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Democracy in Greece and Rome

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1 Democracy in Greece and Rome

2 What is government? The form or system of rule by which a state, community, etc., is governed.

3 The Greek Polis (City State)
The Polis was the town and the surrounding area. Where the community of people came together to rule themselves; having a common goal and identity. Acropolis: Usually the fortified center of the town, also used for meetings

4 The Greek Polis (City State)
Citizen with Political Rights = males over 21 Citizens w/ no Political Rights = Females & Children Non-Citizens = Slaves Direct Democracy: All citizens vote on all decisions made by the government.

5 Tyranny and Tyrants The Authoritative Rule of an individual (above the law) Many times are given power in time of crisis and chose to keep it in time of peace.

6 Oligarchy Oligarchies are the rule by a few.
Usually the aristocrats (Wealthy landowners) Sometimes military leaders (modern)

7 Roman Law Patricians: aristocratic, wealthy, land-owning families of Rome; could serve in government positions Plebeians: Lower class of Romans who still enjoyed the rights of citizenship. Principles of Roman Law: Reasonable Doubt Unfair Laws set aside A right of a charged person to face an accuser Judeo-Christian ideas The Golden Rule The Ten Commandments Equality before the law

8 Government Positions:
2 Consuls: Elected annually to run the govt. and lead the army Praetors: High Judge position to carry out Roman Law Tribunes of the Plebs

9 Assemblies Senate: 300 land owning men
made the laws; served for life Centuriate Assembly: Based on wealth but represented all classes Council of the Plebs: Lower classes councils; Veto Power (“I Forbid”) over some laws

10 The Spartacus Slave Revolt.
The Gladiator Spartacus creates an army of runaway slaves, (gathering more as the movement continued) and led the slaves of Rome to revolt against the Roman ruling class in an attempt to flee Italy and seek sanctuary in Africa. Rome turns to Crassus to be the dictator to put down the revolt. The slave army was finally conquered but starting at this point, the representative government of the Romans is subverted to the role of the dictator or Emperor.

11 To sum it up … The Greeks and the Romans developed and practiced the early forms of democracy. Both of these Nations could not make democracy last and were ruled by emperors. The lasting influence is the idea of citizenship and that people can and should be responsible for the government that has authority over them.

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