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Ghettos and Trains By Cory C..

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1 Ghettos and Trains By Cory C.

2 Neville Chamberlain British Prime Minister Negotiated with Hitler
Tried his best to keep peace in Europe.

3 Joseph Stalin General Secretary of the Communist Party.
Allowed Hitler to seize power in Western Poland.

4 Adolf Hitler Chancellor and Dictator of Germany Invades Poland



7 Ghettos Small sections of cities where Jews were kept.
About 800 ghettos existed throughout Europe. One of the smallest Ghettos was in Budapest, which housed 60,000 in .1 square miles. The Warsaw ghetto was the largest ghetto in Poland.

8 Trains Used to transport Jews throughout Europe to Work, Death, and Concentration Camps. No bathrooms (Went in the corner) Machine Gunners located above to shoot escapees. They were cattle cars. In some situations, if people were missing in between “Point A” and “Point B”, then the entire group would be killed. Suffocatingly hot in summer and deathly cold in winter.

9 The Warsaw Uprising Occurred in 1944. The uprising was an attempt to take back Warsaw as allies were surround axis occupied areas. In the first day, the Polish fighting force had 2,000 casualties, while the Germans had only 500 casualties. Hitler later ordered the destruction of the ghettos. Stukkas bombed the section of Warsaw consisting of the ghettos.



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