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The Americas 20,000 B.C.?- 1492 A.D..

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Presentation on theme: "The Americas 20,000 B.C.?- 1492 A.D.."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Americas 20,000 B.C.? A.D.

2 Geography of the Americas
Stretches over 9,000 miles Deserts, coastlines, tropical forests, temperate forests, and fertile river valleys for farming and hunting Two large river systems the Mississippi, Amazon Rivers Two major mountain ranges- Andes, Rocky Mountains

3 First Americans Came over land bridge from Asia that connected to North America about 20,000 years ago Pursuing herds of bison and caribou First Americans were hunter- gatherers 10,000 years ago reached the southern tip of South America

4 Mound Builders 1000 B.C. farming villages appeared Mississippi River Valley- two civilizations developed- Hopewell , later the Mississippian Grew crops, gathered food and hunted animals Extensive trade network- Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico Around 800 B.C. shift to full time farming- “three sisters” crops- corn, beans and squash

5 Mound Builders Built elaborate earth mounds for burial, to keep time and religious ceremonies Large city developed around A.D Cahokia- across the Mississippi River from St. Louis, city collapsed by thirteenth century

6 Eastern Woodlands Iroquois lived in northeast
Grew “three sisters” crops and lived in longhouses Around 1500 after a period of war - Iroquois and four other tribes formed the Iroquois League council of representatives that met to settle differences between groups Largest political organization north of Mexico

7 Arctic People 3000 B.C. people moved into northern North America
Learned unique ways to deal with the harsh environment Hunted whales, seals, caribou- provided food and clothing, dog sleds and kayaks used for transportation Lived in houses made of stone and turf

8 Great Plains Lived in central plains region of North America
Grew three sisters crops along river valleys, lived in tepees Migrated to hunt buffalo every summer- bison provided clothes, food, tools, shelter

9 North Pacific Coast Rich environment
Pacific Ocean provided fish and sea mammals, rivers and forests provided game Built large permanent settlements Traded surplus goods and shared wealth in ceremonies called the potlatch

10 Southwest Anasazi lived in the four corners region
Hohokam developed irrigation systems to farm in the desert Anasazi lived in the four corners region Built large villages- pueblos Center of village was kiva for religious ceremonies Later Anasazi built cliff dwellings for protection Drought forced both cultures to abandon their lifestyles

11 Early Civilizations in South America
Continent contains wide variety of climates- deserts, rainforest and Andes mountains Andes farmers terraced fields, built irrigation systems, cultivated crops- potatoes, domesticated the llama Built large ceremonial centers

12 Moche, Nazca Moche empire on north coast of Peru Nazca
Skilled farmers, built early road network Warlike (evidence from pottery) Nazca Southern Peru in desert, left huge pictographs in the desert, may have been family symbol or calendar

13 The Inca Late 1300’s small community in the Andes- Cuzco
Lived high in the Andes mountains 1440’s new emperor Pachacuti= Sapa Inca conquered region Sapa Inca absolute power, son of the sun (divine emperor), owned all land and people

14 Inca Empire Efficient government, chain of command reached every village Bureaucracy collected taxes, did government business Specially trained officials kept records on Quipu’s Large army, society built on war and conquest

15 Inca Empire Roads connected empire- 24,000 miles through mountains and desert Allowed armies and information to move quickly through empire Cuzco, capital, people from all over empire lived there, center was Temple of the Sun All conquered people learned Quechua language

16 Inca Empire Daily lives of people strictly controlled
Communities called ayllus, leaders organized communities, arranged marriages, assigned tasks to families

17 Inca Empire Farmers terraced hillsides, built irrigation systems
Land, crops and water were divided among families Crops divided among farmers family, Inca government Labor service required each year to build roads and other building projects

18 Incan Science, Arts Skilled metalworkers, Andes mineral rich area, created works of gold and gold alloy Preformed first surgery on skulls, used anesthetic, more advanced than European medicine

19 Inca Engineering Skilled engineers built bridges, roads across rough terrain, buildings built without mortar and huge stones to avoid damage from earthquakes

20 Inca Religion Polytheistic, linked to forces of nature
Tied to routines of life- each month had own religious festival Worshiped “sun god” Initi

21 Conquest of the Inca Spanish arrive in 1531, Pizarro and 180 soldiers
Spanish had gunpowder, horse steel weapons Smallpox epidemic, killed emperor, Inca had no resistance to European diseases Civil War over who would be ruler, Pizarro took advantage of situation, executed new emperor 1535 Spanish captured Cuzco and established Spanish colony

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