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CCR 12 Week 3.

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1 CCR 12 Week 3

2 Monday Bell Ringer: Pick up the ACT practice and complete problems 1-3 ONLY. In the margin, explain why you selected your answer. If there is an exact line, highlight it We will go over it in a few minutes.

3 Answers: B- Verb tense: Use the present tense verb has, since the sentence is commenting on the current state of Facebook. Also, has agrees with the subject “making connections;” although connections ends in –s, the subject is actually singular, since it is the complete gerund phrase. J- Adding and deleting information: The statement should be kept in the passage because the author is merely speculating on the supposed origins of the site but does not provide ubstantiated facts for this claim. B- Punctuation: Choice B creates a sentence fragment since it is missing a subject.

4 Agenda: Bell Ringer Grammar Girl Webquest

5 Grammar Girl Web Quest Today you are going to watch a video about the importance of language. We will go to the library to work. Please bring your headphones. If you need some, you can buy them for $2 from Ms. Miskell. Or if a friend is nice, you can share. You will have the whole bell to work through the Web Quest. It will be due when you walk in tomorrow.

6 Tuesday Bell Ringer: Get out the ACT practice and complete questions 4-6 only. In the margin, explain why you selected your answer. If there is an exact line, highlight it We will go over it in a few minutes.

7 Answers: G- Pronoun reference: The singular pronoun it correctly refers to the antecedent Facebook. D- Misplaced Modifier: The sentence intends to show the progress Zuckerberg made in just a few short years. If the underlined portion were moved after the word living, it would suggest that he lived in a dorm for a few short years, instead of the correct emphasis that his transition from being a college student to a tech giant occurred over the span of only a few years. H- Word Choice: Eliminate choices G and J because they use slang like “make bank” and “was an idiot.” Choice F may seem better, but the expression could have made a lot of money is overly wordy and doesn’t quite convey the profitability of the offer. Choice H is stronger because it uses slightly more sophisticated wording like lucrative.

8 Tuesday Agenda: Bell Ringer Finish Web Quest
Work on Grammar to Go Lesson

9 Today: You will finish the Web Quest from yesterday if needed.
Once finished, you will begin to focus on your Grammar To Go lesson. Once you turn in your Web Quest, get with your partner, pick up the G2G Checklist from me, and begin working on the following: Research your topic: find out what the rules are, find out all you can about your topic (use at least two different ACADEMIC sources IS A GREAT resource Work on a bell ringer that can introduce your topic. Think ACT. What kind of questions can you create based on your topic using the ACT method Create a visual that contains the information you found (PowerPoint, Infographic (,, Video recording, etc.) DO NOT copy and paste information; summarize or list the information you found MAKE SURE you cite your sources: this can be a quick copy and paste of the web address at the end of your presentation

10 Wednesday Bell Ringer:
Pick up the ACT practice and complete problems 7-8 only. In the margin, explain why you selected your answer. If there is an exact line, highlight it We will go over it in a few minutes.

11 Answers: A- Adding and deleting information: The article discusses Facebook, but then switches to a different term, “Facemash.” Therefore, the explanation is necessary in order to clarify this discrepancy. H- Word Choice: The original choice, “according to legend,” implies that the following statement may be unconfirmed. This is similar in meaning to allegedly (choice F), supposedly (choice G), and “some say” (choice J). Choice H, “without a doubt,” on the other hand, means the opposite.

12 SSR Wednesday: Today we will be going to the library.
Continue reading the book you picked from last week. Find a place to read. Make sure you bring your Reading Log (in the black bin)! DO NOT WASTE TIME and do not waste the opportunity to read. You abuse it, I will revoke it. HW: Bring headphones for Reading +

13 Thursday Bell Ringer: 10x10 Get out a pencil or pen.
If your headphones are in your locker, get them BEFORE the bell rings!!

14 Thursday: Reading Plus
Today you will be working on your Reading Plus. Make sure you are using your time wisely and completing the assignments that are assigned to you! Assignments are due tomorrow!

15 Friday Bell Ringer: Correct any mistakes on your ten for ten and give a reason why it needed to be corrected. Use the text to support your reason!

16 Friday: Reading Plus Today you will continue working on your Reading Plus. Make sure you are using your time wisely and completing the assignments that are assigned to you! Assignments are due today!

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