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Key Terms Urbanizati-on

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1 Key Terms Urbanizati-on 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300
Beginnings of IR Urbanizati-on ISMs Surprise Me 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 FINAL

2 Agricultural Revolution
Key Terms 100 Enclosures, crop rotation, and other scientific farming methods led to more food being grown and better livestock or meat being produced Agricultural Revolution

3 Key Terms 200 Land, labor, and capital Factors of Production

4 Key Terms 300 Workers formed these groups to bargain with employers to discuss poor working conditions and low wages Union

5 Key Terms 400 Factors of production are owned by the people and are used for the benefit of all Socialism

6 Key Terms 500 Laissez-Faire
The doctrine where the government should NOT get involved in the economic market Laissez-Faire

7 Beginnings 100 Enclosure Movement
Wealthy landowners began buying up village lands in order to protect and cultivate larger fields. Enclosure Movement

8 The first country to industrialize
Beginnings 200 The first country to industrialize England

9 Beginnings 300 Natural Resources, wealth, political stability and _____ allowed England to be the first to industrialize Population growth

10 Agricultural Revolution
Beginnings 400 This allowed England to lead the Industrial Revolution Agricultural Revolution

11 Beginnings 500 What are the three factors of production needed to industrialize Land, Labor, capital

12 Because of low wages and poor working conditions, ______ were formed
Urbanization 100 Because of low wages and poor working conditions, ______ were formed Labor Unions

13 Urbanization 200 Coal and Water
At the start of the Industrial Revolution, England used _____ and ______ to power its factories Coal and Water

14 Urbanization 300 Life span was shorter for those living in the city compared to those in the rural areas because of Disease

15 Agricultural Revolution (agricultural improvements)
Urbanization 400 What was the main reason the population of England nearly tripled between 1750 and 1850? Agricultural Revolution (agricultural improvements)

16 Urbanization 500 A long term effect of the industrial revolution was an improvement in the ________ Standard of living

17 ISMs100 An economic system based on private ownership and business ventures to make a profit Capitalism

18 _____ believed the government should help plan the economy
ISMs 200 _____ believed the government should help plan the economy Socialism

19 ISMs 300 The economic system in which private property would cease to exist and goods/services are shared equally Communism

20 Laissez-Faire Doctrine
ISMs 400 The doctrine that stated the government should stay out of economic affairs—keep its hands off Laissez-Faire Doctrine

21 ISMs 500 “Business owners get rich while workers remain poor”—A critic of ________ would say this Capitalism

22 A period of art, literature, feelings, and emotion
ISMs 500 A period of art, literature, feelings, and emotion Romanticism

23 A person who organizes, manages, and takes on the risks of a business
Surprise Me 100 A person who organizes, manages, and takes on the risks of a business Entrepreneur

24 The MOST advanced power source during the Industrial Revolution
Surprise Me 200 The MOST advanced power source during the Industrial Revolution Steam power

25 The inventor of the cotton gin which made it easier to clean cotton
Surprise Me 300 The inventor of the cotton gin which made it easier to clean cotton Eli Whitney

26 A network of _____ helped England expand economically during the I.R.
Surprise Me 400 Surprise Me 400 A network of _____ helped England expand economically during the I.R. Railroads

27 Surprise Me 500 This allowed for steel to be produced more efficiently and produce more factories/railroads Bessemer process

28 Abundance of natural resources
FINAL JEOPARDY! What are the four main reason England was the first country to industrialize Abundance of natural resources Stable government Wealth Population growth

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