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Framework contract ENV.D2/FRA/2012/0025

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Presentation on theme: "Framework contract ENV.D2/FRA/2012/0025"— Presentation transcript:

1 Analysis of MS use of MSFD in the planning and operation of human activities
Framework contract ENV.D2/FRA/2012/0025 Veronique Adriaenssens, Kris Casteleyn

2 Objectives To understand, map, compare and analyze the use of licensing, authorizations and permitting for human activities in the marine environment at national level in relation to the MSFD and the attainment of GES by 2020. How do the authorization, licensing and permitting procedures contribute to the attainment of GES by 2020? How are they linked to the MSFD and to other EU legislation? What is the cost of the authorization, licensing and permitting procedures of human activities in the marine environment? What good practices exist in terms of authorization, licensing and permitting? The final deliverable will be a report mapping the different practices in Member States which will be presented to Member States.

3 Proces

4 Task 1 - Step 1: Delineation of human activites in the marine environment to be concerned
Some human activities have been envisaged and not included for the purpose of this study: * Professional fishery * Military activities * Beach tourism * Coastal fortifications * Land-based industry activities with potential effect(s) on the marine environment (e.g. direct discharge of sewerage water, runoffs from polluted rivers and/or other inland waters)

5 Task 1 - Step 2: Basic Mapping
Which instruments ? – desktop study (+ sources) Link Human activity with the 11 MSFD descriptors Weighted

6 Task 1 - Step 2: Questionnaire
Questions on : MS human activities: in place, planned < 2020 Instruments : needed + procedural aspects + conditions + link with MSFD Instruments = tools such as permits/authorizations/licenses/concessions/contracts that are the final outcome of the development consent and that an applicant must have before starting any human activity in the marine environment Links other EU regulation & instruments (Task 2) MSFD requirements or elements of marine strategy as defined in MSFD = Initial Assessment, GES and targets, Monitoring Program and Programme of Measures EIA – MSP (envisaged) - … Costs linked to human activities and instruments (Step 4) Effectiveness the extent to which the instruments achieve the objectives (environmental targets / GES descriptors) that are relevant to the human activities covered by the Instrument Efficiency: the extent to which objectives (descriptors) can be achieved for a given level of resources/at least cost (cost-effectiveness).

7 Activities

8 Instruments

9 Conditions (general)

10 Conditions (link MSFD requirements)

11 Link other EU legal and MSFD

12 Costs

13 What will be done next months - timing
Questionnaires + interviews (Oct & Nov 2015) Presentations WG (Oct & Nov 2015) In-depth analysis of results Task 1 (MS input) and Task 2 (link with other EU legislation) Workshop (MS authorities and stakeholders) (Febr. 2016) Outline guidance (March 2016) Preparation final report (April 2016)

14 Thank you for your attention Are there any questions ?

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