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ODL Lesson Study Feedback (Formative Assessment)

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Presentation on theme: "ODL Lesson Study Feedback (Formative Assessment)"— Presentation transcript:

1 ODL Lesson Study Feedback (Formative Assessment)
We see progress. We will continue to refine practice to ensure that effective Library Media instruction is making a positive difference for students in every BCPS middle and high school.

2 Some positive outcomes and trends we saw …
Willingness to participate, anxious to participate again next year! Openness to professional growth and evolving practice LMSs supporting their peers, excited to visit each other Adjustment of instruction based on Cohort feedback Professionalism and rapport with students and adults Positive collaborative relationships with content teachers Some use of personalized learning strategies Opportunities for student collaboration and discussion Student choice: seating, groups, resources Trying formative assessment tools/strategies introduced in previous PD Use of success criteria

3 Some factors contributing to learning gaps …
Secondary LMS not included in school-based professional learning offered to classroom teachers: Learning Walks Lesson Studies Book Studies Instructional Coaching from S.T.A.T. Teacher We encourage you to clarify misconceptions about your teacher role and seek opportunities to participate in school-based PD related to instruction. ODL will continue to provide professional development on lesson planning & instruction for Secondary LMS community.

4 1. Not teaching a specific substantial skill aligned to a single AASL Standard
Skill being taught unclear in lesson objective, activities, or assessment. LMS teaching content area concepts instead of AASL-aligned skill.  LMS teaching low level "how to..." (use a database, a technology tool, etc.); lack of rigor.

5 2. Lack of balance between LMS/Teacher roles.
Teacher not involved in co-planning lesson. Teacher not engaged in co-teaching (or not in the room). LMS offering to “do it all” as incentive for teachers to bring classes.

6 3. Lessons too teacher-centered.
LMS doing more work than students, little release of control. Too much teacher talk, "sage on the stage."

7 4. Limited variety of pedagogical strategies.
Overuse of whole group instruction Few small group/collaborative strategies. Little student movement.

8 5. Questioning not used effectively.
Mostly whole group questioning, calling on one student at a time/same volunteers. Majority of students not engaged in thinking and responding.

9 6. Formative Assessment not used effectively to inform instruction.
FA tools/strategies used as an "activity," no action taken based on results. Not used at appropriate time in the lesson. Assessment of content learning, not application of AASL-aligned skill.

10 7. Technology not used purposefully.
Not considering when to use or not to use technology, and why. Using technology “for technology’s sake.”

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