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Friday September 5, 2014 GOOD MORNING!

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Presentation on theme: "Friday September 5, 2014 GOOD MORNING!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Friday September 5, 2014 GOOD MORNING!
Warm up: What purpose of government does the military and law enforcement provide? Women’s rights and slavery are examples of what purpose of government? Define the following terms: Perspective Devil’s advocate

2 Today’s Objective Assess prior knowledge of Language Arts skills
To identify the various forms of Government used throughout the world. Define: Perspective Devil’s Advocate

3 Perspective the state of one's ideas, the facts known to one, etc., in having a meaningful interrelationship Example: Your perspective is based on your own experiences

4 someone who takes the other side just for the sake of argument
Devil’s Advocate someone who takes the other side just for the sake of argument


6 Forms of Government

7 I. Monarchy Position of authority that is inherited
Usually a king or queen rules Kept within a family In theory, monarchs use their ruling power to protect their subjects

8 Monarchies at the Beginning of the 20th Century

9 Two Different Types of Monarchies
Absolute Monarchy – Monarchs that rule without any restraint on power. They were common during the Middle Ages, but not today. Oman, Brunei, Saudi Arabia, Qatar 2. Constitutional Monarchy – Power is shared with parliament and advisors. Monarchs usually have little authority. Most common form of monarchs in the modern world. Many European countries

10 II. Totalitarianism One ruler who rules unopposed and controls all aspects of human life Often called dictators No political opposition is allowed Impose many controls on citizens Tyranny is the method of control

11 Examples of Totalitarian Governments
Kim Jong Un-Dictator of North Korea Kim Jong-il – former dictator of North Korea Fidel Castro & Raul Castro – former dictator of Cuba

12 III. Oligarchy Rule by a few There are three types of Oligarchies:

13 1. Aristocracy Greek Translation – “rule by the best”
Rule by a group of elites. Usually individuals that are wealthy and educated

14 2. Junta Rule by military leaders
Armed Burmese security forces march down the streets of downtown Rangoon, Burma.

15 3. Theocracy Power to rule lies in the hands of a religious group, such as priests. Very few exist, but in some countries religious groups still have powerful influence on government. Ayatollah Khomeini – “Supreme” leader of Iran

16 IV. Democracy Rule by many or rule by the people

17 Direct Democracy One-person, one vote, meaning each individual gets a vote in each election Everyone is given the opportunity to participate in making all policy decisions. In countries and large organizations, direct democracy is rarely utilized.

18 Where do we see Direct Democracy in our life???

19 Could this be a bad thing???

20 Indirect Democracy People vote for representatives who represent them in government and make decisions for them. The most common form of government today Representative Democracy

21 Consent of the Governed
Agreement by citizens to obey the laws and the government they create. the authority of a government should depend on the permission of the people, as expressed by votes in elections

22 Rule of Law The principle that both those who govern and those who are governed must obey the law and are subject to the same laws!

23 What are we???


25 A Republic A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch. -

26 Republic vs Democracy In a republic the sovereignty is in each individual person. In a democracy the sovereignty is in the group.

27 A Republic AKA Indirect Democracy
The founders read what historians and the Romans themselves wrote about the people and Gov’t of the Roman Republic. They learned the Roman people governed themselves without a king. Both the common people and the aristocrats shared the power to govern. Citizens and their representatives work together to promote common good rather than their own interest.

28 Common Good Definition: What is good for the community as a whole.

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