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Goal: To find a divorce lawyer.

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1 Goal: To find a divorce lawyer.
“There are a few layers that I have identified through my search but I am not sure how to settle on one.” “I will make a list of things I want to discuss and take it with me to the interview. I will ask questions. I will listen carefully to the answers and write them down. I will review the answers later and think about them and settle on one attorney.” Consider and examine the list of attorneys Get a divorce Date / time: As soon as possible Price Pick a Lawyer from a list Hire an Attorney “I have been searching the internet to find an attorney to help me with my divorce and I cannot seem to find one.” “I have a limited budget” “Submit necessary information and documents.” Attorney Specific requirements “Cost; Experience; Flexibility; Personal compatibility; and Office location. ” Image of participant in user research Mari, 32 I want to file for divorce with the help of an attorney. I want the process to be as painless as possible. . . 11/9/ :33:14 PM Biermann and Herman Law Firm

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