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Classroom Rules.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Rules."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Rules

2 A little something about me for ya here. I like to:

3 Even though everyone tells me I’m more like this. I don’t believe them
Even though everyone tells me I’m more like this. I don’t believe them. You shouldn’t either.

4 Objectives Learn and evaluate the historical significance of events in American history. Build vocabulary skills Promote critical thinking Expand knowledge of geography Know what the heck movies, music, and everybody is talking about with cultural references

5 Can you tell the truth from what social media, TV news, and others try to tell you?
And will you use good spelling and grammar when creating memes?

6 Remember: knowledge is power and with power….

7 To acquire knowledge you must……


9 Required materials: COMPOSITION NOTEBOOK!!!!!!!!!! 3 ring binder (2” or 3”) Loose leaf paper Dividers—divide your binder anyway you choose Pens and #2 pencils Glue sticks Strongly suggested: colored pencils, high lighters

10 For help/practice during this course, you may go to my site This is also where you’ll find my YouTube playlist for any videos that you missed in class that you need to watch in order to complete any missing work.

11 Ever going too fast?

12 Basic rules…….



15 I get like this!!!

16 Or I become this……..


18 Are you texting Again??? Are you texting again???

19 DON’T CHEAT. A cheat ain’t sweet!
****Students are not allowed at any time to copy and use as their own work information from other students, the textbook, supplemental books, or the internet. In other words, any work stated as the student’s own work must not be copied from any other source. This goes for homework, class work, quizzes, tests, essays—everything! The only exception to this rule is that when a student is completing an assignment based on their textbook reading, they may get the answer from the textbook. However, the student must be prepared to find the work in the textbook for verification that this is their only used source. If you have any questions, please see the teacher. Failure to adhere to this goes against the school’s Academic Honesty Policy and may result in the student being referred to the school Honor Counsel through our referral system.****

20 Procedure for Entering the Classroom:
Sharpen any pencils you may need for class, get paper if needed, get tissues if needed, etc. Sit down at your desk and start on your Warm-Up. *When the bell rings, you should be in your seat and working on your Warm-Up.

21 Make-Up work policy: make arrangements with teacher the day you return to class. Every day you are out or tardy, you will need to make up your warm-up activity for a grade. Work is in the Make-Up Binder/Folder. Do not work on make-up work during class without teacher permission. Since quizzes/tests are scheduled ahead of time, you are expected to make them up on the day you return if you miss them while absent. Projects – can be turned in for up to 2 days, grade is 80 or below Homework: can be turned in for up to 5 days, maximum grade is a 50

22 Arguing with me never helps your cause.




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