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Part Three Propaganda
Hitler campaign poster.
The poster says... “Fight with Us for Equal Rights”
When Adolf Hitler came to power in the early 1930’s, he decided that he would use his power to create a new Germany, one made of strong white people.
Hitler and his associates believed that Jewish people were inferior to “Aryans” and that if they were allowed to live, they would pollute the blood of “true Germans.”
He planned to round up every Jewish person in Europe--men, women, children, infants--and kill them.
He was very successful in his plan.
Before they were stopped, the Nazis were able to kill 2/3 of the Jewish population of Europe: SIX MILLION PEOPLE
The Nazi’s anti-Jewish campaign started early in Hitler’s leadership
The Nazi’s anti-Jewish campaign started early in Hitler’s leadership. Hitler and others waged a publicity campaign of lies against the Jews, trying to convince ordinary people that Jews were their enemies. It was like an ad campaign that was everywhere, but instead of selling tennis shoes, it sold hatred.
Joseph Goebbels - Propaganda Minister
He was the man in charge of getting the message of hate to the general population He believed in a comprehensive anti-Jewish campaign that would reach into every aspect of German life.
Some of the ways he spread hatred of Jews…
Posters Radio Speeches Newspapers Signs School Books Slogans Word-of-Mouth Organizations
Hitler knew that if you control the media, you control the message
Hitler knew that if you control the media, you control the message. He used all of the media resources at he disposal, what we would today call a media blitz.
An anti-Jewish speech by Hitler’s propaganda minister
“Recognize the True Enemy with the Yellow Star”
An anti-Semitic sign: “Recognize the True Enemy with the Yellow Star”
1934 issue of the newspaper The Sturmer, which names the Jews as ritual murderers of non-Jews. The lies of this famous issue brought protest driven by the headlines: “Jewish Murder Program Against Non-Jewish Humanity Unveiled” and at the bottom, “The Jews are our Downfall!”
Anti-Jewish Cartoon
Anti-Jewish Cartoon
Anti-Jewish Cartoon
The banner in the background at this rally is an anti-Jewish message
Burning Jewish books
The words read “The Subhuman”
This poster shows retarded Jewish people in institutions. The words read “The Subhuman”
The Nazis came up with fake scientific theories to support their ideas
The Nazis came up with fake scientific theories to support their ideas. Here a child’s head is being measured to demonstrate her “racial purity”.
An eyechart used to “scientifically” determine whose eyes were Aryan and whose were not.
A geneology chart to determine who is Jewish based on the number of Jewish ancestors one has.
A eugenics poster, which shows the origin of the “inferior races.”
Here, two Jewish students are humiliated before their classmates
Here, two Jewish students are humiliated before their classmates. Later, Jews were banned from attending schools with Aryan Germans.
A children’s book portraying the ideal human versus the Jew
A children’s book portraying the ideal human versus the Jew. Hitler taught children from an early age to fear and hate Jews. This anti-Semitism was part of the regular curriculum at school.
Illustrations from Anti-Jewish Children’s Books
Anti-Jewish propaganda
Others were also targeted for rejection
Others were also targeted for rejection. Here is a poster encouraging families to turn their backs on the “unfit” of their family. This new Germany had no room for family loyalty.
Posters encouraging Germans to work for Hitler
Just do what?
Encouraging soldiers to kill Jews
Getting kids to participate in a paper drive for the war effort
Remember, America has had its own history of racism.
But, of course, all countries had their own form of propoganda to get their soldiers and citizens ready to kill the enemy, whoever it was. Remember, America has had its own history of racism.
Mothers, fight for your children!
Sweet Jew
Jew, the incitor of war, the prolonger of war
Poster portraying the Jew as a thief.
Many people in Europe believed that Hitler was right about the Jews and believed he was good for Germany. They wanted to fight for Hitler and Germany and would do whatever he said, without question.
Hitler created a massive, well-trained army and had many devoted followers.
Rallies were very important to Hitler because he knew that people get swept up in the emotion and sense of belonging of a crowd, which makes them more receptive to his message.
Rallies also showed Germany’s power, which made his followers more devoted and his enemies more afraid.
The swastika was an Indian symbol for change before the Nazis took it as their symbol.
Hitler created an organization to train future murderers, called The Hitler Youth. Children took pride in learning the skills and discipline it took to be a good Nazi.
Joining he Hitler Youth became mandatory after the age of six
Joining he Hitler Youth became mandatory after the age of six. Once in, boys learned survival and fighting skills, not unlike the American Boy Scouts. However, they also learned the Nazi ideology of hate toward Jews.
Hitler words about the young:
"A violently active, dominating, intrepid, brutal youth -- that is what I am after. Youth must be all those things. It must be indifferent to pain. There must be no weakness or tenderness in it. I want to see once more it its eyes the gleam of pride and independence of the beast of prey... I intend to have an athletic youth--that is the first and the chief thing... I will have no intellectual training. Knowledge is ruin to my young men." By 1939, about 90% of the "Aryan" children in Germany belonged to Nazi youth groups. A massive propaganda campaign was aimed at Germany's youth. The Nazis indoctrinated boys and girls in their duties to the state from a young age. They saw education as critical to the new Germany: "National Socialist education is an education in the thinking of the German people, in understanding German traditions, in awakening the pure, uncorrupted and honest people's consciousness, their sense of belonging to the people. Only a pure member of the German race can have such an understanding of his people, crowning it with the willingness to sacrifice all for the people Race, military training, leadership, religion! These are the four unshakable foundations of the new German National Socialist education!"
Hitler knew that a the Hitler Youth would give children a sense of belonging. It made children feel powerful, important, and part of something very big.
Without knowing the reality of what it meant, many of these boys looked forward to one day serving their leader by killing the enemy.
Later, these children would die on the battlefield in huge numbers because of their youth and lack of training.
After years of lying about Jews, Hitler and his Nazis managed to convince the German population that Jews were dirty monsters. Few protested when they started taking away the Jewish peoples’ rights.
Laws passed in Germany that made German Jews non-citizens
The Nuremburg Laws Laws passed in Germany that made German Jews non-citizens
Some of these laws… Jews cannot do business with Christians
Jews cannot own a business Jews cannot own property Jews can only shop between 4-6 p.m.
Jews cannot own cars or bicycles
Jews cannot own cars or bicycles. Jews must wear an identifying patch on all their clothing. Jews cannot marry non-Jews
Stars of David, the badges Jews were forced to wear to identify them.
A Nazi poster listing all of the badges and symbols used to identify people.
Anti-Semitism became part of German law
Anti-Semitism became part of German law. Nazis and regular German citizens began regularly brutalizing Jews who were their neighbors. This was accepted and encouraged.
Here Nazi soldiers laugh as one of them beats a Jew in the streets.
Harassing Jews on the streets
A forced boycott of Jewish businesses
A forced boycott of Jewish businesses. Here a Nazi soldier stands in front of a Jewish business with a sign on the window that proclaims this a Jewish business and off-limits to Christians.
Names of Jewish businesses to avoid were posted
Jews were often humiliated in public
Jews were often humiliated in public. Here Jewish women are forced to clean the streets of a German city while people watch.
German soldiers brutalize an elderly Jew in Poland.
November 10, 1938, Kristallnacht, The Night of Broken Glass, the first pogrom (government-sanctioned attack of the Jews). Jews were killed on the streets, businesses and synagogues, such as this one, were burned.
A Jewish man’s Chinese passport
A Jewish man’s Chinese passport. China was one of the few countries willing to take in refugees fleeing Nazi Germany. Unfortunately, once you entered China, you could not get back out.
Some Jews escaped to other countries, but most found that there was no country that would take them. Even the United States didn’t want the Jews.
With hatred of the Jews at its peak, it was now time for Hitler to work on reaching his ultimate goal: mass murder of the Jews.
Next time… Part IV: the Killing
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