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SQL Server 2016 Hybrid HyperScale Offer.

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1 SQL Server 2016 Hybrid HyperScale Offer

2 Database with Unlimited Online Storage
Hybrid HyperScale Database Offer Hosted Database with Potentially Unlimited scale-out Limitless Online transactional data at low cost Limit need to truncate cold data or put it in offline storage Customer Benefits SQL 2016 Stretch DB Azure Stretch DB Service Query DataStore Capabilities Database with Unlimited Online Storage On-Demand expansion without any CAPEX Workload analysis for workloads that need historical data online Low-Cost expandable storage Partner Opportunities

3 Hybrid HyperScale Reference Scenario
Fabrikam Online has an online retail application that provides a smart shopping cart experience to millions of users worldwide The OLTP application inserts transactions into the table 24x7 Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) query these tables via their support application in order to resolve customer issues usually associated with their orders in the last 90 days The smart shopping cart provides discounts and promotions to users based on their lifetime value to Fabrikam In order to do to compute lifetime value, the entire purchase history of the customer is computed daily Make sure you are using a CSP subscription with Azure Services enabled However, the order history table which has the entire purchase history of every customer has grown causing performance problems and needing extra storage

4 Hybrid Hyperscale Database Reference Architecture Retail Intelligent Shopping Cart
Analytics CSR Rep Customer CSR Stretch Database History Asynchronous Replication Availability Group Shopping Cart OLTP In-Memory ColumnStore AlwaysOn Asynchronous Replica Stretch Database Temporal Database

5 Implementation Overview for reference scenario
Setup the database as a memory optimized database Extend the AlwaysOn high availability environment by adding an asynchronous replica to Azure Stretch customer order history tables to Azure by moving all data older than 90 days to Azure Stretch database Implement In-Memory columnstore index on order history tables for efficient querying by the CSR application CSR application queries the read only replica Lifetime value is computed against the stretch tables Temporal Database tables for historical queries Sample data and detailed step by step guidance for reference scenario available <here>

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