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Warm up/ WW1 Try to see what you remember/know about WW1

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1 Warm up/ WW1 Try to see what you remember/know about WW1
What caused WW1? On what continent did most fighting take place? What were the 2 sides? What was the outcome?

2 Causes of WWI – M.A.I.N. Militarism: Glorification of the military
Build up of militaries, navies, stockpiling weapons The growing European divide had led to an arms race between the main countries. The armies of both France and Germany had more than doubled between 1870 and 1914 and there was fierce competition between Britain and Germany for mastery of the seas. The British had introduced the ‘Dreadnought’, an effective battleship, in The Germans soon followed suit introducing their own battleships.

3 Causes of WWI – M.A.I.N. Alliance System: The formation of alliances pitted several nations against each other Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy Triple Entente: France, Russia, and GB A number of alliances had been signed by countries between the years 1879 and These were important because they meant that some countries had no option but to declare war if one of their allies. declared war first

4 Causes of WWI – M.A.I.N. Imperialism: Competition and protection of colonies raises tensions among nations By 1900 the British Empire extended over five continents and France had control of large areas of Africa. With the rise of industrialism countries needed new markets. The amount of lands ‘owned’ by Britain and France increased the rivalry with Germany who had entered the scramble to acquire colonies late and only had small areas of Africa. Note the contrast in the map below.

5 Causes of WWI – M.A.I.N. Nationalism: Extreme pride in one’s nation/country Nationalism fueled a desire by every nation for victory France wanted revenge for Germany taking Alsace-Lorraine territory Serbian nationalism fueled a hate for A-H

6 The Spark A-H had control over many different ethnic groups
Serbs, under A-H control, wanted to break free In 1908, Austria-Hungary took over the former Turkish province of Bosnia. This angered Serbians who felt the province should be theirs. Serbia threatened Austria-Hungary with war, Russia, allied to Serbia, mobilized its forces. Germany, allied to Austria-Hungary mobilised its forces and prepared to threaten Russia. War was avoided when Russia backed down. There was, however, war in the Balkans between 1911 and 1912 when the Balkan states drove Turkey out of the area. The states then fought each other over which area should belong to which state. Austria-Hungary then intervened and forced Serbia to give up some of its acquisitions. Tension between Serbia and Austria-Hungary was high.

7 The Spark That Started WWI
Archduke Francis Ferdinand (heir to the A-H throne) visited Sarajevo, Bosnia Terrorist group known as the Black Hand planned to assassinate him.

8 The Spark That Started WWI
Gavril Princip, a Serbian nationalist, assassinated the Archduke Outraged the A-H, and they threatened war against Serbia

9 Alliance System Kicks In
Germany, an ally of A-H, gave them a “blank check” A-H soon declared war on Serbia Kaiser Wilhelm II Germany, Europe July, 28, 1914 This meant that if A-H declared war on Serbia, Germany would fully support A-H Austria-Hungary You can have whatever you like… War against Serbia Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany

10 Alliance System Kicks In
Russia, an ally of Serbia, responds by mobilizing on the border of Germany Angers Germany, they declare war on Russia France, ally of Russia, declares war on Germany

11 The Schlieffen Plan Germany planned to attack France through Belgium
As soon as Germany enters Belgium, GB declares war on Germany After France’s defeat, the Germans would then shift to the east and defeat the Russians

12 Warm up; Match the WW1 Leader with his country
Woodrow Wilson Franz Ferdinand Georges Clemenceau Czar Nicholas II Vittorio Orlando Austria-Hungary Italy France United States Russia

13 Trench warfare- soldiers battled wet, cold, and dangerous conditions


15 One common problem was trench foot

16 New Technology Changes Warfare
One reason for digging the trenches and the danger of “no mans land” was the invention of the machine gun

17 New Technology Tanks-Purpose was to break through defenses
Airplanes- Used for recon, bombing, and some air to air combat Poison gases- Mustard, chlorine, etc. would kill, burn, blind

18 Wilson Urges Neutrality
Wilson desired neutrality Americans were split: Some wanted isolation German-Americans supported Germany Others support GB, etc

19 US Moves Towards War GB began stopping all goods going to Germany
International law permitted non-contraband goods, but GB ignored this Non-contraband=food, clothing Contraband= war supplies

20 US Moves Towards War Germany uses U-boats to sink any ships going to GB One ship was the Lusitania, which carried US passengers Sinking of the Lusitania outraged Americans Wilson still would not go to war, but began preparations The National Defense Act began increasing the size of the military

21 Zimmerman Telegraph Germans, wanted to resume UBoat warfare, but were worried about the US Wrote Mexico a letter, promising to help them regain territory if they distracted the US

22 US Moves Towards War Once this was discovered by the US, there was no keeping us out of war April 2, 1917-US declared war on Germany

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