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Reading 九年级新目标 Unit 13 Rainy days makes me sad.. Receiving money makes me uncomfortable. make sb. / sth. + adj/n/do/v-ing/ved.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading 九年级新目标 Unit 13 Rainy days makes me sad.. Receiving money makes me uncomfortable. make sb. / sth. + adj/n/do/v-ing/ved."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading 九年级新目标 Unit 13 Rainy days makes me sad.

2 Receiving money makes me uncomfortable. make sb. / sth. + adj/n/do/v-ing/ved.

3 Do you know what gifts are often given to people when the festivals come.

4 A: How do you feel about lucky money? B: It makes me happy. A: Why? B: Because I can buy what I need.

5 1a. Write how you would feel if you received the following gifts. 1. Before You Read 1. If my best friend gave me a history book, I would feel_______.

6 2. If my grandmother gave me some home- made cookies, I would feel_______. 3. Receiving a new schoolbag would make me feel_____.

7 2. While You Read Task 1:Read the passage and answer the questions. 1.When did Guo Xiaojing receive the purple purse from her parents? When she was about twelve years old.

8 2. Who thinks it’s hard to buy clothes or other personal things for people? 3. Where does John Wilson come from? 4. Why do some people like to give money? 5. What’s the Chinese meaning of “It’s the thought that counts”? Han Ling England Because they want to make things easier. 情意胜过一切。

9 Task 2: Conclude the main idea of each paragraph. Para 1: Receiving a gift can be difficult. Para 2: Receiving a purse makes Xiaojing embarrassed. Para 3: Receiving a sweater makes Hanling unhappy. Para 4: Receiving money makes people uncomfortable. Para 5: Different people have different thoughts on receiving gifts.

10 Task 3: How many people took part in the discussion according to the passage? namesgiftsfeeling Guo Xiaojing Han Ling John Wilson purple purse orange sweater money embarrassed guilty they are lazy

11 3. After You Read 3a. Finish the sentences according to the reading. 1.Receiving money might make _____________________. 2. We might pretend to like a gift because __________________________________________. people uncomfortable it would make the people who gives gifts happy

12 3. Han Ling wore the sweater __________________. 4. It’s important to make people feel that ____________________________________. 5. It’s sometimes easier to _______________. but very unhappy different people have different taste just give money

13 Language points  I pretended that I liked it … pretend v. 假装 pretend that / to do e.g. She pretended she didn't know me/pretended not to know me when we met in the street. 我在街上见到她时她装作不认识我。

14 1. 一些广告能帮你比较两种不同的产品,以便你能 买到你真正需要的。 Some ads can help you_____ ___________two different products_______ _______ you can buy the______ you really need . 2. 在中国过年时,通常给孩子压岁钱。 Money is_______ to children during the Chinese New Year . 3. 学好英语是件不易的事。 __________ ________well is not _____ easy work. 根据汉语完成句子 to compare so that one given Learning English an

15 4. 在中国飞机总是准点到达。 In China, the planes always _______ _____ time. 5. 他通常是周五晚上在电影院会见他的女友。 He usually ______ his girlfriend ____ the cinema _____ Friday nights. 6. 足球确实令人感兴趣,全世界的人都对足球感兴趣。 Football is really __________. People all over the world are __________ in it . arrive on meets on in interested interesting

16 uncomfortable happy disappointed surprised excited embarrassed 内疚的 scared guilty Adjectives about feelings

17 Homework Choose an adjective from the reading that expresses a feeling. To “make the word your own”, write about a time when you felt this way.





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