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Stand Up, Don’t stand by RCMS Counseling Mr. Ochoa Mrs. Guerrero.

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Presentation on theme: "Stand Up, Don’t stand by RCMS Counseling Mr. Ochoa Mrs. Guerrero."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stand Up, Don’t stand by RCMS Counseling Mr. Ochoa Mrs. Guerrero

2 The Bully Someone who shows aggressive behavior that involves unwanted, negative actions Bullying involves a pattern of behavior repeated over time Bullying involves an imbalance of power or strength

3 The Bullied & The Bystander
One who is bullied by others The target of bullying The Bystander Someone that observes but is not involved A person present but not involved, onlooker spectator

4 Is it Bullying? Teasing Conflict Mean Moment Bullying
Everyone is having fun No one is having fun Someone is being hurt on purpose No one is getting hurt There is a possible solution to the disagreement Reaction to a strong feeling or emotion Repetitively (happens regularly) Everyone is participating equally Equal balance of power An isolated event (does not happen regularly) Imbalance of power (attacked physically, socially, and or emotionally)

5 THE UPSTANDER A person who is not engaged in the wrongful act, but steps in to ensure the right action occurs. A person who acts to make a positive change. UPSTANDERS can make a DIFFERENCE! They can break the cycle of bullying.

6 AN UPSTANDER… Someone who takes a stand to help others
Takes action against bullying Doesn’t just watch-They speak up

7 AN UPSTANDER Is someone who sees a problem and works to stop it.
Steps in, and stands up, for someone Makes positive change

8 AN UPSTANDER Stops bullying and makes a difference
An upstander is no longer…a bystander


10 Why do people Bully? THINK PAIR SHARE

11 Why do people Bully? Prejudices To be powerful To get attention
They are jealous To get something To appear cool or popular They have been bullied They don’t know how to act correctly

12 Types of Bullying Physical Bullying – includes any physical contact that would hurt or injure a person like hitting, kicking, punching, etc. Verbal bullying – is name calling, making offensive remarks or joking about a person’s religion, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or they way they look Indirect bullying-includes spreading rumors or stories about someone, telling others about something that was told to you in private, and excluding others from the group

13 Think Pair Share Would you say that there is bullying at school or just drama? What is the difference between drama and bullying? Have you witness people being mean or cruel online? Where do you think most bullying happens (in the cafeteria, in P.E., at lunch, on the bus, in classes, in the hallways, at home when online?

14 Types of Bullying Cyberbullying-bullying online involves spreading mean words, lies, false rumors through text messages, social media. Sexist, racist, homophobic messages.

15 Types of Cyberbullying
FLAMING Online fights using electronic messages with angry and vulgar language

16 Types of Cyberbullying
Another Example of Flaming Repeated sending offensive, rude and insulting messages.

17 Types of Bullying Text Wars Occur when kids gang up on the target, sending thousands of text messages to the target’s cell phone.

18 INSTAGRAM Lots of students have an IG account and are following each other on IG.

19 Cyberbullying Websites When someone creates a site that may insult another person. They also post other personal information and pictures.

20 More types of bullying Interactive Gaming Some kids play interactive games such as X-Box Live and Sony Play Station. These kids can verbally abuse other kids, use threats, and rude language while playing these games.

21 How to stop cyberbullying
Tell the cyberbully to stop Print out and save the threating messages Simply ignore Block all communication with the cyberbully through and IM contact list Avoid going on sites or group where you have been attacked Change your address account, username, or phone number

22 TAKE 5 Before sending an IM take a 5 minute break – think about how you are feeling Watch what you put in writing. and text messages have a of sprouting wings and getting into the wrong hands. Sign off and get psychical, go for a walk, ride a bike, play ball, shoot hoops, play fetch with your dog.

23 TALK Talk to a friend or older sibling about it.
Tell you parents and come up with a plan Have your parent’s talk to the cyber bully’s parents.

24 Report to the Internet Service Provider
Most cyberbullying violates the ISP’s terms of service. Look at the person’s ISP name in their address. Many ISPs will close an account if a person is breaking the terms of service. If someone has stolen you identity report this to your ISP

25 Reporting Bullying: It starts with you!
Tell a trusted adult. Teacher, admin, counselor. Make an appointment to see a counselor. Sprigeo. Practice Upstanding duties.

26 Reporting Bullying: It starts with you!
Reporting bullying is not snitching. Reporting is good because it can stop the bullying and prevent a fight from happening. Reporting is what an Upstander does. We want ALL students to be Upstanders!

27 To this day project – Shane Koyczan

28 Attendance Awareness Month
Our theme: BEE Present and Blackout Bullying

29 Why Is Attendance Important?
Attendance is the leading indicator that a student will drop out of high school Research show that if you miss 2 days a month (10%) it will negatively affect your academic performance Improved attendance rates can improve your chance for chances for graduating

30 Why is Attendance Important?
What about your friends? They are your support system We've got spirit yes we do! Being engaged in school makes you feel more connected You’re getting prepared for life You are learning to show up, work hard and apply what you’ve learned It’s so much fun!

31 How are we gonna turn up our attendance!
Attendance Ambassadors Posters with Positive messages and encouraging peers to attend school every day Lunch time activities Bumble Bee Mascot

32 Attendance Recognitions
Monthly The class with highest attendance % will be awarded ice party, donuts, etc… Quarterly (4 times this year) Grade level with the highest attendance % will select the administrator and costume Trimester Students w/ perfect attendance will be put in a raffle to win prizes ASB will also be recognizing students with an ice cream party

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