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FONTS: In the classroom:

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1 FONTS: In the classroom:
Please download the following free fonts from Kimberly Geswein BEFORE you edit the syllabus. KG Sorry Not Sorry: KG Satisfied Script:

2 Mrs. Burnett Expectations Consequences Rules HonorsEnglish 12
Contact me: CLASS MATERIALS Remind 101: text the code “join burnett4” to (no quotes) Required: ☐ 3-ring binder (any style) ☐ college-ruled filler paper (a lot) ☐ pencils ☐ highlighters ☐ blue/black pens ☐ index cards (optional) ☐ flash drive (for Grad. Project) ☐ Post-It notes Class Procedures Grades Expectations 1. Be in seat when tardy bell rings. Punctuality is my biggest pet peeve! 2. Keep all graded work – I might make a mistake but I need your graded work to fix it. 3. Do not use electronic devices in class without permission. 4. Bring all of your supplies to class daily. 5. Complete all of your work and turn it in on time. 6. Come see me if you are having trouble with something – don’t wait until the last minute or until you are overwhelmed to ask! 20% 20% 1. Follow directions. 2. Maintain a respectful & positive attitude! 3. No sleeping – if you are sleeping you aren’t learning! 4. Make good choices. 5. Keep your dear teacher HAPPY!  70% 30% 20% Graduation Project Formal Assessments Informal Assessments Midterm Exam Consequences Rules Parents and students are strongly encouraged to check PowerSchool on a weekly basis to view the most current grades. I make mistakes so this is your opportunity to make sure I have everything correct! 1. Warning: the teacher provides a verbal reprimand/reminder to student. 2. ASD: students will receive ASD for tardies (this includes returning from lunch). Bottom line? Just be on time!  3. Administrative Referral: Student will be referred to administration for severe discipline problems.

3 Mrs. Burnett Absentee Policy Late / Incomplete Work Technology
Honors English 12 Mrs. Burnett Late / Incomplete Work Absentee Policy My expectation is that ALL assignments be completed and turned in on time. Think about how the real world works! We know that life happens, so late work is accepted for 20 points off per day. A late form must accompany late/make-up work in order to receive credit. Extra Credit – I rarely, if ever, offer extra credit. If you do what is required during the quarter you really shouldn’t even need it anyway.  ** Keep in mind that printer and/or Internet issues are not an excuse for late work.** *YES, WE DID ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING IMPORTANT WHILE YOU WERE ABSENT.  It is the student’s responsibility to check the class website or folder (or even ask a friend) to get any assignments missed. You have 5 days to turn in any work assigned on a day you were absent with no penalty. This includes making up tests/quizzes. If previously assigned work was due on the day of the absence, the work is due on the first day the student returns. Technology Chromebooks will be used in the classroom at times. Students are expected to abide by all school and CMS digital safety rules and guidelines. All typed assignments should be in 12 point, Times Roman font, doubled spaced with a 1” margin on all sides. In addition, all typed assignments should be printed before the class period begins; you will not be able to print in the classroom (or from Chromebooks at all). The Media Center is available during all lunch periods and the computer lab will be open before school until 7:10 each morning for printing. Cheating Plagiarism * I will notify the administration and contact parents if cheating/plagiarism is suspected. * The student will be given a zero for that particular test or assignment and you may be given an alternate assignment for the max grade of 50%. Plagiarism is the taking ideas and writings of another and passing them off as one’s own. In this class, plagiarism includes... 1. turning in another’s work as one’s own 2. copying work from a friend before class (or while in another class) 3. including a source but failing to cite it 4. copying an author’s exact words and passing them off as one’s own Students caught plagiarizing will be given a ZERO for the assignment. Graduation Project One of the most important undertakings that you must complete this semester is the remainder of the Graduation Project. This year you will be required to complete a portfolio, product, and presentation based on the research paper you wrote in English III. If you were not in CMS for English III, but sure to see me right away! You will receive more information regarding the Graduation Project throughout the semester, but realize you will be completing the majority of the project outside of class time. This year students taking English in the fall will present to the judges on either November 15 or 16. You will sign up through me closer to that date. Be sure to check the BHS website for more information.

4 Mrs. Burnett Course content Bathroom / water / food Sign Me …
Honors English Mrs. Burnett Course content English IV is a concentration in British Literature and is divided into historical periods with literature and works dedicated to each time period. The essay assignment will be due at the end of each unit. The Anglo Saxon Period: History of the Era; Beowulf; The Seafarer; Essay Assignment #1 The Medieval Period: History of the Era; selections from Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales; Essay Assignment #2 The Renaissance: History of the Era; Shakespearean sonnets and Macbeth; poetry of the era; Essay/Poetry Assignment #3 Restoration & the Eighteenth Century: History of the Era: satire; Swift’s A Modest Proposal The Romantic Period: History of the Era: Poetry selections; Stevenson’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde; Essay Assignment #4 The Victorian Period: History of the Era; selections by Robert Browning & Elizabeth Barrett Browning; selections of short stories The Twentieth Century: History of the Era; contemporary poetry and short stories: Adam’s Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and/or Orwell’s Animal Farm and/or 1984; Essay Assignment #5 Exam Review: NC Final Exam (20% of final grade) will be given in January 2018 Bathroom / water / food If you need to use the restroom, ask at an appropriate time – that would be between classes, after lectures, discussions, or after you have finished a test/quiz. You will leave your cellphone in the classroom while using the restroom. Please do not abuse this privilege. There is a pass on the back of the door that you will need to take anytime you leave the room. Anyone may have water in the classroom – remember, water is a clear and odorless liquid! Please do not eat in the classroom as it only attracts some little creatures to come join us. If you have a medical issue that requires a snack or something other than water please let me know. I, _____________________________________________, have read and understand the rules and expectations for class. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to contact my teacher if I have any questions or concerns. I know that this syllabus, assignments, and other resources are available to me on the class website or in Canvas at any time. I also acknowledge that assignments can be submitted digitally and that printer/computer/flash drive issues are not an excuse for late work. Parent /Phone Number: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Student: _____________________________________ Parent: _________________________________________ Sign Me …

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