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F. Scott Fitzgerald and The Great Gatsby

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1 F. Scott Fitzgerald and The Great Gatsby
AP Lang & Comp Mrs. Ma F. Scott Fitzgerald and The Great Gatsby

2 ? Opening Question? Have you ever wanted to relive a moment from your past, to redo it? Describe the situation. How and why would you change the past?

3 Francis Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940)
The author of The Great Gatsby Francis Scott Fitzgerald ( )

4 Biographical Information on F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940):
Fitzgerald once wrote in a series of famous essays called The Crack Up, “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.” Everything about Fitzgerald is touched by this tension & duality. He shows this through his two main characters, Nick Carroway and Jay Gatsby in the novel The Great Gatsby.

5 His own words… "That was always my experience—a poor boy in a rich town; a poor boy in a rich boy's school; a poor boy in a rich man's club at Princeton.... However, I have never been able to forgive the rich for being rich, and it has colored my entire life and works." —F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Life in Letters, ed. Matthew J. Bruccoli. New York: Scribners, pg. 352.

6 How are Fitzgerald and his characters similar?
What’s reality with Fitzgerald’s life? What’s fiction in The Great Gatsby?

7 All lived during the same time period – 1920’s in New York City.

8 All loved and hated money.
Born in Minnesota, Fitzgerald’s family was socially prominent and genteelly poor. Fitzgerald came from a well-to-do father & a working-class mother. Nick comes from a well-to-do Midwestern family. Gatsby comes from …

9 All have a prestigious college connection:
Fitzgerald attended, but flunked out of Princeton. Gatsby tells us he graduated from Oxford. Nick graduated from Yale.

10 All three serve in military.
Fitzgerald (at 22) enlisted in the army during WWI, but never served. However, while stationed in Montgomery, Alabama, he met 17-year-old Miss Zelda Sayre. Both Gatsby and Nick serve in the military.

11 All fall in love with women who won’t marry them.
Gatsby went off to war and by the time he returned the love of his life had been promised to someone else. Nick? You’ll have to read the book. Fitzgerald eventually earned fame and money after publishing his first book and Zelda decided she could marry him.

12 All are attracted to the life of the very rich.
Rumors circulated of Fitzgerald and his wife swimming in public fountains in NYC, riding to parties on the hoods of taxis, fighting with waiters, and dancing on dining tables. Nick is born into wealth. Gatsby is a successful mover and shaker in high society.

13 Gatsby's mansion in the 1974 film version

14 Travel through Europe Gatsby is familiar with Europe.
The Fitzgeralds moved to France for a less expensive life style. They had one daughter, Scottie. Gatsby is familiar with Europe.

15 All come to hate the empty lifestyle of the wealthy.
Even while living the wild life of the Roaring Twenties, Fitzgerald hated the falseness and hypocrisy and cruelty of that life. Fitzgerald lived a dazzling life full of parties, yet part of him knew that this sort of life was a complete sham. Nick will eventually become disillusioned with the pretense of life of Long Island Society and will return to the Midwest- where he supposedly writes the book The Great Gatsby.

16 The Great Gatsby Fitzgerald was disciplined as a writer, but was often unable to exercise that control. In 1925, however, Fitzgerald managed to complete The Great Gatsby. “Fitzgerald's works detailing themes of idealistic aspiration -- most notably, The Great Gatsby -- continue to stand as testimony to one of the foremost American novelists of the early twentieth century.” Novel Guide Biography

17 Fitzgerald’s eventual downfall.
Fitzgerald loved his wife Zelda more than anything, but also resented her for destroying his talent. In the 1930’s Zelda began to suffer a series of mental breakdowns while his own alcoholism and failures of his writings plagued Fitzgerald.

18 Fitzgerald’s eventual downfall.
In Nov 1940, Fitzgerald suffered a heart attack and a 2nd one a month later. At the age of 44, Fitzgerald died on Dec. 21, 1940, in California.

19 Themes of the novel: Fitzgerald puts all this duality into the novel you are about to read, The Great Gatsby. The novel depicts the stridency of an age of glittering innocence, but also portrays the hollowness of the American worship of riches and the unending American dreams of love, splendor, and gratified desire.

20 Assignment for reading logs
For each chapter you read in the novel, find FIVE (5) excerpts/quotes from the book that grab your attention. Copy these quotes from the book into a column on the left and then write your response to the quote in a column on the right. Example: Excerpt or Quote with page number. Please use exact words of the author’s. (Yes – you may use ellipsis to shorten the quote or line, but be sure to put the page number.) Your analysis of the excerpt. Pg. 17 “He had supposed her to be asleep, and the sound of her voice had startled him, though she was given to abrupt explosions of speech after long intervals of secretive silence.” Some people begin with the W’s – ---- said this to when ---- was happening. The author does this to ----. This furthers the novel by ----.

21 This weekend? Dive into chapter 1 & complete your reading log.

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