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Study Goals Analyze traffic operations along the corridor and at the two study interchanges Provide safety enhancements Improve multimodal performance.

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Presentation on theme: "Study Goals Analyze traffic operations along the corridor and at the two study interchanges Provide safety enhancements Improve multimodal performance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study Goals Analyze traffic operations along the corridor and at the two study interchanges Provide safety enhancements Improve multimodal performance and better accommodate pedestrians Minimize potential construction costs

2 Study Area Our study area is the section of NC 54/US between Raleigh Rd and South Columbia/NC 86 Separated into 2 sections based on available traffic count data Section 1: Raleigh Rd interchange and adjacent intersections on NC 54/US Section 2: NC 86 interchange and adjacent NC 86/Mt Carmel Church Rd intersection

3 Study Area

4 Preliminary Assumptions – Raleigh Rd
Study Scenarios: Existing Year (2016) No-Build Future Year (2030) Build Peak Hours: Weekday AM Weekday PM Annual growth rate of 1%

5 Design Concept – Raleigh Rd

6 Preliminary Results & Observations – Raleigh Rd
Two proposed signals on Raleigh Rd and one on NC 54/US south of Raleigh Rd all intersecting with ramps Proposed signals are operating at LOS C or better during weekday peak hours Improves safety at interchange by eliminating weave segments on Raleigh Rd Better accommodates pedestrians by providing crosswalks/ped phasing at signals on Raleigh Rd Old Mason Farm Rd/Carmichael Ct intersection is operating at LOS E during the AM peak and LOS F during the PM

7 Preliminary Assumptions – NC 86
Study Scenarios: Existing Year (2014) No-Build Future Year (2040) Build Peak Hours: Weekday AM Weekday PM Utilizing volumes from US Widening – Project Level Traffic Forecast (U-5304)

8 Design Concept – NC 86 Evaluating grade separated intersection idea that was developed by Dr. Hummer

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