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Learning in the 21st Century

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Presentation on theme: "Learning in the 21st Century"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning in the 21st Century

2 Who is the digital native?



5 Were really good at preparing students for . . .



8 A change – a systemic shift – is needed

9 Brain Research How does brain research support the use of digital media and technology in the 21st Century classroom?


11 The Human Brain – Facts An adult brain weighs 2-4 pounds
The brain is comprised of at least 60% fat Every heart beat provides 25% of the blood and oxygen to the brain The brain has a cortex and subcortex Adapted from How Brain Research Relates to Rigor, Relevance and Relationships (Dr. Willard Daggett 2007)

12 The Human Brain – Facts The brain has a left hemisphere (primarily language functions) and a right hemisphere (primarily non-language functions) The hippocampus encodes new information and initiates learning and memory Adapted from How Brain Research Relates to Rigor, Relevance and Relationships (Dr. Willard Daggett 2007)

13 The Human Brain – Facts Human have millions of brain cells (neurons) that can be shaped and increased in number with exposure to complex and novel environments Adapted from How Brain Research Relates to Rigor, Relevance and Relationships (Dr. Willard Daggett 2007)

14 The Human Brain – Facts Neurons communicate with each other chemically, in a process referred to as a synapse The more synaptic connections, the greater the brain reserve Brain reserve is thought to delay the onset of diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease Adapted from How Brain Research Relates to Rigor, Relevance and Relationships (Dr. Willard Daggett 2007)

15 Brain Research The brain has plasticity – there is no finite capacity or limitation Every brain is shaped by environmental input across ones’ lifespan The type of environmental input to a brain can make a difference with respect to the health of that brain Adapted from How Brain Research Relates to Rigor, Relevance and Relationships (Dr. Willard Daggett 2007)

16 Brain Plasticity The dynamic, constantly reorganizing, and malleable nature of the brain is called brain plasticity Adapted from How Brain Research Relates to Rigor, Relevance and Relationships (Dr. Willard Daggett 2007)

17 Brain Plasticity Critical factors to an enriched environment for brain development Socialization Physical activity Mental stimulation According to Nussbaum (Your Brain Health Lifestyle 2007) – Reflection and introspection Adapted from How Brain Research Relates to Rigor, Relevance and Relationships (Dr. Willard Daggett 2007)

18 Data from Kaiser Family Foundation Study, 2005
1 hr 45 min listening to music (radio, CDs, MP3 players) 6 ½ hrs/day 3 hrs watching TV 1 hr on the computer (outside of schoolwork) 45 minutes playing video games Data from Kaiser Family Foundation Study, 2005 Generation M: Media in the Lives of 8-18 Year-olds (Kaiser Family Foundation)

19 Impact of Media Exposure
Thinking skills enhanced by repeated exposure to digital media: Reading visual images as representations of 3D space (representational competence) Multidimensional visual-spatial skills, mental maps, “mental paper folding” Inductive discovery Attentional deployment Responding to expected and unexpected stimuli Adapted from Do They Really Think Differently? (Marc Prensky 2001)

20 What is the learning profile of 21st Century students?
Digital Natives What is the learning profile of 21st Century students?

21 Students’ #1 request regarding technology use at their schools
Relax school rules about , IM, cell phone and online use Favorite communications device (K-12) Cell phone (73% in grades 9-12 use a cell phone daily) Percentage of middle schoolers who have online friends from other schools, states or countries 54% Data from Kaiser Family Foundation Study, 2005 Speak Up 2006 (

22 Adapted from Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants (Marc Prensky 2001)
Are used to receiving information really fast Like to parallel process and multitask Prefer graphics before their text Prefer random access (like hypertext) Adapted from Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants (Marc Prensky 2001)

23 Adapted from Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants (Marc Prensky 2001)
Function best when networked Thrive on instant gratification and frequent rewards Prefer games to “serious” work Adapted from Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants (Marc Prensky 2001)

24 Adapted from Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants (Marc Prensky 2001)
What are they missing? Critical thinking Reflection Evaluation Adapted from Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants (Marc Prensky 2001)

25 communication connectedness creativity Conceptual Age Information Age
Industrial Age Agriculture Age Data from Kaiser Family Foundation Study, 2005 Adapted from A Whole New Mind (Daniel Pink 2006)

26 What constitutes thinking and learning skills in the 21st Century?
Digital Culture What constitutes thinking and learning skills in the 21st Century?

27 Data from Kaiser Family Foundation Study, 2005
Top 10 Websites Data from Kaiser Family Foundation Study, 2005 (March 10, 2008)

28 Top 10 Websites in the USA and Canada
Google Yahoo MySpace YouTube Facebook Windows Live EBay Wikipedia MSN Craigslist (March 10, 2008)


30 Realizations Society is changing
The skills and knowledge required for work and civic life in the 21st century are shifting Educational systems need to adapt to meet the needs of the digital natives in the 21st century

31 Societal Changes Globalization Transformative technologies
Shifting demographics Changing values and attitudes

32 Work and Civic Skills Released October 2, 2009, by The Conference Board, Corporate Voices for Working Families, Partnership for 21st Century Skills, and the Society for Human Resource Management groups.

33 21st Century Skills What skills are most important for job success when hiring a High School graduate? Work Ethic 80% Collaboration 75% Good Communication 70% Social Responsibility 63% Critical Thinking & Problem Solving 58% Are They Really To Work? 2009

34 21st Century Skills Of the High School students that you recently hired, what were their deficiencies? Written Communication 81% Leadership 73% Work Ethic 70% Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Self-Direction 58% Are They Really To Work? 2009

35 21st Century Skills What applied skills and basic knowledge are most important for those you will hire with a four-year college diploma? Oral Communication 95.4% Collaboration 94.4% Professional/Work Ethic 93.8% Written Communication 93.1% Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Are They Really To Work? 2009

36 21st Century Skills What skills and content areas will be growing in importance in the next five years? Critical Thinking 78% Information Technology 77% Health & Wellness 76% Collaboration 74% Innovation Personal Financial Responsibility 72% Are They Really To Work? 2009

37 Implications for Public Education
Around what enduring understandings, essential questions, and standards should our programs be built to better prepare our students for their future?

38 Implications for Public Education
“This is a story about the big public conversation the nation is not having about education… whether an entire generation of kids will fail to make the grade in the global economy because they can’t think their way through abstract problems, work in teams, distinguish good information from bad, or speak a language other than English.” “How to Build a Student for the 21st Century”, TIME Magazine, December 18, 2006

39 Technology Use by Students
Discuss why this chart looks like this?

40 20th verses 21st Read through the descriptors for both the 20th and 21st century. Have a conversation at your table about where are you are as a teacher, your school and Red Deer Catholic and is on this continuum.

41 20th Century vs. 21st Century
20th Century Classrooms 21st Century Classrooms Time-based Outcome-based Focus on memorization of discrete facts Focus on what students KNOW, CAN DO and ARE LIKE after all the details are forgotten Lessons focus on lower level of Bloom’s Taxonomy – knowledge, comprehension and application Learning is designed on upper levels of Bloom’s – synthesis, analysis and evaluation Textbook-driven Research-driven Passive learning Active learning Learners work in isolation – classroom within 4 walls Learners work collaboratively with classmates and others around the world – the Global Classroom Teacher-centered:  teacher is center of attention and provider of information Student-centered:  teacher is facilitator/coach Little or no student freedom Great deal of student freedom Fragmented curriculum Integrated and Interdisciplinary curriculum Grades averaged Grades are based on what was learned

42 20th Century vs. 21st Century
20th Century Classrooms 21st Century Classrooms Low expectations High expectations – “If it isn’t good, it isn’t done”  We expect, and ensure, that all students succeed in learning at high levels.  Some may go higher – we get out of their way to let them do that. Teacher is judge.  No one else sees student work. Self, Peer and Other assessments.  Public audience, authentic assessments. Curriculum/School is irrelevant and meaningless to the students. Curriculum is connected to students’ interests, experiences, talents and the real world. Print is the primary vehicle of learning and assessment. Performances, projects and multiple forms of media are used for learning and assessment. Diversity in students is ignored. Curriculum and instruction address student diversity. Literacy is the 3 R’s – reading, writing and math Multiple literacies of the 21st century – aligned to living and working in a globalized new millennium.

43 21st Century Skills

44 21st Century Skills Skim the Metiri – 21st Century Skills – purple handout. Discuss how it relates to our classrooms.

45 Vision for 21st Century Learning
Core subjects Language arts Mathematics Science World languages Civic and government Economics History Geography Results That Matter 21st Century Skills and High School Reform 2006

46 Talk Time Visioning the future
What are could the core subjects be? What is 21st century content? What are the learning and thinking skills? What are the information and technology skills need? What are the life skills?

47 Vision for 21st Century Learning
21st Century Content Global awareness Financial, economic, business, and entrepreneurial literacy Civic literacy Health and wellness awareness Results That Matter 21st Century Skills and High School Reform 2006

48 Vision for 21st Century Learning
Learning and Thinking Skills Critical-thinking and problem-solving skills Communication skills Creativity and innovation skills Collaboration skills Contextual learning skills Information and media literacy skills Results That Matter 21st Century Skills and High School Reform 2006

49 Vision for 21st Century Learning
Information and Communications Technology The ability to use technology to learn content and skills – so that they know how to learn, think critically, solve problems, use information, communicate, innovate, and collaborate Results That Matter 21st Century Skills and High School Reform 2006

50 Vision for 21st Century Learning
Life Skills Leadership Ethics Accountability Adaptability Personal productivity Personal responsibility People skills Self-direction Social responsibility Results That Matter 21st Century Skills and High School Reform 2006

51 21st Century Standards Focuses on 21st century skills, content knowledge and expertise. Builds understanding across and among core subjects as well as 21st century interdisciplinary themes Emphasizes deep understanding rather than shallow knowledge Engages students with the real world data, tools, and experts they will encounter in college, on the job, and in life--students learn best when actively engaged in solving meaningful problems Allows for multiple measures of mastery

52 Technology Standards

53 NETS-S Digital Citizenship
Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. a. advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology. b. exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity. c. demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning. d. exhibit leadership for digital citizenship.

54 “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” - Alvin Toffler

55 Over half of the teachers say that technology has had the largest impact on their teaching…that technology helps them engage students…that their lesson plans are richer and timelier… Data from Kaiser Family Foundation Study, 2005 Speak Up 2006 (


57 What is Web 2.0 It refers to the a perceived second generation of web development and design, that aims to facilitate communication, secure information sharing, and collaboration on the World Wide Web. The concepts have led to the development and evolution of web-based communities, hosted services, and applications; such as social-networking sites, video-sharing sites, wikis, and blogs.

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