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Additional Information

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1 Additional Information
The Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction Political maneuver (just as his Emancipation Proclamation had been). Goal: End the war quickly. Feared that the North and South would never be reunited if fighting continued much longer. Entice the South to surrender. Wade-Davis Bill was passed near the end of a session of Congress. Lincoln pocket-vetoed the bill. Refused to sign it before Congress went into recess which stopped the bill from continuing any further. 1865 Lincoln is assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. Poem by Walt Whitman Expresses the grief the American people felt over the president's death.

2 Brief Timeline of Reconstruction in Terms of Politics

3 1863 Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction (Abraham Lincoln) 1864 Wade-Davis Bill (Benjamin Wade and Henry Davis) 1865 Lincoln is assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. Where is Reconstruction headed now that Lincoln is dead? Andrew Johnson (Democrat) becomes president and announces his Presidential Reconstruction. 1866 Radical and moderate Republicans join forces and take control of the Reconstruction process (Freedman’s Bureau, Civil Rights Act, 14th Amendment). Congressional Elections Moderate and Radical Republicans gain a 2/3 majority in Congress. 1867 Republicans pass the Reconstruction Act of 1867. Congress impeaches Johnson. 1868 Grant (Republican) wins the presidential election.

4 In a paragraph, describe why Johnson was impeached by Congress.
Exit-Slip from Class In a paragraph, describe why Johnson was impeached by Congress.

5 Follow-Up Out of the four Reconstruction plans that you learned about, which do you think would have been the most effective for the country? If you were running the country, which one would you model? Explain why.

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