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Spread of Civilization 3100 b.c b.c. Lesson 2

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1 Spread of Civilization 3100 b.c. - 200 b.c. Lesson 2
Chapter 2 Spread of Civilization 3100 b.c b.c. Lesson 2 Peoples in the Eastern Mediterranean Judith Ambriz Class of 2018

2 Social Women were known as: wives, mothers, and housekeepers
Men were known as Kings, rulers, Farmers They stressed proper family relationships by ordering children to respect their parents and by banning adultery. the ancient Israelites believed that all people were equal before God’s law. The laws against murder, theft, lying, and adultery applied equally to everyone regardless of class. One of the most significant group of nomadic peoples were those who spoke lndo-European languages

3 Political Most important were the pastoral nomads who on occasion overran settled communities and then created empires. people formed the Hittite kingdom that had its capital at Hattushash (Bogazkšy in modern Turkey) The end of the Hittite kingdom and the weakening of Egypt temporarily left no dominant powers in western Asia. This allowed a number of small kingdoms and city-states to emerge. The Phoenicians were one of these peoples. In 722 or 721 b.c., the Assyrians overran the Kingdom of Israel and sent many Israelites to other parts of the Assyrian Empire

4 Interaction Pastoral Nomads overran settled communities and proceeded to create empires. The people who spoke the original language that fragmented into these modern languages are thought to have originated somewhere in the steppe region that stretches roughly from where the Ukraine is located today east to central Asia By 2800 b.c., another civilization in the eastern Mediterranean had been established on the island of Crete

5 Cultural The use of bronze and iron helped strengthen the Nomadic civilization Jews are monotheistic meaning the belief in one God only Judaism, Christianity, and Islam helped spread and develop monotheism Through the Torah, each person can have a personal relationship with God The covenant and prophets are two unique aspects of Jewish religious tradition The jews believed that God had made a contract with them promising to protect them if they promised to follow his Torah The Ten Commandments establish both religious and moral (concerned with the standards of right and wrong conduct) rules Jews also believe that God sent additional religious teachers, or prophets, to serve as his voice to his people

6 Economic The Nomadic people hunted and gathered herd.
The Minoans traded finely crafted pottery and gold and silver jewelry Trade also helped the Minoans improve the goods they produced: They drew inspiration from techniques and designs from objects from other lands the downfall of the Hittites caused the Phoenicians have political independence and helped expand their trade They produced goods from foreign markets, including purple dye, glass and lumber from cedar forests They built ships and became great international sea traders, eventually creating a trade empire

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