – personifications of Brahman Pillars of Hinduism: Karma, Samsara, Nirvana, Gopastami

27 Their god is called Brahman.
II. SOUTH ASIA 1. Hinduism Karma – “something that was created by or is a result of a person’s actions” Samsara – cycle of birth and rebirth - reincarnation – his karma determines whether he will be reborn into a higher or lower form of being

28 Their god is called Brahman.
II. SOUTH ASIA 1. Hinduism Nirvana – every Hindu aims to break free from the cycle of reincarnation – Moksha – freedom from samsara - Nirvana – real happiness and peace – state of tranquility

29 Their god is called Brahman.
II. SOUTH ASIA 1. Hinduism Gopastami – celebration where cows are cleaned, dressed, and offered food

30 II. SOUTH ASIA 2. Buddhism Budh – “to awake”/ to know
Started in north India in the 6th century B.C. Emerged as a protest to Hinduism Based on the teachings of Siddharta Gautama

31 II. SOUTH ASIA 2. Buddhism Budh – “to awake”/ to know
Started in north India in the 6th century B.C. Emerged as a protest to Hinduism Based on the teachings of Siddharta Gautama

32 II. SOUTH ASIA 2. Buddhism Considered a philosophy because it focuses on the proper way of living, correct thinking and right conduct

33 II. SOUTH ASIA 2. Buddhism 4 Noble Truths Life is full of suffering.
Suffering is caused by desire. Suffering will end with the end of desire. The way to end suffering is through the Eightfold Path. (p. 270)

34 II. SOUTH ASIA 2. Buddhism 2 types of Buddhism Mahayana Buddhism
Theravada Buddhism – Buddha is a teacher and a holy man

35 II. SOUTH ASIA 3. Jainism Based on the teachings of Vardhamana Mahavira (“great hero) Became a sadhana – person who turned his back on worldly comforts Kevala - enlightenment

36 III. EAST ASIA 1. Buddhism Arrived in China during the Han dynasty
Variations: Japan – Zen Buddhism – based on Mahayana Buddhism Tibetan Buddhism (Lamaism)

37 god - Amaterasu III. EAST ASIA 2. Shinto Shinto means “kami no michi” – way of the gods = belief that there are gods in nature

38 IV. NORTH ASIA 1. Shamanism
god - Tengri IV. NORTH ASIA 1. Shamanism Gained popularity during the leadership of Genghis Khan

1. CONFUCIANISM Emerged in a time of chaos during the Zhou dynasty. Confucius – founded Confucianism Focused on right conduct and morals and good governance Ideal man – “shi” = scholar

1. CONFUCIANISM Man is seen as capable to develop his knowledge and become a good citizen through rigorous studying. Educated man – FIT TO WORK IN THE GOVERNMENT Can this be seen in Philippine politics today?  Book: Five Classics

2. DAOISM Gained prominence during the Zhou dynasty Established by Laozi (Lao Tzu) Based on Tao which means “The Way” Book: Book of the Way of Virtue

3. LEGALISM Emerged during the Warring States Period Shang Yang and Han Feizi are the main founders of this philosophy Man is naturally evil. A philosophy driven by a system of reward and punishment.


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