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Standard 16 Demonstrate an understanding of long-term causes of World War I and its global impact.

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Presentation on theme: "Standard 16 Demonstrate an understanding of long-term causes of World War I and its global impact."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standard 16 Demonstrate an understanding of long-term causes of World War I and its global impact.

2 World War I began because of:
World War One Causes World War I began because of: M.A.I.N.

3 Each Country wanted the best military…led to competition
World War One Causes: M MILITARISM Each Country wanted the best military…led to competition

4 Countries join together and agree to help each other if attacked.
World War One Causes: A ALLIANCES Countries join together and agree to help each other if attacked. Triple Alliance Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy Triple Entente Great Britain, France, and Russia


6 IMPERIALISM World War One Causes: I
Countries wanted more money, power and territory, so they competed with each other and it sometimes turned violent.

7 World War One Causes: N NATIONALISM
Every country wanted to prove that their country was the best! Yugoslav Movement: An ethnic group in Southern Austria-Hungary called the Slavs wanted independence from A-H. Russia supported this movement

8 World War One Causes: The Spark
Archduke Franz Ferdinand Heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary. Sent to Bosnia in June of 1914 in southern A-H to try to settle the Slavs by promising them more of a voice in the A-H gov’t.

9 The Black Hand Slavic nationalist group based in Serbia.
Wants to protect the Yugoslav movement, so they don’t want Ferdinand to settle the Slavs in Bosnia. Gavrillo Princip Member of the Black Hand who assassinated Franz Ferdinand on June 14, 1914 in the capital of Bosnia, Sarajevo.

10 Austria-Hungary blames Serbia…Why???

11 Start of WWI Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia July 28, 1914.
Triple Entente does not want A-H to take over Serbia & get too powerful, so they declare war on A-H. By August 1, all of the major powers had honored their alliances and were all at war.

12 Start of WWI Triple Entente becomes the Allied Powers
Triple Alliance becomes the Central Powers Except for Italy, who thought A-H had been too aggressive against Serbia. Italy holds out and later joins the Allied Powers.


14 Conditions on the Front
WWI Conditions on the Front


16 Conditions Western Front
Between Germany & France Trench Warfare- form of fighting in which opponents fight from parallel trenches dug beside each other

17 No Man’s Land: area between two opposing trenches


19 ‘going over the top’ was the only way to take over territory


21 Eastern Front Area between Germany and Russia
Russia never won any victories, but distracted Germany enough so that they didn’t focus their entire attention on the Western Front Russia suffered huge casualties Civil War caused Russia to withdraw from WWI in 1917.

22 Weapons of War Machine gun Poison gas Tank Submarine





27 End War US enters the war in 1917 which gives Allies the advantage.
Germans sign Armistice Nov. 11, 1918

28 Paris Peace Conference
Meeting of Big Four: US, GB, FR, Italy Purpose was to establish terms of peace after WWI Germany was forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles: League of Nations- group to keep international peace Germany lost territory & military was restricted War Guilt clause- Ger. agree responsibility of war Reparations- Ger. had to pay allies LOTS of $ Mandate system- German territory split between allies


30 Europe in Shambles Because of the stress of war, governments collapsed in: Russia Austria-Hungary Ottoman Empire

31 Russian Revolution Romanov Dynasty Ruled Russia from 1613-1918
Tsar Nicholas Thought that WWI would help modernize and industrialize Russia

32 Russian Revolution Huge causalities in the war & food shortages led to discontent with the Tsar amongst the Russian people Bolsheviks Russian group that wanted to overthrow the Tsar and establish a Communist government in Russia. Led by Vladimir Lenin

33 Russian Revolution November 1917
Bolsheviks forced Tsar Nicholas to abdicate. Russia became known as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) Lenin’s first act was to back out of WWI. Bolsheviks became known as the Communist Party.

34 USSR In theory, all of the Soviet people shared equally in the gov’t.
Private land was confiscated and turned into “Communes” where communities of peasants would work large amounts of common land and turn over all yield to the government who was supposed to redistribute it equally to everyone. In reality, the Communist Party had complete power. Used a secret police to enforce laws. Food was rarely redistributed, leaving the peasants to starve.

35 What Happened to Austria-Hungary?
Allies decided to split Austria-Hungary up into two separate nations. Hapsburg Dynasty Family that ruled in Austria-Hungary for many centuries Removed from power because of their support of the war

36 Fall of the Ottoman Empire
Ottomans fought with Germany during the war. During the war, the Allies worked with nationalist groups (Jews and Arabs) within the Ottoman Empire and promised them their own countries after the war. Ottoman Empire was dismantled after WWI & this territory was divided up to be overseen by the League of Nations.

37 Fall of the Ottoman Empire
This upset the Arabs & Jews who had been expecting to get their own independent countries. Leads to resentment towards western nations.

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