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2 How Do Vitamins Work? Video #1 Google Drive >

3 Water-Soluble Vitamins
Ascorbic Acid C Water-soluble means these vitamins dissolve in and are carried by water Water-Soluble Vitamins B9 Folate

4 Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
Function: Helps to form collagen which holds the cells together and aids in healing. Helps immune system Food Source: Citrus fruits, strawberries, broccoli and tomatoes Deficiency: Scurvy (Breakdown of collagen, bleeding gums and skin hemorrhages)

5 Swollen and Bleeding Gums
Scurvy Swollen and Bleeding Gums Spots on Skin

6 Scurvy Video #2 google drive Plus Read article

7 B9 (Folate/Folacin/Folic Acid)
Function: Helps the body make new cells Food Source: Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, avocado, romaine lettuce and asparagus Deficiency: Spina Bifida (Neural tube defect that affects the spinal cord during fetal development) Neural tube damage occurs during the first weeks of pregnancy before a woman may realize she is pregnant. Meeting the folate requirement before becoming pregnant is essential for prevention

8 Spina Bifida The spinal cord begins to develop within the first 28 days of pregnancy. Since folate makes new cells, it is vital that the mother’s body already has a supply of folate in her system to prevent this tragic condition.

9 Spina Bifida video #3 google drive

10 Fat-Soluble Vitamins K E A D
Remember, fat-soluble means these vitamins dissolve in and are carried by fat Remember KADE?...The King K E A D

11 Vitamin K Function: Helps blood clot normally Food Source:
Dark green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale, collard greens, parsley, etc.) Deficiency: Bleeding and Bruising

12 Video #4 Vitamin K google drive

13 Vitamin A Enhances vision, hair and skin Function:
Food Source: Red, orange and dark green vegetables Deficiency: Night Blindness

14 Video #5 Vitamin A

15 Vitamin D (“The Sunshine Vitamin”)
Function: Builds and maintains bones and teeth Food Source: Added to Milk/Dairy Products & from Sunlight Deficiency: Rickets (Bowed Legs)

16 Vitamin D Video #6 google drive

17 Rickets

18 Video #7 Rickets google drive

19 Vitamin E Protects the membranes of white and red blood cells
Function: Protects the membranes of white and red blood cells Food Source: Vegetable Oils, Fruits and Vegetables Deficiency: Poor nerve connection and neurological problems

20 Video #8 Vitamin E google drive

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