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The Russian Revolution

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1 The Russian Revolution

2 I. Pre-Revolutionary Russia
Last absolute king No democratic gov Nicholas II became Tsar in 1884 Divine right

3 II. The Revolution of 1905 “Peace, Land, & Bread!” Bloody Sunday
Workers Bloody Sunday Peaceful protest Soldiers open fire Tsar can’t ignore problems Forms Duma: legislative body Tsar basically ignores

4 IV. Alexandra: The Power Behind the Throne
Wife of Tsar Alexis: Son with Hemophilia Believes Rasputin has power to heal him Scandals around Rasputin discredits Tsar

5 V. World War I: “The Last Straw”
Broke Russia economy Shows weakness of Tsar Kills thousands People upset

6 VI. The Collapse of the Imperial Government
Alexandra and Rasputin throw the government into chaos Rasputin is assassinated

7 VII. The Two Revolutions of 1917
Food strikes The March Revolution (March 12) The November Revolution (November 6) Lenin in charge Communist revolution Class Struggle Redistribution of land Overthrow the Tsar

8 Stalin

9 Totalitarian State A government that takes total, central state control over every aspect of public and private life

10 Control Methods The Great Purge: campaign of terror against enemies who threatened his power Killed or sent to Gulags (death camps) Est between 8-13 million deaths


12 Propaganda Controlled all newspapers, radio, movies, and information
Glorified the achievements of Stalin & communism


14 Religious Persecution
Replace Orthodox teachings with communist teachings Destroyed churches & synagogues

15 Industrial Policies Command Economy: Government makes all economic decisions Five-Year Plans: high quotas (goals) for output of steel, coal, oil, & electricity Limited consumer production People faced shortages of housing, food, clothing, & other goods Made some industrial gains

16 Agricultural Policies
Collective Farms: Seized all private farms and combined them into large, government owned farms Hoped to boost food production Resistance among “kulaks”, wealthy farm owners In Ukraine, Stalin forced a famine by confiscating all food from kulaks

17 Education Goal: build a stricter society that adhered to creating a much more communist state Education law of 1935: allowed teachers to use strict methods of discipline Communist History taught Girls allowed in schools

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