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Ancient Rome – Geography, Republic and Empire

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1 Ancient Rome – Geography, Republic and Empire
Dr. Afxendiou Global History and Geography 9 Sachem North High School



4 Ancient Rome

5 Background information
Rome – a city-state during the time of Alexander the Great Became the capital of the Roman Empire Romans adopted Hellenistic culture; their gods, arts, and architecture resembled those of the Greeks

6 The Legend of the founding of Rome
Legend (mythology, made-up story cannot be proved) and fact. Legend – Remus and Romulus Descendants of Aenea’s – a Trojan hero who settled in Italy after the war Fact Rome was settled by group of people called the Latins Chose the location because it had mild climate, good farmland and strategic location

7 The Legend of the founding of Rome
Fact (continued) Strategic location – Rome build on 7 hills that could be defended. Farmed at the base of the hills and lived on the hilltops Close to the Mediterranean Sea and its trade routes Next to the Tiber River that helped with trade and protection Alps and Apennine mountains protected Rome but didn’t isolate it

8 What natural/geographic advantages did the city of Rome have?

9 Political System At a first Rome was a monarchy – the hated Etruscans
By 500 B.C. Rome was a Republic Republic – a form of government in which power rests with citizens who have the right to vote for their leaders. It is a representative form of government Senate Social classes Expanded territory By 17 A.D. we have the Roman Empire


11 Social Classes in Rome Plebeians Patricians SLAVES
Farmers, artisans and merchants who made up the majority of the population Citizens with the right to vote Barred by law from holding most important government positions Patricians Wealthy landowners who held most of the power Inherited their power and social status Claimed that their ancestry gave them the authority to make laws for Rome SLAVES

12 The Twelve Tables of Law – The Roman law code
Patricians often interpreted the laws to suit themselves because the laws were not written Plebeians forced the creation of written law code 451 B.C. – laws were carved onto 12 tablets and were hung in the Forum, a public area for all to see

13 Government of the Roman Republic
Roman Republic ruled by 2 Consuls Enforced laws passed by the Senate Controlled the army Served 1 year terms Senate ruled the Roman Republic Only patricians could serve in the Senate Plebeians upset that they can’t serve in government but they fight in the army

14 Government of the Roman Republic
The Tribal Assembly The legislative body that represents the Plebeians Plebeian representatives called Tribunes They protect the rights of Plebeians Citizens Only adult free males Women not citizens, under the guardianship of their fathers or husbands

15 Roman Republic

16 Why was Rome so successful?
Infrastructure: Well-built military roads radiating from Rome Military ability Treatment of conquered peoples

17 Military Ability Great soldiers Well-trained All volunteers

18 Infrastructure Most famous road – the Appian Way
Public funds dedicated to building and maintaining the Republic’s infrastructure

19 Treatment of Conquered Peoples
Conquered peoples were treated well Some received full Roman citizenship, including suffrage Some controlled their own affairs but paid tribute and gave soldiers to the Roman army Colonies Rome established colonies in conquered areas, each protected by a garrison of Roman soldiers Republic encouraged intermarriage Led to the spread of Roman culture and language (Latin)

20 The Extent of the Roman Empire

21 The Extent of the Roman Empire
Circled the entire Mediterranean Sea Developed international trading network. Used roads to ease communications and allow easier and faster travel for troops “All roads lead to Rome”

22 Their arch-enemy - Carthage
Ancient city on the coast of North Africa Punic Wars – Rome vs. Carthage Hannibal – famous general from Carthage Carthage wiped off the map Rome enters a time of unrest and civil war ended by the rule of Julius Cesar


24 The End of the Roman Republic

25 Pax Romana Period of peace in the Roman Empire
Rule of Octavian Augustus began the 200 years of peace Called himself emperor and took away the powers of the Senate

26 Achievements during the Pax Romana
Roman Law -The only way to rule the huge empire was through clear and uniform laws The Twelve Tables Architecture – The arch – support more weight – made the aqueducts possible

27 The Roman Aqueducts

28 Causes for the Fall of Rome
Attacks by nomadic warriors – Huns, Goths and Vandals Social decline – focus on pleasure not service to the empire Weak emperors The plague – loss of population Decreased income – less taxes Hired army – mercenaries

29 Constantine the Great By the 4th century A.D. decline set in
A general named Constantine tried to stop the decline He legalized Christianity Built Constantinople and made it the Eastern capital of the Roman Empire while Rome remained the capital of the Western Roman Empire

30 After the fall of Rome in 457
the Eastern Roman Empire becomes the Byzantine Empire the Western Roman Empire entered the Middle Ages

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