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Unit 4 Sharing 宁夏中卫一中 王莉芬.

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1 Unit 4 Sharing 宁夏中卫一中 王莉芬

2 Reading A Letter Home

3 The definition of Volunteer
People who help others in their community or outside their community would be called volunteers. However, they would not be called volunteers if they help their parents, other relatives or friends. 中国青年志愿者“标志的整体构图为心的造型,同时也是英文“青年”的第一个字母Y;图案中央既是手,也是鸽子的造型。标志寓意为中国青年志愿者向社会上所有需要帮助的人们奉献一片爱心,伸出友爱之手,以跨世纪的精神风貌,面向世界,走向未来,表现青年志愿者“热情献社会;真情暖人心”的主题

4 Pre-reading Independent State of Papua New Guinea 巴布亚新几内亚独立国
Do you know where PNG is?


6 巴布亚新几内亚国旗和国徽 (极乐鸟 ) 巴布亚在马来语中意为“卷发人”。 16世纪中叶,葡萄牙人来到该岛时,见当地
居民和自然景观很像非洲的几内亚,故称之 为新几内亚。 巴布亚新几内亚国旗和国徽 (极乐鸟 )

7 首 都 :莫尔兹比港 Port Moresby 面 积 :46.2万平方公里 人 口: 430万人 语 言 :英语  民 族 :美拉尼西亚族 宗 教 :基督教新教、拜物教  货 币 :基那   国庆节: 9月16日  时 差 :比北京时间早2小时  气 候 :热带雨林气候



10 View of the village from the ridge 山脊

11 village hut stick out doorway


13 Reading Comprehension I
Skimming Reading Comprehension I What’s the main idea of the text? Jo wrote a letter to her friend Rosemary to talk about her experience as a volunteer teacher in Papua New Guinea.

14 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Scanning
Divide it into four parts, and summarize what each part is about. Part 1 (Paragraph 1) Introducing the topic — Jo’s life in PNG. Part 2 (Paragraphs 2-3) Jo’s school and her teaching work. Part 3 (Paragraphs 4-8) Jo’s visit to Tombe’s home in the village Part 4 (Paragraph 9) End of the letter

15 Fill in the blanks. 1. _______ is a young Australian women.
2. _________ was dying to hear all about Jo’s life in Papua New Guinea. 3. _________ walked a long way to get to the school. 4. ____ didn’t have any textbooks. 5. _______________ became a lot more imaginative when teaching. Jo Rosemary The boys Jo The boys and Jo

16 6. _________ started jumping out the windows during a chemistry experiment.
7. _____________ visited a village that was the home of one of the boys, Tombe. 8. _______ started crying “ieee ieee” to welcome them. 9. _________ led us to a low bamboo hut. 10. _________ was going to share the platform with Jenny and Jo. 11. ____________ softly talked to each other in their language Jo didn’t understand. The boys Jenny and Jo Kiak Mucap Kiak Tombe’s family

17 Skimming 1.Why did Jo send Rosemary some photos?
2. Why the high school was called a bush school? 3. Were the boys and villagers friendly to Jo? How do you know? It’s difficult for Rosemary to imagine how life was hard / different in Jo’s description. The classroom was made from bamboo and the roofs were made from grass. Lots of “good mornings”; cry “ieee ieee”; shake hands.

18 4. Why was Science the most challenging subject for Jo?
5. Why did the boys start jumping out the window? 6. Why should it take Jo and Jenny two and a half hours to get to the village? There was no equipment. The boy never came across something like bubbling mixture. They had to climb up a mountain to a ridge first and then down a steep slope to the valley.

19 Reading carefully Read the passage carefully to complete the tables below!

20 Table 1 (about the school)
Conditions Our school The school described in the letter Classrooms (Equipped or not) Equipped Not equipped

21 Students’ future Electricity and water (Y/N) Textbook (Y/N) Chemistry experiments (Many/few) Go to college or work Return to the villages Yes No Yes No Many Few

22 Conclusion: Jo’s high school It’s a(n) 1____ school — the classrooms are made from 2________ and the roofs from grass. There’s no 3________________ and we don’ t have any textbooks. bush bamboo electricity or water

23 Table 2 (about the life in the village)
Jo’s first visit to a village Time to get there Two and a half hours of walking Description of the house A low bamboo hut with grass 4___________ of the roof No windows Narrow doorway sticking out

24 Jo’s first visit to a village
5____ the house A newly made 6_____ for Jenny and me to sleep on A(n) 7_______ in the centre of the hut near the doorway A few tin plates and cups and 8__________ pots platform Inside fireplace a couple of

25 Jo’s first visit to a village
Outside the house Mukap 9_____ stones in the fire, and he placed them in an empty oil drum with kau kau, corn and greens. He then 10______ the vegetables with banana leaves and left them to steam. laid covered

26 Choose the best answer. 1. The purpose that the author wrote the letter is that ___. she wanted to tell Rosemary her teaching life in the high school. B. she wanted to tell Rosemary her learning life in the high school. C. she wanted to tell Rosemary that she couldn’t get any money by teaching the poor students D. she wanted to tell Rosemary how happy she was in the small village. A

27 2. In a chemistry experiment the boys jumped out of the windows because they _____.
A. were frightened by the bubbling mixture B. couldn’t stand the terrible smell of the mixture C. didn’t like doing chemistry experiments D. knew chemistry was not relevant to them A

28 3. Which of the following is TRUE about Jo’s attitude?
A. She is sure that all the boys will go to college in the future. B. She believes that chemistry is very useful to the boys. C. She is wondering if she can make any difference to the boys’ lives. D. She doesn’t like the simple life in the mountain village. C

29 4. Why does Jo wonder how relevant chemistry is to the kids?
A. Because she thinks chemistry is too difficult to learn. B. Because she thinks chemistry may make little difference to the kids’ life. C. Because the kids there hardly come across anything of chemistry. D. Because she thinks chemistry useless. B

30 5. By writing “The only possessions that I could see were…”, the author wants to tell us ____.
A. Tombe’s family were kind-hearted B. Tombe’s family were guest-lovers C. Tombe’s family only used simple things D. Tombe’s family were too poor D

31 6. Why did Tombe throw out the tin can?
A. Because he believed the can attracted evil spirits. B. Because he believed any leftovers attracted evil spirits. C. Because he believed the can has no use at all. D. Because he believed the grill attracted B

32 7. How did Jo feel after the visit to
Tombe’s family? A. Happy B. Sad C. Worried D. Upset A

33 Post-reading Guess the reasons for the facts according to the reading passage. Facts Reason 1. The boys jumped out of the windows in the science lesson. Because they were frightened; they had never seen anything like this before.

34 Facts Reason Because most of them would live all their lives as farmers. 2. Jo wondered how relevant chemistry was to the boys.

35 Facts Reason 3. Tombe’s mother cried “ieee ieee” when she sew Jo. It was her way to welcome visitors to the village and she drew everyone’s attention to their arrival.

36 Facts Reason 4. There were no windows in Mukap’s hut. Perhaps it’s because that was a man’s house.

37 Facts Reason 5. The tin can was standing upside down on the grill. The tin can was used to dry out the leftover food, which might attract evil spirits, so the tin can was thrown out of the hut.

38 Discussion Now we have two topics to discuss:
Why do you think Jo became a volunteer in PNG? Give as many possible reasons as you can. Would like to work as a volunteer in a poor area? Why?

39 A sample of the discussions:
A: I’d like to go to a school described in the letter because it sounds more interesting than my school. B: But what about going to university? You’d need a better school with more facilities for that, wouldn’t you?

40 C: Yes, I suppose you’d need some textbooks
C: Yes, I suppose you’d need some textbooks. It must be hard to learn all the right things without a textbook. D: True. It’d be difficult to pass the exams to get into college. B: And you’d have to do so much walking every morning and evening!

41 A: But think how fit you’d be!
D: And there’d be no time for homework after all that walking! You’d only have time to eat and go to bed. C: Yes, you’re right. It sounds a hard life but in a different way from ours. A: So would you like to go to this school? B, C and D: No, thank you!

42 Homework 1. Finish Exercise 3 on Page 31.
2. Read the passage again after class and find all the attributive clauses in it. 3. Recite the key sentences in the text. 4. Preparations: Learning about Language on Page 32.

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