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The Economy and Government of the Southern Colonies

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1 The Economy and Government of the Southern Colonies
By Jack Henry Cicio, Leslie Kang and Lilah Shandel

2 Agricultural Exports The Southern Colonies mainly made a profit off of their crops. They sold these to other colonies and at the Old World. tobacco rice indigo cotton corn vegetables grains livestock fruits

3 Plantations There were many plantations in the southern colonies. These plantations usually consisted of: a main house slave quarters a blacksmith’s shop a laundry area a smokehouse and barns

4 Slaves The Southern Colonies had the highest rate of slave ownership.
They used slaves to help harvest crops and take care of the livestock White slaves could not be kept forever, so plantation owners had to find another source of work. Colonists turned to the Africans In 1619, slaves were brought to Virginia By 1750, there were over 235,000 enslaved Africans in Colonial America The Southern Colonies owned about 85% of them Slave codes denied basic human rights and slaves were treated as property In 1688, Quakers from Germantown, Pennsylvania called for an end to slavery.

5 Southern Colonies Governments
All of the southern colonial governments: elected their own legislatures in the House of Burgesses tradition had Governors had court systems Were ruled by either a: Proprietary Government, where the English monarch granted land (Maryland) or Royal Government, where the English Monarch ruled directly (all other southern colonies)

6 The Maryland Colony originally founded in 1633 as a safe haven for English Catholics. founded by George Calvert and Lord Baltimore Maryland’s form of government was a proprietary colony, meaning the proprietors were granted governmental powers from the Crown. Fun Fact: In 1763, legal battles were settled by a survey

7 The Virginia Colony Virginia was founded in 1607 by Captain John Smith who established the Jamestown settlement. This is where the Native American Powhatans come in. John Smith came to the New World with the fund- ing from the London Company. This is a corporate charter. The London Company actually petitioned for the First Virginia charter in 1606. The London Company believed that they would be able to make money with the land in the New World. The first slaves were brought to Virginia in 1619. Timber was an important natural resource Virginia created the House of Burgesses, the first representative elected in N. America Virginia Dare, of Roanoke, became the first English child born in the New World

8 The North and South Carolina Colonies
founded in 1653 by eight Virginia Colonists, first as a Proprietary Colony that eventually in 1729 changed into a Royal Colony, like Virginia the Carolinas were founded to make money. Settlement took place in two separate areas The North consisted mostly of poor tobacco farmers who had migrated from the southern part of Virginia Area became known as North Carolina in 1712 The South originally called Charles Town, until it was shortened to Charleston, until it was changed to South Carolina in 1719 Immigrants included Germans, Swiss, French Protestants, Spanish Jews, and English people from Barbados, a British colony in the Caribbean. By 1700, most people coming to Charleston were African men and women taken in as slaves Slaves eventually outnumbered Europeans in the colonies more than two to one

9 The Georgia Colony founded in 1732 by James Oglethorpe, a respected British soldier and energetic reformer was a place where debtors can get a fresh start also used as a buffer to separate the colonies from Florida, which was Spanish territory Under law, the government could imprison debtors until they paid back what they owed. When they got out of jail, Oglethorpe offered to pay the debtors and other people to go to Georgia

10 Native Americans The Native Americans of the Southern colonies consisted of many tribes, due to the size of their land. the Powhatans the Yamasee the Cherokee the Conoy the Creeks the Assategue the Mound Builders the Hatteras the Catawba the Susquehannock

11 Works Cited "Colonial America." For Kids ***. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Jan Colonial Life. Baltimore: n.p., Web. "Colonial Maryland." Colonial Maryland. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2015 "North Carolina Colony." ***. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Jan "Original Inhabitants of the 13 Colonies." Original Inhabitants of the 13 Colonies. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Jan "Southern Colonies." Southern Colonies. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2015 "Southern Colonies." ***. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Jan "The 13 American Colonies Part 2: Characteristics of the Colonies." The 13 American Colonies Part 2: Characteristics of the Colonies. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Jan "Virginia Colony." ***. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Jan

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