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Presentation on theme: "TYPES OF POETRY ENGLISH 9."— Presentation transcript:


2 PURPOSE Today we will go over types of poetry. You will need this information for: The quiz on Monday The final project Follow along and fill out the worksheet as we go

3 BALLAD a poem that tells a narrative story similar to a folk tale or legend which often has a repeated refrain. Ballads are often set to music. Pop and rock musicians today often write and record ballads.

4 BLANK VERSE A poem written in unrhymed iambic pentameter (the meter often used by Shakespeare in his plays), which has the rhythm of spoken language.

5 CINQUAIN Poetry with five lines. Line 1 has one word (the title). Line 2 has two words that describe the title. Line 3 has four words that tell the action. Line 4 has six words that express the feeling, and line 5 has two words which recall the title.

6 COUPLET A couplet has rhyming stanzas made up of two lines.

7 CONCRETE Poems that are written in such a way that they make a picture of the thing being written about.

8 ELEGY A sad and thoughtful poem about the death of an individual.

9 FREE VERSE Poetry written according to the rhythm of speech rather than following a particular rhyme scheme.

10 FOUND a poem that is created by using “found” words (words and phrases in the environment, newspaper, etc.)

11 HAIKU A Japanese nature poem composed of three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables.

12 LIMERICK a short (sometimes off-color), humorous poem consisting of five lines. Lines 1, 2, and 5 have seven to ten syllables; they rhyme and use the same verbal rhythm. The 3rd and 4th lines have five to seven syllables, rhyme and have the same rhythm.

13 QUATRAIN a stanza or poem consisting of four lines. Rhyme scheme can follow the aabb, abab, abba, or abcb pattern.


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