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The Reproductive System

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1 The Reproductive System
Chapter 10

2 Sexual Reproduction in humans
Involves two parents Each parent produces special sex cells called gametes Male gamete is called the sperm Female gamete is called the egg cell Sexual reproduction involves fertilisation

3 Fertilisation Human reproduction involves the joining together of a male sperm and a female egg to form a zygote in a process called fertilisation The fertilised egg implants itself into the uterus lining and begins its development into a baby

4 Fertilisation Human pregnancy lasts approximately 9 months(40 weeks)
Fertilisation is the fusing together of the sperm nucleus and the egg nucleus

5 Male Reproductive System

6 Male Reproductive System
Testes produces millions of sperm cells chemicals called hormones Scrotum Fold of skin where testes lie Holds testes outside body

7 Male Reproductive System
Sperm duct A tube that carries the sperm from the testes to the urethra in the penis fluid is added to sperm from glands along the sperm duct. The sperm & fluid together are called semen Seminal vesicles & prostate gland Secrete fluids that nourish sperm and help them swim

8 Male Reproductive System
Penis Made of spongy tissue Releases sperm into the vagina of the female during copulation

9 Female Reproductive System
Ovary Produces female gamete called the egg Produces female hormones Fallopian tube Carries egg from ovary to uterus Where fertilisation occurs

10 Female Reproductive System
Uterus Implantation, where the egg implants in the uterus wall Nourishes developing embryo. Vagina Hold penis during intercourse Birth canal through which the baby is born

11 The Menstrual Cycle

12 Menstrual Cycle Events
Days Menstrual Cycle Events Uterus lining breaks down and blood passes out through vagina = Menstruation 1 to 5 New egg matures in Ovary New lining develops in Uterus 6 to 13 New egg continues to mature in Ovary This will emphasise the different stages of the cycle again. Run through once. Give the students time to draw a table into their copies, then get the class into groups to work as teams to fill in their tables. The first team finished wins no homework! New egg released from Ovary to Fallopian Tube 14 = Ovulation The lining of the uterus remains in place until first day of next cycle 15 to 28

13 The Fertile Period The days during the menstrual cycle when the woman is most likely to become pregnant. The fertile period lasts from 2-3 days before ovulation until 2-3 days after ovulation.

14 Fertilisation Insemination: Sperm and seminal fluid are released into the vagina during sexual intercourse. The sperm swim up through the uterus to the fallopian tube. If an egg is present in the fallopian tube, the sperm and egg will fuse. Fertilisation is the fusion of a male and female gamete to form a zygote.

15 Fertilisation The fertilised egg now called a zygote moves down into the uterus and implants onto the lining of the uterus. Implantation The cells inside the zygote continue to divide and from an embryo. The uterus lining nourishes the embryo. Menstruation does not occur after implantation.

16 Fertilisation

17 Pregnancy Pregnancy is the time where the baby develops in the mothers uterus. The average human pregnancy last approximately 40 weeks.

18 Pregnancy

19 Pregnancy Amniotic sac: A sac where the baby develops inside.
Amniotic Fluid: Fills the amniotic sac, cushions and protects the developing embryo. Placenta: is a special organ formed by the developing baby and mother. Oxygen and food enter the baby’s blood. Waste and carbon dioxide leave the baby’s blood. Umbilical cord: connects the placenta to the baby

20 Birth When birth is about to occur, the muscles of the uterus & of the vagina start to contract. Labour These contractions push the baby slowly out of the vagina The amnion burst, releasing its fluid. Waters Breaking The baby is born head first The umbilical cord is cut & tied The remainder of the umbilical cord & placenta are released as the afterbirth

21 Family Planning Contraception: is the prevention of fertilisation by natural or artificial methods. Natural: not engaging in intercourse during the fertile period. Artificial: Condoms, vasectomy,

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