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Journal In 1970, sociologist Robin M. Williams (NCSU/UNC/Harvard) published a paper wherein he sought to indentify the primary values present in “American.

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Presentation on theme: "Journal In 1970, sociologist Robin M. Williams (NCSU/UNC/Harvard) published a paper wherein he sought to indentify the primary values present in “American."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal In 1970, sociologist Robin M. Williams (NCSU/UNC/Harvard) published a paper wherein he sought to indentify the primary values present in “American society.” Over the next 5-8 minutes, identify and explain 7 values that you believe are held by the vast majority* of individuals living in the United States. Then, taking into account the 43 year time gap, briefly explain whether or not you believe your listed values will be consistent with what Williams found. *While we cannot presume to predict the value structure for all societal outliers, we will focus on the ideals held by most people living in American society.

2 Values in U.S. Society (as noted by sociologist Robin Williams*)
Education Religiousity Romantic love and monogamy (Henslin, 1975) Leisure Physical Fitness Self-fulfillment Concern for the environment (various) Achievement and success Individualism Activity and work Efficiency and practicality Science and rationality Progress Material comfort Equality Freedom Democracy Humanitarianism Racism and group superiority Copyright (c) 2002 by Allyn & Bacon

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