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Watch video clip as computers warm up

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Presentation on theme: "Watch video clip as computers warm up"— Presentation transcript:

1 Watch video clip as computers warm up
Watch video clip as computers warm up. TOPIC: Partisanship & Budget Stand off What happens when the Republican House & Republican Senate cannot agree on how to protest Obama’s action on Immigration? Obama decided to focus deportations only on people that have committed a crime and represent a threat to security Department of Homeland Security is about to be out of money Protects the border Anti-terrorism work Enforces immigration law Congress is refusing to fund the Department unless Obama gives in on immigration. House Speaker John Boehner

2 In your Interactive Notebook: Unit 2A, Lesson 3: North Carolina State Government
ON YOUR DESK: 1)lap tops warming up 2) Completed Study guide – 2.1 Warm Up: Read the handout and prepare to earn points by answering questions about state powers. LESSON ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does North Carolina’s government structure compare to that of the Federal Government? ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY for lesson: Reserved powers; Concurrent powers Governor, NC General Assembly, NC Preamble, Council of State, selection of state judges

3 After this lesson, you should be able to:
In your Interactive Notebook: Unit 2 - Lesson 3 North Carolina State Government DEADLINES & HOMEWORK: Test Corrections: By Wed 2/18 NIGHTLY: Study Guide Performance Task Deadlines: Lessson 2: Today (start of class) Lesson 3: Today (End of class) Lesson 4: Thursday Lessons 1-4 Vocab Quiz: Fri After this lesson, you should be able to: Describe similarities & differences in NC and Federal government structure Evaluate legislation currently proposed by the General Assembly

4 Need to Take / Finish Unit 1 Exam
LUNCH or AFTER SCHOOL TOMORROW Mali (written section only) Frederick

5 True or False? 1. The states in the United States are individual countries.  True  False (They are similar, but the states have given some power to the federal government and have agreed to be under the authority of the U.S. Constitution.)

6 True or False? 2. The Constitution gives a specific list of powers to the federal government.  True  False (That’s right! The Constitution is specific about what the federal government can do.)

7 True or False? 3. The Constitution gives a specific list of powers to the states.  True  False (States have all the powers that aren’t specifically given to the federal government.)

8 True or False? 4. “Concurrent” powers are the only powers that states have.  True  False (Concurrent powers are shared by both the states and the federal government.)

9 True or False? 5. The Constitution lists some specific things states cannot do.  True  False (The Constitution includes a few specific no-nos for states.)

10 True or False? 6. States do not have their own constitutions or laws.  True  False (All states have both a state constitution AND state laws!)

11 True or False? 7. The Constitution does not say anything about local governments.  True  False (Creating local governments is a power reserved to the states.)

12 True or False? 8. Local governments have their own power to make decisions about anything.  True  False (They only have the powers states give them.)

13 True or False? 9. Laws at a lower level of government are always superior to laws at a higher level.  True  False (It’s the other way around!)

14 True or False? 10. The federal government can influence states by attaching rules to federal money.  True  False (States often rely on federal money for things like roads and schools, so this can be an effective method of influence.)

15 Annotation & Comparison
In groups, read, annotate, and answer the questions on the handout comparing the NC Constitution & the U.S. Constitition. Using what you learned in the annotation, INDIVIDUALLY fill in your Venn Diagram showing similarities and differences between the NC and U.S. Constitution. Focus on: The preamble Structure of the Senate Selection of executive branch officials other than the President / Governor Selection process for judges

16 Summarizing NC Government

17 Comparing Federal & State Government
National Purpose: To set up the U.S. government Preamble: “we the people” Does not mention god Has a Bill of Rights Separation of powers, checks and balances, popular sovereignty State Purpose: To set up the government of North Carolina Preamble: “we the people,” mentions god Has Declaration of Rights Separation of powers, checks and balances, popular sovereignty

18 What else is the same? Bicameral legislature 3 branches
Chief Executive serves 4 year terms

19 Legislative Districts
The state is divided up into House Districts & Senate Districts. Everyone has ONE senator and ONE representative to represent THEIR DISTRICT

20 General Assembly Make laws Pass budget
Checks up on government operations Elects members to UNC and Community College Boards

21 NC Legislature (General Assembly)
House of Representatives 120 members 21 years old Live in district 1 year Senate 50 members 25 years old Live in NC 2 years Live in district 1 year

22 Executive

23 Governor Responsible for all state agencies Proposes and approves laws
Administers budget Grants pardons/commutes sentences

24 Lt. Governor

25 Lt. Governor President of NC Senate Becomes Governor if Governor dies
Serves on committees and boards

26 Council of State Elected statewide to 4 year terms NC Attorney General
Commissioner of Agriculture & Consumer Services Insurance Commissioner – regulates insurance companies Commissioner of Labor – oversees workplace safety issues, & fair employment laws

27 Council of State Secretary of State –
oversees business licenses & registrations Superintendent of Public Instruction Manages regulation of public school system State Auditor – reviews state budgets and makes sure the numbers are right. Checks for fraud State Treasurer – manages the money of the state

28 North Carolina Courts NC state judges ARE ELECTED NC Courts
NC judges serve eight year terms Governor DOES NOT appoint state judges U.S. President DOES appoint Federal judges NC Courts Supreme Court (elected by entire state) Court of Appeals (elected for a region) Superior Court (elected from districts) Jury trial is guaranteed if you lose in district court District Court (elected form districts) 1st level of trial; no jury, just a judge; traffic court, etc.

29 Strike-It!

A. Weights and Measures. The standards of measure in the state of Pendiana shall be: Length: hands Weight: stones Volume: hogsheads B. Vehicles. All vehicles owned by citizens of Pendiana must be registered with the state. Registration must be renewed each year. C. International Relations War. By a ¾ vote, the legislature of the State of Pendiana may declare war on any sovereign nation of the world. Treaties. The Governor of Pendiana may negotiate treaties with other nations. D. Education. The State of Pendiana shall provide a free education to every child. E. Taxes. Tax rates for the State of Pendiana shall be: Income Tax: 5% Property Tax: 2.5% Sales Tax: 3% In addition, there shall be a tax of 10% on all goods manufactured in any state except Pendiana. F. Local Governments. Every city in the State of Pendiana must provide its own police force inside city limits. G. Courts. For each county of the state, there shall be a superior court. One judge shall be appointed for each 30,000 residents. H. Immigration. No citizen of a foreign country may live or work in the state without passing the Pendiana Citizenship Knowledge Test. I. Cities & Towns. Each city and town in the state shall aadopt a long-range general plan for growth and development. J. Animal Shelters. Each county shall maintain a shelter for lost or stray animals. K. International Commerce. A 20% charge will be added to all products manufactured outside the United States of America and sold in the state of Pendiana. LAWS OF THE STATE OF PENDIANA A. Weights and Measures. The standards of measure in the state of Pendiana shall be: Length: hands Weight: stones Volume: hogsheads B. Vehicles. All vehicles owned by citizens of Pendiana must be registered with the state. Registration must be renewed each year. C. International Relations. War. By a 3/4 vote, the legislature of the State of Pendiana may declare war on any sovereign nation of the world. Treaties. The Governor of Pendiana may negotiate treaties with other nations. D. Education. The State of Pendiana shall provide a free education to every child. E. Taxes. Tax rates for the State of Pendiana shall be: Income Tax: 5% Property Tax: 2.5% Sales Tax: 3% In addition, there shall be a tax of 10% on all goods manufactured in any state except Pendiana. F. Local Governments. Every city in the State of Pendiana must provide its own police force inside city limits. G. Courts. For each county of the state, there shall be a superior court. One judge shall be appointed for each 30,000 residents. H. Immigration. No citizen of a foreign country may live or work in the state without passing the Pendiana Citizenship Knowledge Test. I. Cities & Towns. Each city and town in the state shall adopt a long-range general plan for growth and development. J. Animal Shelters. Each county shall maintain a shelter for lost or stray animals. K. International Commerce. A 20% charge will be added to all products manufactured outside the United States of America and sold in the state of Pendiana.

A. Weights and Measures. The standards of measure in the state of Pendiana shall be: Length: hands Weight: stones Volume: hogsheads B. Vehicles. All vehicles owned by citizens of Pendiana must be registered with the state. Registration must be renewed each year. C. International Relations War. By a ¾ vote, the legislature of the State of Pendiana may declare war on any sovereign nation of the world. Treaties. The Governor of Pendiana may negotiate treaties with other nations. D. Education. The State of Pendiana shall provide a free education to every child. E. Taxes. Tax rates for the State of Pendiana shall be: Income Tax: 5% Property Tax: 2.5% Sales Tax: 3% In addition, there shall be a tax of 10% on all goods manufactured in any state except Pendiana. F. Local Governments. Every city in the State of Pendiana must provide its own police force inside city limits. G. Courts. For each county of the state, there shall be a superior court. One judge shall be appointed for each 30,000 residents. H. Immigration. No citizen of a foreign country may live or work in the state without passing the Pendiana Citizenship Knowledge Test. I. Cities & Towns. Each city and town in the state shall aadopt a long-range general plan for growth and development. J. Animal Shelters. Each county shall maintain a shelter for lost or stray animals. K. International Commerce. A 20% charge will be added to all products manufactured outside the United States of America and sold in the state of Pendiana. Federal Power LAWS OF THE STATE OF PENDIANA A. Weights and Measures. The standards of measure in the state of Pendiana shall be: Length: hands Weight: stones Volume: hogsheads B. Vehicles. All vehicles owned by citizens of Pendiana must be registered with the state. Registration must be renewed each year. C. International Relations. War. By a 3/4 vote, the legislature of the State of Pendiana may declare war on any sovereign nation of the world. Treaties. The Governor of Pendiana may negotiate treaties with other nations. D. Education. The State of Pendiana shall provide a free education to every child. E. Taxes. Tax rates for the State of Pendiana shall be: Income Tax: 5% Property Tax: 2.5% Sales Tax: 3% In addition, there shall be a tax of 10% on all goods manufactured in any state except Pendiana. F. Local Governments. Every city in the State of Pendiana must provide its own police force inside city limits. G. Courts. For each county of the state, there shall be a superior court. One judge shall be appointed for each 30,000 residents. H. Immigration. No citizen of a foreign country may live or work in the state without passing the Pendiana Citizenship Knowledge Test. I. Cities & Towns. Each city and town in the state shall adopt a long-range general plan for growth and development. J. Animal Shelters. Each county shall maintain a shelter for lost or stray animals. K. International Commerce. A 20% charge will be added to all products manufactured outside the United States of America and sold in the state of Pendiana.

A. Weights and Measures. The standards of measure in the state of Pendiana shall be: Length: hands Weight: stones Volume: hogsheads B. Vehicles. All vehicles owned by citizens of Pendiana must be registered with the state. Registration must be renewed each year. C. International Relations War. By a ¾ vote, the legislature of the State of Pendiana may declare war on any sovereign nation of the world. Treaties. The Governor of Pendiana may negotiate treaties with other nations. D. Education. The State of Pendiana shall provide a free education to every child. E. Taxes. Tax rates for the State of Pendiana shall be: Income Tax: 5% Property Tax: 2.5% Sales Tax: 3% In addition, there shall be a tax of 10% on all goods manufactured in any state except Pendiana. F. Local Governments. Every city in the State of Pendiana must provide its own police force inside city limits. G. Courts. For each county of the state, there shall be a superior court. One judge shall be appointed for each 30,000 residents. H. Immigration. No citizen of a foreign country may live or work in the state without passing the Pendiana Citizenship Knowledge Test. I. Cities & Towns. Each city and town in the state shall aadopt a long-range general plan for growth and development. J. Animal Shelters. Each county shall maintain a shelter for lost or stray animals. K. International Commerce. A 20% charge will be added to all products manufactured outside the United States of America and sold in the state of Pendiana. Federal Power Okay! LAWS OF THE STATE OF PENDIANA A. Weights and Measures. The standards of measure in the state of Pendiana shall be: Length: hands Weight: stones Volume: hogsheads B. Vehicles. All vehicles owned by citizens of Pendiana must be registered with the state. Registration must be renewed each year. C. International Relations. War. By a 3/4 vote, the legislature of the State of Pendiana may declare war on any sovereign nation of the world. Treaties. The Governor of Pendiana may negotiate treaties with other nations. D. Education. The State of Pendiana shall provide a free education to every child. E. Taxes. Tax rates for the State of Pendiana shall be: Income Tax: 5% Property Tax: 2.5% Sales Tax: 3% In addition, there shall be a tax of 10% on all goods manufactured in any state except Pendiana. F. Local Governments. Every city in the State of Pendiana must provide its own police force inside city limits. G. Courts. For each county of the state, there shall be a superior court. One judge shall be appointed for each 30,000 residents. H. Immigration. No citizen of a foreign country may live or work in the state without passing the Pendiana Citizenship Knowledge Test. I. Cities & Towns. Each city and town in the state shall adopt a long-range general plan for growth and development. J. Animal Shelters. Each county shall maintain a shelter for lost or stray animals. K. International Commerce. A 20% charge will be added to all products manufactured outside the United States of America and sold in the state of Pendiana.

A. Weights and Measures. The standards of measure in the state of Pendiana shall be: Length: hands Weight: stones Volume: hogsheads B. Vehicles. All vehicles owned by citizens of Pendiana must be registered with the state. Registration must be renewed each year. C. International Relations War. By a ¾ vote, the legislature of the State of Pendiana may declare war on any sovereign nation of the world. Treaties. The Governor of Pendiana may negotiate treaties with other nations. D. Education. The State of Pendiana shall provide a free education to every child. E. Taxes. Tax rates for the State of Pendiana shall be: Income Tax: 5% Property Tax: 2.5% Sales Tax: 3% In addition, there shall be a tax of 10% on all goods manufactured in any state except Pendiana. F. Local Governments. Every city in the State of Pendiana must provide its own police force inside city limits. G. Courts. For each county of the state, there shall be a superior court. One judge shall be appointed for each 30,000 residents. H. Immigration. No citizen of a foreign country may live or work in the state without passing the Pendiana Citizenship Knowledge Test. I. Cities & Towns. Each city and town in the state shall aadopt a long-range general plan for growth and development. J. Animal Shelters. Each county shall maintain a shelter for lost or stray animals. K. International Commerce. A 20% charge will be added to all products manufactured outside the United States of America and sold in the state of Pendiana. Federal Power Okay! Federal Power LAWS OF THE STATE OF PENDIANA A. Weights and Measures. The standards of measure in the state of Pendiana shall be: Length: hands Weight: stones Volume: hogsheads B. Vehicles. All vehicles owned by citizens of Pendiana must be registered with the state. Registration must be renewed each year. C. International Relations. War. By a 3/4 vote, the legislature of the State of Pendiana may declare war on any sovereign nation of the world. Treaties. The Governor of Pendiana may negotiate treaties with other nations. D. Education. The State of Pendiana shall provide a free education to every child. E. Taxes. Tax rates for the State of Pendiana shall be: Income Tax: 5% Property Tax: 2.5% Sales Tax: 3% In addition, there shall be a tax of 10% on all goods manufactured in any state except Pendiana. F. Local Governments. Every city in the State of Pendiana must provide its own police force inside city limits. G. Courts. For each county of the state, there shall be a superior court. One judge shall be appointed for each 30,000 residents. H. Immigration. No citizen of a foreign country may live or work in the state without passing the Pendiana Citizenship Knowledge Test. I. Cities & Towns. Each city and town in the state shall adopt a long-range general plan for growth and development. J. Animal Shelters. Each county shall maintain a shelter for lost or stray animals. K. International Commerce. A 20% charge will be added to all products manufactured outside the United States of America and sold in the state of Pendiana.

A. Weights and Measures. The standards of measure in the state of Pendiana shall be: Length: hands Weight: stones Volume: hogsheads B. Vehicles. All vehicles owned by citizens of Pendiana must be registered with the state. Registration must be renewed each year. C. International Relations War. By a ¾ vote, the legislature of the State of Pendiana may declare war on any sovereign nation of the world. Treaties. The Governor of Pendiana may negotiate treaties with other nations. D. Education. The State of Pendiana shall provide a free education to every child. E. Taxes. Tax rates for the State of Pendiana shall be: Income Tax: 5% Property Tax: 2.5% Sales Tax: 3% In addition, there shall be a tax of 10% on all goods manufactured in any state except Pendiana. F. Local Governments. Every city in the State of Pendiana must provide its own police force inside city limits. G. Courts. For each county of the state, there shall be a superior court. One judge shall be appointed for each 30,000 residents. H. Immigration. No citizen of a foreign country may live or work in the state without passing the Pendiana Citizenship Knowledge Test. I. Cities & Towns. Each city and town in the state shall aadopt a long-range general plan for growth and development. J. Animal Shelters. Each county shall maintain a shelter for lost or stray animals. K. International Commerce. A 20% charge will be added to all products manufactured outside the United States of America and sold in the state of Pendiana. Federal Power Okay! Federal Power Okay! LAWS OF THE STATE OF PENDIANA A. Weights and Measures. The standards of measure in the state of Pendiana shall be: Length: hands Weight: stones Volume: hogsheads B. Vehicles. All vehicles owned by citizens of Pendiana must be registered with the state. Registration must be renewed each year. C. International Relations. War. By a 3/4 vote, the legislature of the State of Pendiana may declare war on any sovereign nation of the world. Treaties. The Governor of Pendiana may negotiate treaties with other nations. D. Education. The State of Pendiana shall provide a free education to every child. E. Taxes. Tax rates for the State of Pendiana shall be: Income Tax: 5% Property Tax: 2.5% Sales Tax: 3% In addition, there shall be a tax of 10% on all goods manufactured in any state except Pendiana. F. Local Governments. Every city in the State of Pendiana must provide its own police force inside city limits. G. Courts. For each county of the state, there shall be a superior court. One judge shall be appointed for each 30,000 residents. H. Immigration. No citizen of a foreign country may live or work in the state without passing the Pendiana Citizenship Knowledge Test. I. Cities & Towns. Each city and town in the state shall adopt a long-range general plan for growth and development. J. Animal Shelters. Each county shall maintain a shelter for lost or stray animals. K. International Commerce. A 20% charge will be added to all products manufactured outside the United States of America and sold in the state of Pendiana.

A. Weights and Measures. The standards of measure in the state of Pendiana shall be: Length: hands Weight: stones Volume: hogsheads B. Vehicles. All vehicles owned by citizens of Pendiana must be registered with the state. Registration must be renewed each year. C. International Relations War. By a ¾ vote, the legislature of the State of Pendiana may declare war on any sovereign nation of the world. Treaties. The Governor of Pendiana may negotiate treaties with other nations. D. Education. The State of Pendiana shall provide a free education to every child. E. Taxes. Tax rates for the State of Pendiana shall be: Income Tax: 5% Property Tax: 2.5% Sales Tax: 3% In addition, there shall be a tax of 10% on all goods manufactured in any state except Pendiana. F. Local Governments. Every city in the State of Pendiana must provide its own police force inside city limits. G. Courts. For each county of the state, there shall be a superior court. One judge shall be appointed for each 30,000 residents. H. Immigration. No citizen of a foreign country may live or work in the state without passing the Pendiana Citizenship Knowledge Test. I. Cities & Towns. Each city and town in the state shall aadopt a long-range general plan for growth and development. J. Animal Shelters. Each county shall maintain a shelter for lost or stray animals. K. International Commerce. A 20% charge will be added to all products manufactured outside the United States of America and sold in the state of Pendiana. Federal Power Okay! Federal Power Okay! Okay! Federal Power LAWS OF THE STATE OF PENDIANA A. Weights and Measures. The standards of measure in the state of Pendiana shall be: Length: hands Weight: stones Volume: hogsheads B. Vehicles. All vehicles owned by citizens of Pendiana must be registered with the state. Registration must be renewed each year. C. International Relations. War. By a 3/4 vote, the legislature of the State of Pendiana may declare war on any sovereign nation of the world. Treaties. The Governor of Pendiana may negotiate treaties with other nations. D. Education. The State of Pendiana shall provide a free education to every child. E. Taxes. Tax rates for the State of Pendiana shall be: Income Tax: 5% Property Tax: 2.5% Sales Tax: 3% In addition, there shall be a tax of 10% on all goods manufactured in any state except Pendiana. F. Local Governments. Every city in the State of Pendiana must provide its own police force inside city limits. G. Courts. For each county of the state, there shall be a superior court. One judge shall be appointed for each 30,000 residents. H. Immigration. No citizen of a foreign country may live or work in the state without passing the Pendiana Citizenship Knowledge Test. I. Cities & Towns. Each city and town in the state shall adopt a long-range general plan for growth and development. J. Animal Shelters. Each county shall maintain a shelter for lost or stray animals. K. International Commerce. A 20% charge will be added to all products manufactured outside the United States of America and sold in the state of Pendiana.

A. Weights and Measures. The standards of measure in the state of Pendiana shall be: Length: hands Weight: stones Volume: hogsheads B. Vehicles. All vehicles owned by citizens of Pendiana must be registered with the state. Registration must be renewed each year. C. International Relations War. By a ¾ vote, the legislature of the State of Pendiana may declare war on any sovereign nation of the world. Treaties. The Governor of Pendiana may negotiate treaties with other nations. D. Education. The State of Pendiana shall provide a free education to every child. E. Taxes. Tax rates for the State of Pendiana shall be: Income Tax: 5% Property Tax: 2.5% Sales Tax: 3% In addition, there shall be a tax of 10% on all goods manufactured in any state except Pendiana. F. Local Governments. Every city in the State of Pendiana must provide its own police force inside city limits. G. Courts. For each county of the state, there shall be a superior court. One judge shall be appointed for each 30,000 residents. H. Immigration. No citizen of a foreign country may live or work in the state without passing the Pendiana Citizenship Knowledge Test. I. Cities & Towns. Each city and town in the state shall aadopt a long-range general plan for growth and development. J. Animal Shelters. Each county shall maintain a shelter for lost or stray animals. K. International Commerce. A 20% charge will be added to all products manufactured outside the United States of America and sold in the state of Pendiana. Federal Power Okay! Federal Power Okay! Okay! Federal Power Okay! LAWS OF THE STATE OF PENDIANA A. Weights and Measures. The standards of measure in the state of Pendiana shall be: Length: hands Weight: stones Volume: hogsheads B. Vehicles. All vehicles owned by citizens of Pendiana must be registered with the state. Registration must be renewed each year. C. International Relations. War. By a 3/4 vote, the legislature of the State of Pendiana may declare war on any sovereign nation of the world. Treaties. The Governor of Pendiana may negotiate treaties with other nations. D. Education. The State of Pendiana shall provide a free education to every child. E. Taxes. Tax rates for the State of Pendiana shall be: Income Tax: 5% Property Tax: 2.5% Sales Tax: 3% In addition, there shall be a tax of 10% on all goods manufactured in any state except Pendiana. F. Local Governments. Every city in the State of Pendiana must provide its own police force inside city limits. G. Courts. For each county of the state, there shall be a superior court. One judge shall be appointed for each 30,000 residents. H. Immigration. No citizen of a foreign country may live or work in the state without passing the Pendiana Citizenship Knowledge Test. I. Cities & Towns. Each city and town in the state shall adopt a long-range general plan for growth and development. J. Animal Shelters. Each county shall maintain a shelter for lost or stray animals. K. International Commerce. A 20% charge will be added to all products manufactured outside the United States of America and sold in the state of Pendiana.

A. Weights and Measures. The standards of measure in the state of Pendiana shall be: Length: hands Weight: stones Volume: hogsheads B. Vehicles. All vehicles owned by citizens of Pendiana must be registered with the state. Registration must be renewed each year. C. International Relations War. By a ¾ vote, the legislature of the State of Pendiana may declare war on any sovereign nation of the world. Treaties. The Governor of Pendiana may negotiate treaties with other nations. D. Education. The State of Pendiana shall provide a free education to every child. E. Taxes. Tax rates for the State of Pendiana shall be: Income Tax: 5% Property Tax: 2.5% Sales Tax: 3% In addition, there shall be a tax of 10% on all goods manufactured in any state except Pendiana. F. Local Governments. Every city in the State of Pendiana must provide its own police force inside city limits. G. Courts. For each county of the state, there shall be a superior court. One judge shall be appointed for each 30,000 residents. H. Immigration. No citizen of a foreign country may live or work in the state without passing the Pendiana Citizenship Knowledge Test. I. Cities & Towns. Each city and town in the state shall aadopt a long-range general plan for growth and development. J. Animal Shelters. Each county shall maintain a shelter for lost or stray animals. K. International Commerce. A 20% charge will be added to all products manufactured outside the United States of America and sold in the state of Pendiana. Federal Power Okay! Federal Power Okay! Okay! Federal Power Okay! Okay! LAWS OF THE STATE OF PENDIANA A. Weights and Measures. The standards of measure in the state of Pendiana shall be: Length: hands Weight: stones Volume: hogsheads B. Vehicles. All vehicles owned by citizens of Pendiana must be registered with the state. Registration must be renewed each year. C. International Relations. War. By a 3/4 vote, the legislature of the State of Pendiana may declare war on any sovereign nation of the world. Treaties. The Governor of Pendiana may negotiate treaties with other nations. D. Education. The State of Pendiana shall provide a free education to every child. E. Taxes. Tax rates for the State of Pendiana shall be: Income Tax: 5% Property Tax: 2.5% Sales Tax: 3% In addition, there shall be a tax of 10% on all goods manufactured in any state except Pendiana. F. Local Governments. Every city in the State of Pendiana must provide its own police force inside city limits. G. Courts. For each county of the state, there shall be a superior court. One judge shall be appointed for each 30,000 residents. H. Immigration. No citizen of a foreign country may live or work in the state without passing the Pendiana Citizenship Knowledge Test. I. Cities & Towns. Each city and town in the state shall adopt a long-range general plan for growth and development. J. Animal Shelters. Each county shall maintain a shelter for lost or stray animals. K. International Commerce. A 20% charge will be added to all products manufactured outside the United States of America and sold in the state of Pendiana.

A. Weights and Measures. The standards of measure in the state of Pendiana shall be: Length: hands Weight: stones Volume: hogsheads B. Vehicles. All vehicles owned by citizens of Pendiana must be registered with the state. Registration must be renewed each year. C. International Relations War. By a ¾ vote, the legislature of the State of Pendiana may declare war on any sovereign nation of the world. Treaties. The Governor of Pendiana may negotiate treaties with other nations. D. Education. The State of Pendiana shall provide a free education to every child. E. Taxes. Tax rates for the State of Pendiana shall be: Income Tax: 5% Property Tax: 2.5% Sales Tax: 3% In addition, there shall be a tax of 10% on all goods manufactured in any state except Pendiana. F. Local Governments. Every city in the State of Pendiana must provide its own police force inside city limits. G. Courts. For each county of the state, there shall be a superior court. One judge shall be appointed for each 30,000 residents. H. Immigration. No citizen of a foreign country may live or work in the state without passing the Pendiana Citizenship Knowledge Test. I. Cities & Towns. Each city and town in the state shall adopt a long-range general plan for growth and development. J. Animal Shelters. Each county shall maintain a shelter for lost or stray animals. K. International Commerce. A 20% charge will be added to all products manufactured outside the United States of America and sold in the state of Pendiana. Federal Power Okay! Federal Power Okay! Okay! Federal Power Okay! Okay! Federal Power LAWS OF THE STATE OF PENDIANA A. Weights and Measures. The standards of measure in the state of Pendiana shall be: Length: hands Weight: stones Volume: hogsheads B. Vehicles. All vehicles owned by citizens of Pendiana must be registered with the state. Registration must be renewed each year. C. International Relations. War. By a 3/4 vote, the legislature of the State of Pendiana may declare war on any sovereign nation of the world. Treaties. The Governor of Pendiana may negotiate treaties with other nations. D. Education. The State of Pendiana shall provide a free education to every child. E. Taxes. Tax rates for the State of Pendiana shall be: Income Tax: 5% Property Tax: 2.5% Sales Tax: 3% In addition, there shall be a tax of 10% on all goods manufactured in any state except Pendiana. F. Local Governments. Every city in the State of Pendiana must provide its own police force inside city limits. G. Courts. For each county of the state, there shall be a superior court. One judge shall be appointed for each 30,000 residents. H. Immigration. No citizen of a foreign country may live or work in the state without passing the Pendiana Citizenship Knowledge Test. I. Cities & Towns. Each city and town in the state shall adopt a long-range general plan for growth and development. J. Animal Shelters. Each county shall maintain a shelter for lost or stray animals. K. International Commerce. A 20% charge will be added to all products manufactured outside the United States of America and sold in the state of Pendiana.

A. Weights and Measures. The standards of measure in the state of Pendiana shall be: Length: hands Weight: stones Volume: hogsheads B. Vehicles. All vehicles owned by citizens of Pendiana must be registered with the state. Registration must be renewed each year. C. International Relations War. By a ¾ vote, the legislature of the State of Pendiana may declare war on any sovereign nation of the world. Treaties. The Governor of Pendiana may negotiate treaties with other nations. D. Education. The State of Pendiana shall provide a free education to every child. E. Taxes. Tax rates for the State of Pendiana shall be: Income Tax: 5% Property Tax: 2.5% Sales Tax: 3% In addition, there shall be a tax of 10% on all goods manufactured in any state except Pendiana. F. Local Governments. Every city in the State of Pendiana must provide its own police force inside city limits. G. Courts. For each county of the state, there shall be a superior court. One judge shall be appointed for each 30,000 residents. H. Immigration. No citizen of a foreign country may live or work in the state without passing the Pendiana Citizenship Knowledge Test. I. Cities & Towns. Each city and town in the state shall adopt a long-range general plan for growth and development. J. Animal Shelters. Each county shall maintain a shelter for lost or stray animals. K. International Commerce. A 20% charge will be added to all products manufactured outside the United States of America and sold in the state of Pendiana. Federal Power Okay! Federal Power Okay! Okay! Federal Power Okay! Okay! Federal Power Okay! LAWS OF THE STATE OF PENDIANA A. Weights and Measures. The standards of measure in the state of Pendiana shall be: Length: hands Weight: stones Volume: hogsheads B. Vehicles. All vehicles owned by citizens of Pendiana must be registered with the state. Registration must be renewed each year. C. International Relations. War. By a 3/4 vote, the legislature of the State of Pendiana may declare war on any sovereign nation of the world. Treaties. The Governor of Pendiana may negotiate treaties with other nations. D. Education. The State of Pendiana shall provide a free education to every child. E. Taxes. Tax rates for the State of Pendiana shall be: Income Tax: 5% Property Tax: 2.5% Sales Tax: 3% In addition, there shall be a tax of 10% on all goods manufactured in any state except Pendiana. F. Local Governments. Every city in the State of Pendiana must provide its own police force inside city limits. G. Courts. For each county of the state, there shall be a superior court. One judge shall be appointed for each 30,000 residents. H. Immigration. No citizen of a foreign country may live or work in the state without passing the Pendiana Citizenship Knowledge Test. I. Cities & Towns. Each city and town in the state shall adopt a long-range general plan for growth and development. J. Animal Shelters. Each county shall maintain a shelter for lost or stray animals. K. International Commerce. A 20% charge will be added to all products manufactured outside the United States of America and sold in the state of Pendiana.

A. Weights and Measures. The standards of measure in the state of Pendiana shall be: Length: hands Weight: stones Volume: hogsheads B. Vehicles. All vehicles owned by citizens of Pendiana must be registered with the state. Registration must be renewed each year. C. International Relations War. By a ¾ vote, the legislature of the State of Pendiana may declare war on any sovereign nation of the world. Treaties. The Governor of Pendiana may negotiate treaties with other nations. D. Education. The State of Pendiana shall provide a free education to every child. E. Taxes. Tax rates for the State of Pendiana shall be: Income Tax: 5% Property Tax: 2.5% Sales Tax: 3% In addition, there shall be a tax of 10% on all goods manufactured in any state except Pendiana. F. Local Governments. Every city in the State of Pendiana must provide its own police force inside city limits. G. Courts. For each county of the state, there shall be a superior court. One judge shall be appointed for each 30,000 residents. H. Immigration. No citizen of a foreign country may live or work in the state without passing the Pendiana Citizenship Knowledge Test. I. Cities & Towns. Each city and town in the state shall adopt a long-range general plan for growth and development. J. Animal Shelters. Each county shall maintain a shelter for lost or stray animals. K. International Commerce. A 20% charge will be added to all products manufactured outside the United States of America and sold in the state of Pendiana. Federal Power Okay! Federal Power Okay! Okay! Federal Power Okay! Okay! Federal Power Okay! Okay! LAWS OF THE STATE OF PENDIANA A. Weights and Measures. The standards of measure in the state of Pendiana shall be: Length: hands Weight: stones Volume: hogsheads B. Vehicles. All vehicles owned by citizens of Pendiana must be registered with the state. Registration must be renewed each year. C. International Relations. War. By a 3/4 vote, the legislature of the State of Pendiana may declare war on any sovereign nation of the world. Treaties. The Governor of Pendiana may negotiate treaties with other nations. D. Education. The State of Pendiana shall provide a free education to every child. E. Taxes. Tax rates for the State of Pendiana shall be: Income Tax: 5% Property Tax: 2.5% Sales Tax: 3% In addition, there shall be a tax of 10% on all goods manufactured in any state except Pendiana. F. Local Governments. Every city in the State of Pendiana must provide its own police force inside city limits. G. Courts. For each county of the state, there shall be a superior court. One judge shall be appointed for each 30,000 residents. H. Immigration. No citizen of a foreign country may live or work in the state without passing the Pendiana Citizenship Knowledge Test. I. Cities & Towns. Each city and town in the state shall adopt a long-range general plan for growth and development. J. Animal Shelters. Each county shall maintain a shelter for lost or stray animals. K. International Commerce. A 20% charge will be added to all products manufactured outside the United States of America and sold in the state of Pendiana.

A. Weights and Measures. The standards of measure in the state of Pendiana shall be: Length: hands Weight: stones Volume: hogsheads B. Vehicles. All vehicles owned by citizens of Pendiana must be registered with the state. Registration must be renewed each year. C. International Relations War. By a ¾ vote, the legislature of the State of Pendiana may declare war on any sovereign nation of the world. Treaties. The Governor of Pendiana may negotiate treaties with other nations. D. Education. The State of Pendiana shall provide a free education to every child. E. Taxes. Tax rates for the State of Pendiana shall be: Income Tax: 5% Property Tax: 2.5% Sales Tax: 3% In addition, there shall be a tax of 10% on all goods manufactured in any state except Pendiana. F. Local Governments. Every city in the State of Pendiana must provide its own police force inside city limits. G. Courts. For each county of the state, there shall be a superior court. One judge shall be appointed for each 30,000 residents. H. Immigration. No citizen of a foreign country may live or work in the state without passing the Pendiana Citizenship Knowledge Test. I. Cities & Towns. Each city and town in the state shall adopt a long-range general plan for growth and development. J. Animal Shelters. Each county shall maintain a shelter for lost or stray animals. K. International Commerce. A 20% charge will be added to all products manufactured outside the United States of America and sold in the state of Pendiana. Federal Power Okay! Federal Power Okay! Okay! Federal Power Okay! Okay! Federal Power Okay! Okay! Federal Power LAWS OF THE STATE OF PENDIANA A. Weights and Measures. The standards of measure in the state of Pendiana shall be: Length: hands Weight: stones Volume: hogsheads B. Vehicles. All vehicles owned by citizens of Pendiana must be registered with the state. Registration must be renewed each year. C. International Relations. War. By a 3/4 vote, the legislature of the State of Pendiana may declare war on any sovereign nation of the world. Treaties. The Governor of Pendiana may negotiate treaties with other nations. D. Education. The State of Pendiana shall provide a free education to every child. E. Taxes. Tax rates for the State of Pendiana shall be: Income Tax: 5% Property Tax: 2.5% Sales Tax: 3% In addition, there shall be a tax of 10% on all goods manufactured in any state except Pendiana. F. Local Governments. Every city in the State of Pendiana must provide its own police force inside city limits. G. Courts. For each county of the state, there shall be a superior court. One judge shall be appointed for each 30,000 residents. H. Immigration. No citizen of a foreign country may live or work in the state without passing the Pendiana Citizenship Knowledge Test. I. Cities & Towns. Each city and town in the state shall adopt a long-range general plan for growth and development. J. Animal Shelters. Each county shall maintain a shelter for lost or stray animals. K. International Commerce. A 20% charge will be added to all products manufactured outside the United States of America and sold in the state of Pendiana.


43 In your Interactive Notebook: Unit 2A, Lesson 3 (Continued): North Carolina State Government
ON YOUR DESK: 1)lap tops warming up 2) Group FOLDERS Warm Up: Identify each of the following as a State, Federal, or Concurrent Power: Set up police departments Set up schools Coin money Regulate interstate commerce Negotiate treaties Impose & collect taxes Manage property records Manage voter registration & supervise elections LESSON ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does North Carolina’s government structure compare to that of the Federal Government? ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY for lesson: Reserved powers, Concurrent Powers; Governor, NC General Assembly, NC Preamble, Council of State, selection of state judges

44 After this lesson, you should be able to:
In your Interactive Notebook: Unit 2 - Lesson 3 North Carolina State Government DEADLINES & HOMEWORK: Test Corrections: By Wed 2/18 NIGHTLY: Study Guide Performance Task Deadlines: Lessson 2: Today (start of class) Lesson 3: Today (End of class) Lesson 4: Thursday Lessons 1-4 Vocab Quiz: Fri After this lesson, you should be able to: Describe similarities & differences in NC and Federal government structure Evaluate legislation currently proposed by the General Assembly

45 NC General Assembly: Summary of Current Legislation
Each group picks two bills to research. For EACH BILL: Create a T-chart One side: arguments for the bill Other side: arguments against the bill Then evaluate the arguments and take individual positions on whether you would vote for or against the bill.

46 Performance Task Select one of the bills you have learned about that you either support or oppose. Write a letter to YOUR elected State Senator & State Representative urging them to either vote for or against the bill. If your letter is well done and I approve it, you may send it in for extra credit. SAMPLE LETTER: Dear Representative ___________, I am a student at Hillside High School. I am writing to urge you to vote YES/NO on HB/SB __. I think this bill is GOOD/BAD because ______________________. Please let me know whether you plan to support or oppose the bill. I can be reached at _____________. Sincerely, ________________


48 End of Class Quiz Go to:
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