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Intro to Sociology Sociological Theory (Part 2) OTHS Mr. Albers.

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1 Intro to Sociology Sociological Theory (Part 2) OTHS Mr. Albers

2 Sociological Theory (Part 1) Last Time… 1. Sociological theory 2. Auguste Comte 3. Harriet Martineau 4. Herbert Spencer 5. Emile Durkheim

3 Sociological Theory (Part 2) Today… 1. Max Weber 2. Karl Marx 3. Charles Horton Cooley 4. Jane Addams 5. Robert Merton

4 Sociological Theory (Part 2) Max Weber(1864-1920): 1. Taught students to employ verstehen, German for “understanding” or “insight” 2. In other words, we must learn the subjective meanings people attach to their behavior.

5 Sociological Theory (Part 2) Max Weber(1864-1920): 1. Created the conceptual idea of the “ideal type” – which is a model to be used as a measuring rod against which actual cases can be evaluated. 2. The purpose is to provide a useful standard for measuring success.

6 Sociological Theory (Part 2) Karl Marx (1818-1883): 1. Shared a dual interest in abstract philosophy and the concrete reality of daily life with Durkheim and Weber 2. Marx, however, was so critical of existing institutions that he could not have a conventional academic career

7 Sociological Theory (Part 2) Karl Marx (1818-1883): 1. Co-authored with Friedrich Engels “The Communist Manifesto” 2. Saw society as constant conflict- especially in the factories 3. To Marx, the Factory was the site of the struggle between the exploiter and the exploited.

8 Sociological Theory (Part 2) Karl Marx (1818-1883): 1. Marx emphasized that group identification and association influenced a person’s place in society

9 Sociological Theory (Part 2) Charles Horton Cooley (1864-1929): 1. Educated as an economist, became a sociology professor at Michigan 2. Like his predecessors, he desired to study society, but Cooley wanted to do so in smaller, more intimate units

10 Sociological Theory (Part 2) Charles Horton Cooley (1864-1929): 1. Cooley saw these smaller units (family, friends, gangs) as the primary way of shaping people’s ideals, beliefs, values, and social nature.

11 Sociological Theory (Part 2) Jane Addams (1860-1935): 1. Social reformer, created “settlement houses” like Chicago’s Hull House 2. The primary goal of her inquiry was to create social services, and use political activism to benefit the underprivileged

12 Sociological Theory (Part 2) Jane Addams (1860-1935): 1. Adams worked to integrate the Chicago Public Schools, create juvenile court systems, as well as a women’s trade union

13 Sociological Theory (Part 2) Robert Merton (1910-2003): 1. Most important contribution was the combination of theory and research 2. Studied deviancy, creating the most frequently cited work on explaining deviant behavior

14 Sociological Theory (Part 2) Robert Merton (1910-2003): 1. Merton Emphasized the need for Macro and Micro Sociology 2. Macro-Sociology – concentrated on large scale phenomena and civilizations 3. Micro-Sociology – concentrated on a study of small groups & experimental studies

15 Sociological Theory (Part 2) “Democracy is the road to socialism.” (Karl Marx)


17 Sociological Theory (Part 2) Assignment: 1. Text, read p. 1-23 2. Homework assignment (due Mon)

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