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Imperialism: Topic 3 The Scramble for Africa

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1 Imperialism: Topic 3 The Scramble for Africa

2 Vocab Slave Trade The buying and selling of people for the purposes of slavery trade he exchange of goods or service between people King Leopold ( ) King of Belgium who began imperialistic trade inside of Africa which resulted in the Scramble for Africa Boers Dutch descended colonist living in South Africa. Also called Afrikaners.

3 Imagine that intergalactic space aliens with cool futuristic weapons landed all of a sudden landed on planet earth. How would you view them? How would you interact with them?

4 1) What was the Scramble for Africa?
A) Invasion, occupation, and colonization of African territory by European powers B) Africa was known as the “dark continent” C) racist terminology referred to both the peoples of Africa and their supposed ignorance to what was happening to them. It also referred to dark meaning unknown.

5 2)Geography of Africa A)Continent – not a country
B)Continent is three times larger than Europe C)Northern Africa – desert D)Mid-to-southern Africa – diverse climates and topography

6 3) Foreign History in Africa
A) Greeks controlled Egypt after conquest by Alexander the Great B) Romans ruled all areas along the Mediterranean coastline, including Northern Africa

7 4)European Contact In the 1400’s, the Portuguese established trade posts along the coastline of Africa In the 1600’s the Dutch established the Cape Town settlement on the south west tip . They were known as the BOERS Missionaries explored Africa (David Livingstone and Henry Stanley)

8 5) Slave Trade a) By the 1800’s, many European nations had passed laws banning slave trade b) However, the illegal slave trade continued well through the 1800s

9 1880s Belgian King Leopold started trade with Native Africans in the Congo. He wanted the Congo’s natural resources: Copper, ivory, and rubber He forced the native Africans to work for almost nothing They were killed and tortured if the complained or disobeyed We come in peace – We swear!


11 Change of Labour a) Many Africans gave up traditional agriculture to work for European companies b) Some worked in rubber plantations, copper mines, built railroads


13 8) other European countries want a piece of Africa too
Soon, France, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Germany, Italy, and Portugal all began imperialistic activity

14 Choose 3 countries to represent on your map

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